beginner to Cathe.....


I am new to Cathe's workouts, and looking for a DVD to start me off...any suggestions? I am in pretty good (but not great) shape - haven't done step workouts in ages, but looking for a kick-butt exercise routine.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Staci...welcome! I think a good step beginner DVD would be the Classic's Vol 1, a bit more advanced would be Cardio Hits, and for kick butt...:)...the Rhythmic step, Intervalmax and Mic DVD...this is just my opinion of course.....:)...Carole
Yes, Cardio Hits is FANTASTIC. The choreography is a tricky but persevere and you'll just love these 3 workouts.

Why not try Step Blast and SJP too? Step Blast has 3 great step segments in it and right at the end this section will really challenge your CV capacity during the step blast challenge. As for SJP this is a fun workout which incorporates step, hi/lo and weights. It's a nice change from all step.

I would also recommend IMAX2 (I haven't got IMAX1 - so I can't comment on this one) but I don't think you can get anything harder than IMAX2. This is high intensity interval training at its very best. The step is required mainly but there's a couple of intervals where a step isn't required and boy are these killers!

Let us know what you choose and how you get on with it!

Good luck!
I am also a beginner to cathe and my first purchase was classics v1. It is really fun and the choreography seems a bit easier than that of cardio hits.
Hi, why don't you check out the new workouts described on the homepage. They include workouts for the newer Cathe exerciser to the more advanced.
I'd go straight for theCardio hits (Step Fit, Powermax, Step Works), Cardio & Weights from the I series and Imax 2. I think the Classics will be too easy and slightly boring for choreography quite quickly. It won't keep you challenged for long.


Edited to add: Or just go straight for the CTX series and enjoy a variety of intense cardio workouts with a variety of styles, plus a tough upper body split workout, a fab lower body workout and a variety of ab/core workouts featuring planks and traditional abs. In fact, the CTX series is the best value and you will grow with it for a long time in all areas of fitness.

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