Best fitness magazine


Hi ladies! My subscription to "Shape" magazine is ending and I would really like to find something different. What do you all think is the best fitness magazine out there? I find that Shape's information is all too basic for me now, but I also don't want like a "body building" magazine either. Any suggestions?


There is definitely room in the fitness magazine market for something better! This is of course all IMHO, but I think Shape and Fitness are too basic and fashion oriented, and all the rest (Oxygen, FIT, Fit Rx) emphasize competition too much and have too many "altered" women in them.

I used to like M&F Hers a year or two ago, but they obviously didn't make it.
I love Oxygen and Fitness Rx. I used to like Muscle Fitness for Her but they will no longer print issues.
Okay, I just signed up for a subscription to Oxygen! I'm excited to see what it's like. I liked the information on the website.

My favorite is M&F, the original. I never read the "Her" version.

Even though the original M&F is geared toward body builders, you can still learn a great deal from the sections dealing on "correct form", etc. And there are many excercises included for the beginner or intermediate exerciser. NOT everything is hard core. :) I love the split info given by the spotlighted female bodybuilders, and M&F always has tips on how to change up routines.

The ONLY problem I have with M&F, is that their nutrition info is a bit schizophrenic, esp in reference to "weight loss info"! One issue it's all carbo-loading (pasta, pasta and more pasta! ugh!), the next issue is about high protein. Then, the next could be on 40-30-30. Some issues, depending on which article you read, you will find ALL of the above in the same issue. To a novice exerciser, this could be very confusing. Very rarely will the article explain which diets would be best for what "fitness goals" and for "which body types", and for "what activity level". So, if you are mainly interested in exercise info, get M&F. But if you are a beginner, looking for info on "diets and weight loss", you may want to skip M&F. And for anyone interested in weight loss, my vote for best overall diet plan for the average person (not a body building competitor -- usually higher protein, LOW carb, LOW fat, nor a football linebacker (carbo loading, med-high protein, med to high fat...basically a LOT of food! lol), would be to go for the safe, moderate, 40-30-30 nutrition plans. Just my opinion though.
My favorite is Oxygen. 2nd place goes to FitnessRX. I get Shape and Fitness but only look at the pictures, information is geared towards beginners, IMO.

I will say that Oxygen and FitnessRX have so many supplement will drive you batty!!! Looks to me like the other two are headed that way, too. Money money money!!!!
Did I miss something? Did they stop M&F Hers AGAIN? It just came back on the stands in like October or November I thought, and it's been pretty good so far. Is it out of business now? That's a shame, I really liked it.
I like Oxygen a lot. I just got Women's Health today, and it looks like it will be pretty good, but not geared strictly toward fitness. I used to like Shape, but now it's all clothes and beauty, and less focus on working out. And it seems like they just recycle basic beginner routines over and over.
My fav was M&F Hers. They will suppossedly now only publish this as special issue editions and it will no longer regularly appear on newstands. Oxygen is good and I don't like Fitness Rx at all. I just recently picked up a mag called Best Body and it was awful. The pictures of exercise models doing exercises with poor form was unbelievable (dropped shoulders during deadlifts, upward shrugged shoulders during upright rows x( )
I subscribe to Oxygen and Fitness RX. I also get Women's Health and Experience Life. I also say a new magazine called Best Body. Not sure what it is like though.:)
I saw your other post about this magizine Best Body. It is the only one mentioned I've never got a chance to look at. :) If you do give it a try can you let us know how it is...I think you said it was only the 2nd issue made.

You know, I subscribe to MF Hers. I didn't receive any notification that it ceased publication. But I got M&F in the mailbox the other day. NOW I know why!
I got an ad in the mail a few weeks ago for Women's Health. Like Men's Health but now they're making one for women. I don't know if it will be any better than Shape or Fitness magazines. I haven't seen Oxygen, I'll have to check it out!
Good question, Katie! Thanks
I like Muscle & Fitness Hers (published 4 times a year, subscription not available anymore, so you have to look for it at your local bookstore/newstand) and Fitness RX for women (published 6 times a year and available through subscription). Oxygen is good too, but it seems to be geared more towards body builders. I checked out the new magazine Best Body---just okay, nothing spectacular.

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