Behind The Scenes - Pyramid Lower Body


You and your crew look absolutely amazing in all these pictures. I also love the tops in this series. My legs are just quivering just thinking about doing a whole pyramid of step ups. Yowsa!! We'll really get our legs in shape.

Aside from the great workouts and motivation, I'm looking forward to these tapes because up to now, each photo has workout wear in my favorite colors (purple, red and--is this coming up?--blue). Yippee!
My hamstrings hurt already. I know what kind of torture can be inflicted upon them with a stability ball. I just don't think I'm ready for what kind of torture you are going to inflict upon them with the stability ball.

Cathe, you and your crew look maaaah-velous!
guys, I just noticed something. Look at how much weight Cathe is carrying on her shoulders. Those a huge plates!!! Laura
Out of all the picture, this one is my favorite. Cathe, you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to get the DVDs!!! You are incredibly fit Mother of 2.


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