Behind The Scenes - Pyramid Lower Body

SNM Videos

Pyramid Lower Body

The first half of this workout utilizes the full pyramid system in which you will do rep cycles in the following manner:

1st you’ll do 12 reps with your lightest weight, then you’ll do 10 reps with moderate weight, and finally you’ll do 8 reps with your heaviest weight. You will then revere the cycle and work your way back down the pyramid….again with 10 reps at moderate weight and 12 reps with your lightest weight.

The exercises themselves are performed in a controlled manner and there is little or no break between the cycles keeping the workout moving at a quicker pace and completely exhausting the lower body muscles.

Once you have completed the pyramid weight work, you will go into the second half of the workout which will feature the use of the stability ball. The targeted muscles will be the inner and outer thigh, hamstrings and gluteal area. Stability balls are excellent tools to promote core strength, better posture and alignment, and overall body awareness and strength. But just in case you don’t have one, we will be featuring modifications for the workout to accommodate this.
thanks for the picture And the explanation. Can yu recommend a good stability ball at a good price?
Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
OK...and here I was being very proud of myself for holding off and telling myself I don't need any more dvds. ( I was saving for CTX! ) You were making it hard posting those pics but I kept taking deep breaths...until you posted THAT one!!! Not only did that seal the deal but it made it absolutely obvious which series I'm getting!
FAN-tastic. I'm making myself sick with all my gushing, but really, I get more excited with each photo. Cathe, you're playing us like a fiddle -- and it's working! You look great. More than anything, IMHO, you're a testament to clean eating, along with a rigorous workout regimen. Thanks for the photo.
Hehehe! Another convert! Wooohooo! It's hard to pass the new series up, I mean, the price is soooo right! :)

By the it December YET????? :-jumpy :-jumpy

Kali :7
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-02 AT 11:08PM (Est)[/font][p]Fabulous! I am so glad I pre-ordered! Cathe you look fantastic, absolutely fantastic!

What everybody else said, and, what a cute top!! I want one! Can't wait for this series!!!:-jumpy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-02 AT 06:03AM (Est)[/font][p]Doesn't she look GREAT???!!!

Please, let's all be patient with our Cathe and let her finish her production without trying to rush her. We will all live until the workouts are shipped out, and we know they will be done at a first class level as always.

TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED, CATHE!!!! We know you want to get it right.

I just made this comment because in years past folks got really impatient to get their new tapes - it's not a response to anything anyone has said recently.

Just Do It! :)
>What everybody else said, and, what
>a cute top!! I want
>one! Can't wait for
>this series!!!:-jumpy

I agree with Connie1---I want one of those tops. Purple is my favorite color. Can anyone tell by looking at it what kind it is? I'd love one!!

I would love to know where she bought those tops! I checked, they are not from there! PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME SO I CAN ASK SANTA!!!!

She looks incredible. I've been changing my desktop every time she posts a new image. Boy is it making me want those tapes out now! PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE!
I agree with Honeybunch

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-02 AT 12:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, y'all, I want the top, and the tapes, and the stability ball, and the medicine ball, and the little mini-step too --- but HB's so right (as usual :)).

Can you imagine what Cathe's life is like these days? Two little ones, a husband who's got a busy job too, her business moving into a new facility soon, doing EVERYTHING for all these ambitious new tapes, keeping herself physically well, running the rest of her business, teaching classes? Let's not add to her burden by letting these unanswered posts pile up -- you know that when she gets time she'll check in, and we don't want to create mountains of posts that she'll have to wade through. And y'all know she's so conscientious that she'll wade through most or all of whatever we post here.

So let's all try to enjoy the teasers that Chris is posting for us, and let's restrain ourselves a bit. I know it's hard -- I have a million questions too.

I'm not trying to lecture, folks, just tryin' to encourage us all and remind us that all great things are worth the wait -- and isn't anticipation half the fun??? Kathy S.
Does anybody know what kind of barbell that is? It look different from the Troy barbell they used in the last round of videos.
Un-freaking-believable!!! And look at Jai's legs (I think that is her behind Cathe)!!! She looks incredible!

I really can't wait for these new workouts, but I do want Cathe and crew to spend as much time as they need to get it right and to produce the amazing quality that we are all accustommed to with SNM.

Thanks so much for the pictures!!! I'm blown away each and every time!
I just keep getting more and more excited!!! Cathe looks even more incredible than ever - is that possible????? I just can't wait for the new series!!! Will it make all of us look like that??? We can only hope!!!
Sara :-jumpy
I am getting more psyched as the pics come in! Everyone looks so healthy and strong! It sounds like this one will be a real challenge! My legs are already shaking just looking at the photo! ;-) Thanks so much Cathe and Crew for ALL your hard work and dedication to us! Susan

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