Behind The Scenes- IMAX2

I'm scared stiff but I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! :-jumpy You all look AMAZING. Thanks so much for the picture!
WOW everyone looks great, and Cathe just had a baby? And plus that she's like 38-39 years old now isn't she!!! :-hmmm I'm 44 and wish I looked half that good! GO CATHE!

Most amazing however, are the ongoing changes in Cedie, she just looks better and better and more cut up and defined in every new video series!

...and as usual...have you noticed how much "fun" Rhonda is having??? She just "thrives...."

...and you know what the 6" step means, right? They can do MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more to render us useless or kill us...without killing themselves first! :) :-jumpy! Ohhhhh, bring it on baby, bring it on!!! :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Cedie, my gosh, you look so 'cut'! I mean, you always look great, but WOW. Actually, ALL of you look so amazing. And as always, smilin' away!!!!
A.J....wearing ankle weights??????

(Okay, I promise I will quit now, I've checked this site WAY too much today.)

I do want to point out that Cathe has demonstrated extreme benevolence by producing at no small expense a video that only one person in the entire United States can actually do without modification (i.e. aquajock), but thanks to this random act of kindness we all have something to whine about on this site!!

(you are still my hero A.J. and one day I too shall conquer this giant, hopefully within the next month, just in time for her next form of torture)

Thanks for the pictures!!!

I love Cathe in red! The background looks so neat with ivy growing on the walls. Thanks for sharing the new pictures! I must say Cathe that SNM is awesome in showing us pictures of the new videos so quickly as well as excellent customer service. Its a pleasure to order from your company!

RE: Thanks for the pictures!!!

Wow! You all look so great. I always look for Cedie first 'cause of that great big smile. Cedie you look great. I really like the camaraderie of the group. It is so nice to see Cedie, Rhonda and Brenda back with Cathe again. Just seeing the group back together again makes me so.... glad I got my pre-order in. Keep those pictures coming.
The set looks so pretty with all the vines and flowers on the wall. The set seems to take on a different look with lighting and plants and shooting at different angles etc...very KEWL. dmd

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