Best Come back videos


Hi everyone. I've been an avid Cathe fan for many years now. I own all of her vids with the exception of the older step n motion vids.
I have all her choreography down pat. I've been working out for probably 5 yrs and thought myself to be in pretty good shape.
My question is, i have taken the past approx two months of for personal reasons and hectic work/activity schedule. I've been feeling sluggish and flabby the past few days and set out today to get back in the swing of things. I want to get back to shape before the new dvd's arrive:7
Well, thought i would give myself an overall body workout tonight to "kick things off" so to speak. What a wimp i am !:-(
I tried muscle endurance and couldn't even complete this video! Before i had no problem and usually went heavier than Cathe.
My arms are still quivering.
So, i know i'm to pay tomorrow. Tell me, what workouts would you all recommend to get my sorry butt back in shape? I don't know whether to jump into something like Slow and heavy, or ease in with CTX?

thanks for input!
I went back to working out with the CTX series after a SIX month break from exercise because of a buy house/sell/move/repair/settle in situation. It worked great! Now I am doing the Slim Series and before that I was running and doing Imax2 and C&W and Bodymax and UBS...and...and...and..., well, you get the drift! :p

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Recently I had the same "occurances" happen to me. I took about 2 or more months off. I couldnt believe where the time went. When I started up again, I died!! I was doing almost half of what I could do before. I have a lot of Cathe's videos/dvd's, but not the CTX series. When I feel I need to get back into shape, I use MIS. That is my favorite by far. Works every time.

Susan C.M.
I want to suggest to you an older Cathe video: the Wedding tape. You might have it but it's an older one, so maybe not. There is an approx. 50 min step section followed by an approx 50 min weights section. you can alternate the sections by day for a solid cardio/weights routine as Cathe suggests in the video. I am also an avid Cathe user, but I recently had some physical setbacks which led me to do easier workouts for the past few weeks. This one has been the closest thing to perfect I have found for my strength regimen - it's not too easy, but it's not too hard, either. It's helped me (mentally) to be able to finish a Cathe strength workout while recovering from my physical ailment, and I am feeling stronger every day.It's helped a lot. Give it a try! I bet I'll be doing Power Hour again next week or the week after, no problem. :)
Hi Wendy,

If you have it, I'd recommend Cardio and Weights just for the fun factor.

Hope you get back in the swing soon. Take care.
Big thank you

I want to give a big thanks for all the wonderful suggestions you all took the time to answer:)
Like i said, yesterday i jumped right into muscle endurance and died:-(
today i'm wallking a little funny:D DOMS for sure!
Going to do some CTX cardio tonight and see how things go.
Then think i'll try the ctx rotation. The cardio is shorter (but intense, maybe modifications...)
thanks again,
RE: Big thank you

Step Max, Step Heat, and Mega Step Blast are also very good come back tapes.

MIC split the hi/lo one day and the step the next are good come backs too.

Edith ;-)

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