Beginning Cathe....would appreciate some suggestions



I just came across Cathe's site and watched the video clips, and I REALLY want to do them!

A little bit about me first: I'm 21 and wanting to be healthy. I've done lots of excercise videos, know, the kind that promises you'll lose 30 pounds a month, blah blah blah... Anyways, as a child, I always HATED gym class, as I was not in shape, and was always last to run laps. I have done lots of pilates and ballet-type exercises, but my cardiovascular condition was still lacking. So 2 months ago, I joined a gym, and have been doing X-biking and a fatburner class for a total of 5 times a week. If I continue to pay monthly, this would cost $360 a year! Which I think is way too high. I feel I am in a LOT better cardiovascular shape then I've ever been.

So, my question: I want to get the most for my money of Cathe's DVDs and equipment, and am thinking of getting the following:

-Discovery store's Max Series DVD set (Core Max, Stretch Max, and Low Max)--$45

-Gym Style Legs-$27

-Boot Camp + Muscle Endurance DVD---$45 (I don't know if I could do much of this DVD in the shape I'm in right now, but it would be something definately to work towards)

How does that sound? I hope this is not a bother, but I'm just curious to see if this sounds like a good plan. Also, would anyone have suggestions as far as how to rotate those tapes for maximum effectivness?

Sorry this is so long!! Thank you sooooooo much! :)

p.s. I am a pear shape and around 5'3" if that makes a differenc. Oh, and I've lately been eating pretty "clean".
Just a suggestion, but you may want to add another all cardio workout in the mix. The only all cardio you have so far is Low Max. Boot Camp has cardio and weights, but not just cardio. Also, if you are interested in toning your upper body, you may want to also add the rest of the Gym Style DVDs (Back, shoulders and biceps and chest and triceps).

Also remember that you need a high step, club step, dynaband, weighted ball, weights and barbell to complete the videos you have choosen. Coremax also uses a stability ball. If you don't have any of this equipment, you may want to start with something like Kickmax, which is a kickboxing dvd that requires no equipment.

On the main site is a section for rotations that can give you ideas on how to use the videos.

The workouts are very intense, so do not be discouraged if you cannot finish the entire workout the first try. Just keep working at it and taking breaks when needed. Eventually you will be able to do the whole thing!

Hope this helps.

- Diane
Thanks Diane, for your quick response! Yes, it did help. Right now, I don't know if I could afford any more (i.e. upper body ones), and since from the videos it looks like I will get some upper body workout with boot camp and muscle endurance, so maybe that is enough for now?

I don't have the high step, but I do have a step that I got at a yardsale that I'll use. And I plan on purchasing the stability ball, weights, barbell, dynabands, and probably medicine ball. :) I'm excited about it, just confused about how to put it all together.

Thanks so much Diane! :)

P.s. Besides the Kickboxing one, are there any other all cardio workouts?
I think that you might want to check out this link to the "Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts"
Here you can find the videos classified by type and given an average rating by a bunch of users. This will help you to see which are all cardio, what kind of cardio they feature, the intensity of said cardio, etc. From there you can check out any specific video on the shopping cart section to see more details about equipment, price, length, format, etc.
Hope this helps!
Cathe has tons of great cardio workouts, mostly step workouts. I just started doing her step workouts (I have used her weight lifting and kickboxing videos for years) so I might not be the best person to recommend cardio videos besides kickboxing. I love Lowmax and also have the Classics dvd, which has 3 different all step workouts on them. I like Lowmax better, but probably because it is newer and not as dated. Imax 2 is supposed to be very good as well, and I have that one coming in the mail. With the videos you are getting, you could do a rotation like this:

Mon: Gym Style Legs
Tues: cardio (either Lowmax, running, spinning whatever) + Coremax segment
Wed: Bootcamp
Thurs: Cardio + Coremax segment
Fri: Cardio + Stretchmax segment
Sat: Muscle Endurance
Sun: OFF or Stretchmax segment

Just a suggestion, you can mix it up week to week. The Bootcamp/ME DVD also has premixes you can use to mix things up. Just remember not to lift weights with the same muscle two days in a row, try to get in cardio 3-5 days a week, and core work at least 3 days a week. Both Bootcamp and Muscle Endurance have corework as well.


- Diane
Thanks SO MUCH! :) Great suggestions! And now, I think I really want the Kick Max now that I watched the video clip of it! Ahh! So many choices, not enough $$! lol :)

If I can afford them all, I'd like to get

Gyme Style Legs-$27
Core Max, Stretch Max, LowMax-$45
Boot camp+Muscle Endurance-$45
Kick Max-$27
=a lot ( $144 + around $50 for the other equipment I need yet), but I'm sure I'll be in the best shape of my life if I do it!

