being "skinny fat"


New Member
Dear Anyone Who Has An Answer!

While it is genetically impossible for me to look muscular and lean like Cathe Friedrich, I would really like to do something about my much adored "chicken legs." I am also what is known as "skinny fat," meaning that I look "normal" in clothing, but underneath I am fat and bones, that is, flabby as heck.

I would really like insight on proper nutrition and weight exercises (heavy is good!) for muscle gaining.

Please help! Thank you!

Good morning, Shelly!

I'm not Miss Cathe by any stretch, but you may want to check out her Interval Max tape, her Power Max tape, and any of her other tapes that have a leg strengthening component. "I-Max" is an interval workout that has some unbelievable plyometric intervals that have given my some serious leg muscles, and Power Max has some great barbell-weighted leg strengthening segments. Although I do not have these, the Cross-Train-Express (CTX) series also has leg strengthening units. Other Cathe-Acolytes could recommend other of her videos.

Squats (both two-legged and one-legged) forward and back lunges, plie squats, and seated leg extensions are all good for developing leg strength and musculature. Supine or HFL Decline Hamstring Bridges are great for the hamstrings (don't forget those!) Standing and kneeling rear leg lifts are great for the glutes, and standing and side-lying leg lifts are great for the outer thighs (abductors). Do your reps SLOWLY, starting just with body weight and then adding weight (dumbbells, barbell behind the neck, or ankle weights) as you get stronger.

Leg strength is the best! You'll feel totally energized! Go for it!

I agree with Annette. Although I am in shape, I too wrestle with skinny legs (and big boobs). When I do gain weight, I'm the classic apple with all it of going to my middle (not a good sign for my chances of heart disease later in life, thus, the intense workouts and healthy lifestyle). I find that extra leg work like Cathe's pure strength series or the lean legs, does wonders for muscle definition, plus riding my bike all summer and hiking seems to help my calf definition (they're still too skinny!).
Good luck on your road to fitness and shorts-worthy legs!
Hi Shelley! The best thing to do is lift slow and heavy for each major muscle group. Eat balanced meals with a slight edge on protein, to help repair your hard working muscles. Do no more than three shorter cardio workouts per week so that you don't counter act building up muscle. Get proper rest, sleep, and water. Stay focused and committed to your workouts and you will begin seeing results in as little as three to four weeks. Good Luck:)!
Dear Annette,
Thank you so much for the info! I didn't realize there were that many exercises for below the waist! I truly appreciate your input, and I will get busy right away!
Dear Ms. Cathe,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your reply! I am star-struck!! I currently have two of your AWESOME videos, and I excitedly look to building a library!

I too am "skinny/fat". My legs really skinny legs and long. When I took up distance running it really changed my legs, giving them a "cut" muscular look. As time has passed, I have greatly decreased my running but my legs have never gone back to their scrawny former selves.

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