Behind The Scenes- IMAX2

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 07:21PM (Est)[/font][p]OMG, it looks brilliant :-jumpy
Don't all the ladies look GREAT !!???????????!!!!!!! And Rhonda is there too. Where did Cathe's post-pregnancy pooch go ? Wow :-wow , she is looking good.
And Brenda is in IMAX 2 too :D
And Cedie looks fantastic :D

Can't Wait - Interval 9 ????????? OH MY !

Has anyone noticed they don't have raisers under their steps ? EEK ! :eek:
Oh, yes they do, only one though - my darned eyesight ! Will Imax 2 cure my poor vision !?!
Anna :)
Cedie is my role model. She keeps me going. You gotta love that smile. Can't wait for my new tapes. I'm so good to me!

HEY! Aquajock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you're going to peek in here. I hope you have a towel handy so you don't drool on yourself.:-jumpy
Bring it on Cathe! ;-) I'm ready for it! So I tell myself! I just did IMAX1 this mornin' and something tells me number 2 isn't gonna be any easier!! I'm so excited!!!
You ladies once again look awesome! Susan
P.S So glad to see Rhonda too! :D
This one-picture-a-day is like getting a present every day!!! I just can't wait- these new workouts are gonna be worked right in to my new rotation... the Intensity rotation!

I'm so glad to see you, Rhonda! And now I got a better look at Brenda, Jai, and Cedie- you women look **fit!!** Wooo hoo!
Just the IDEA of IMAX2 made me nervous...seeing the picture makes it oh so real! Heaven help me.
You ladies look absolutely fabulous. I was thrilled to see Cedie & Rhonda & Brenda & Jai.
I don't think Cathe ever heard of a post-pregnancy pooch!
OK, there is absolutely no sign on Cathe that she's had two babies!!! How is it that I, who have had no babies, look like I've had a dozen????? How does she do it (I think I'll find out soon enough!).

Isn't this the lady who just had a baby a couple of monthes ago?????? She looks incredible, as does everyone else....
I am sososososososo nervous right now.
They look like they are having soo much fun.. I am happy to see Jai back. Everyone looks GREAT!!! I can't wait!!!
MAN, November got here quickly!

I have been torturing my husband for weeks now since the announcement for Interval Max 2 . . . and I almost did a coffee-spit when I saw the picture just now and the warning about Interval 9.

Hmmm . . . what could it be? Power scissors combined with plyo jacks? Airborne jumps combined with Power 32?


Annette Q. Aquajock
Already Outlining Interval Max 3

{p.s. amadeus - you know me too well, my friend! :) }
OK, this is a very motivating picture! you should sell posters for our at home workout areas!
Cathe, you look fabulous after having a baby 6 months ago!
Everyone looks buff!


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Interval #9.......I'm pretty sure this is where Cathe balances with one foot on the exercise ball while holding the 8 lb medicine ball in one hand and balancing a 60 pound loaded barbell on her shoulders and then jumps to switch to the other foot. Oh no, that might be dangerous wouldn't it, she probably only uses a 55 pound bar bell. And I certainly wouldn't attempt this with the Walmart 10# medicine ball, would have to work up to this. Or maybe I'm confusing this whole thing with the endurance workout.

Can't wait to find out!!!!

Briee :-jumpy

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