Thanks again for the GREAT suggestions! =)
Welcome to the world of Cathe! You'll be finding creative ways to finance your obsession soon. }( Just keep telling yourself that it's a HEALTHY obsession.

You have some great suggestions - have a blast with the workouts!!!
I'm already justifying it as a)cheaper than 1 year at my gym, and 2) a Christmas present for myself! *hehe*

I will continue going to the gym for this month though, since I already paid for December.

Now comes the hard part.....convincing my parents and sister that this will be an exercise program I'll stick to...
>Also remember that you need a high step, club step, dynaband,
>weighted ball, weights and barbell to complete the videos you
>have choosen. Coremax also uses a stability ball. If you
>don't have any of this equipment, you may want to start with
>something like Kickmax, which is a kickboxing dvd that
>requires no equipment.
>- Diane

Here's a thought...

Target stores carry a great "starter package" for new Cathe fans. It includes a Step (shorter in length than a Club step), a fitness ball and pump, light handweights, and a few workouts (cardio, circuit, and toning) for roughly $60-$70. I think the workouts are the new Low-Impact Cardio, Basic Step / Body Fusion, and Total Body Sculpting (but don't quote me :))

It may be a worthy investment for you as you begin.

Additionally, if you cannot afford the High Step yet ($50), you can get a Rubbermaid step stool. I used to stack three of them to get a good height.

Once you have the money, you can invest in the High Step AND the Club Step, so you'll have a total of 8 risers!
I also agree - you might get more bang for the buck with a different mix. Core Max and Stretch Max are both workouts I hardly ever use because there is usually a core section in any of the workouts and always a stretch at the end. You might do well to get the CTX series or the Intensity Series, and the gear you have picked out. You will get more balance. The CTX is great - 6 workouts and you get kickboxing, step and toning. They are a litle older, but great.
Some of the older VHS that have gone to DVD - like Rhythmic Step and Power Hour have three great, long workouts that are very balanced on them. Again, a lot of bang for the buck.
If don't have a step I would take the other advice about the target beginning kit. Those workouts are easier to figure out and will get you going.

I will warn you - Cathe is addictive!


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.
I think I've decided on getting the Intensity DVD series and adding in the Kick Max DVD and the Kick, punch, & crunch VHS.

Does anyone know of any cheap medicine balls (6 or 8 lbs)? Are most of them $15+?

If I try to make up a rotation with these workouts, is it best to do cardio one day, weights the next, ect.?

Sorry to be such a bugger! :) I've REALLY appreciated all the help (oh, and those of you who have picture links--you all look amazing!)

Thanks again!
Nevermind the medicine ball question. :)

I keep trying to figure out a rotation for these workouts, but I'm a dork about it! lol..I just can't really figure it out. Here's what I came up with, but I don't know if it is good. And my main goal first is weight loss, although muscle definition is good too.

M-Imax 2
F-Bootcamp (if I can do it!! or else doing the gazelle)
S-off or pilates

Does that look even and balanced? I really don't understand rotations...I will take anyone's advice! :)
Here are several suggested rotations that Cathe suggested around the time that the Intensity Series was released:

"We think you are really going to love the new Intensity Series. It can be used as a "shock your system" rotation in its entirety or you may insert any of the workouts to accomodate your current fitness rotations/workouts. There are no rules to these workouts, simply use them as another way to shake up your workouts. As all of us already know, the body needs recovery time as well as light and hard day workouts. With that in mind, this series expresses different levels of intensity.
Also, we should always listen to our bodies on a daily basis so feel free to alter the workouts as you see fit by modifying to lighter weights on days your body needs it or even increasing your weights on days your body is feeling strong.

So as you see, there are endless ways to keep your fitness workouts refreshing and inspiring.....ENJOY!!!!

PS....For starters, I will share a couple of ways to enjoy the Intensity series. How long you stay on any of these rotations is totally based on how your body is responding. If it feels good continue, if you feel pretty tired and sore, modify the intensity within each workout to fit your needs, if you feel flat out exhausted and ultra sore, alternate it with some less intense workouts.

ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout:

Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Heavy Weight Training

Mon: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs: off
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of IMAX 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

Advanced Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Muscular Endurance

Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: off
Friday: Circuit Max
Sat: A lower intensity cardio of your choice
Sun: Muscle Endurance

You could easily sub in premixes or all of KPC and Kickmax in place of Imax 2 any other place where staight up cardio is indicated.
Good luck!
No problem!:) You'll LOVE the IS series and it is a great choice. Just beware, it is intense, but just modify until you feel comfortable.
Have fun!
hahah, yeah, I have a feeling I'll have to modify it a lot in the begining. But that's what seems great about Cathe's workouts. Thery are tough and hardcore, but can be modified if your not quite ready for them at the intensity they're at.

But I'll get there someday!! :)

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