<---because of the wonderful things he does

<---wonders when Shelley plans on eating her cake
<---wishes <--- had some cake :9
<---hopes Cheryl has a great time with DD
<---is glad Michele's DH made it safely to his destination
<---tells Robin that <--- has given blood before, but got out of the habit during marathon training
<---can't run well for several weeks after giving blood
<---should really give blood again since <--- is not training for a marathon
<---or maybe <--- will just sign up for another marathon so <--- doesn't have to get pricked with needles :p
<---has really tiny veins and getting blood from <--- is always a chore
<---thinks the best part of giving blood is the juice and snacks you get afterward :9
<---is back & just sat down
<---has been cooking/baking since home from sports class
<---says, class was awesome :)
<---apologizes for being so bad at keeping track of everyone but you all are so wonderful
<---sends big squeezie ((hugs))
<---also sends a piece of double layer choco cake <---made in honor of shellers
<---tells shellers to take a slab and pass it around ;)
<---hopes everyone is having a good day
<---later gators


I'm not gaining weight. I'm retaining food.
<---hugs dumpster, <--mean debster and tells her is enough for her to just be here
<---wonders what Debbie is baking and why
<---tells Emily it usually takes me about 2 weeks after a donation to get back up to same fitness level as before
<---wouldn't dream of donation if training for a marathon
<---wouldn't dream of training for a marathon
<---is glad Michele's DH is safe and sound in DC
<---wonders if he'll go sight seeing while there
<---loves the art museum
<---loves the US history museum
<---loves the natural history museum
<---loves the monuments
<---loves the archieves
<---thinks DC is a pretty cool destination
<--waves at everyone!
<--also wonders where Nancy is?
<--needs to find the BGR!!!
<--needs to mow the lawn, but absolutlely DETESTS mowing!!!
<--needs to go donate blood again, too
<--accidentally started drinking one night after donating blood (forgot that <--donated)
<--was a super cheap date that night!!
<--is glad that Dr. Mr. Michele got to DC safely
<--loves to visit DC!!!
<--would also purchase Robin's calender, but only if it contained lots of her lovely quips!
<--wishes Shelley another Happy Birthday!!!
<--thirds Beavs' motion that all parents need to be well and home!!!
<--is off to find some munchies
<--glad debster had a kick butt class
<--gives Shelley a booster seat so she doesn't fall out of the chair again
<--assures Robin that <--likes Irish boys, TALL Irish boys
<--would like to drag her on a D.C. tour
<--'s friends don't like museums, art, culture, and anything that might require brain power
<--waves to Amy and anyone else she missed
<--thinks Judy IS sassy ;-)
<--is having a horrendous hankering for black eyed peas today
<--is weird
<---tells Judy that she needs to post a picture of the new do!
<---says her DH is begging her to cut her hair (keeps ending up in the laundry and everywhere else he claims)
<---has an appointment next Saturday, but isn't sure she will have the guts to do anymore than a trim
<---waves to Judy
<---definitely missed Judy this morning!
<---wants to see Judy's new hair do
<---is LOL at Amy being a cheap date when drinking after giving blood ;)
<---tells Robin that <--- never dreamed of training for a marathon either
<---still can't believe <--- ran a marathon
<---thinks it was more like hobbling than running, but hey, it's still 26.2 miles ;)
<---wonders if Beavs found any good black eyed pea recipes
<---can't remember the last time <--- had black eyed peas
<---may have to get some
<---wishes it was time to go home now
<---will settle for snack time instead :9
<--waves good afternoon to everyone
<--just got home from work<--miserable
<--drinking my java to get second wind
<--is utterly exhausted
<--cant wait to go to yoga tonight to relieved uneeded tension
<--Wishes Shelley a fabulous Birthday
<--also wants to see judy's short and sassy do
<--wishes she could even walk 26 miles
<--mad props to emily for the accomplishment
<--has never given blood<--veins too small
<--also seconds the irish boys thought by beavs
<--will be back later

<---hopes the coffee and yoga revive melissa
<---is agreeing wholeheartedly with THE ED re: his short and sassy wife
<---knows Judy looks tres chic in her new doo
<---now has all of bedroom furniture in livingroom and is afraid to look
<---says carpet layers arrive at 9, Greyor's therapist at 11:30 and blood donation is at 2, followed by grocery shopping
<---is glad tomarrow is a rest day!
<---is taking a deep breathe and stepping into the livingroom/bedroom/storage room/mess
<--- waves at the afternoon crowd
<--- would love to see a picture of Judy with her new do!!
<--- thinks Robin has a grueling schedule tomorrow
<--- has been shopping for clothes online much of the day
<--- has NOTHING to take to Italy and no GOOD places to shop around here
<--- thinks shopping in Ohio sucks
<--- bought 2 tops from HSN's online store
<--- has never ordered anything from them before
<--- hopes the tops are good quality and fit well
<--- has never donated blood:eek:
<--- probably should
<--- would be upset if they gave her juice after
<--- would much rather have a cookie...or cake!
<---says the best blood mobiles are the ones at the colleges because the students get pizza after donating
<---will get a couple stale cookies and a cup of coffee
<---says hey, a cookie is a cookie
<---and a cookie by any other name would taste as sweet
<---thanks Will
<---hopes Michele can find all kinds of fashionable, packable, wearable clothes for Italy
<---thinks she would take a big, mostly empty suitcase to Italy and pick up a few pairs of shoes and outfits there
<---is imagining Heather shoe shopping in Italy
<---says they wouldn't know what hit them
<---took a look at the livingroom and it's not so bad, since it's been half a bedroom for 3 weeks anyway
<---tells you DD, her SO and the baby have left and will be gone all night
<---breathes deeply, listens for a full minute - ahhhh, peace
<---could probably be very happy in a cave, all alone
<---would need books, chocolate, coffee, Cathe DVD's and a step to be utterly happy
<---would maybe need a computer
<---and a visit from DH every now and then
<-- was aboot to say you canNOT live in a cave without your internet connection
<-- then continued to read, LOL
<-- should be working
<-- isn't }(
<-- says at <--'s blood donation place they have POG juice that everyone swears by; pineapple/orange/guava
<-- would never ever drink such a thing; <-- has water so that <-- can spend the carbohydrates on COOKIES!
<-- says they also have pretzles, crackers and carrots (?!) and on a good day, delicious coffee cake
<-- thinks it is no wonder <-- donate as much as possible!
<-- is expecting another call from them soon requesting another donation
<-- will have to put them off for a month; <-- won't have time! :eek:
<-- would love to keep droning on and on but duty calls
<-- says not THAT duty... SCHOOL duty! Get your minds out of the toilet!!!
<--wanted to keep in touch with youse girls
<--have been working late so much that <--look and feel like a zombie when <--get home
<--shouts HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<--is still praying for all our girls who need a little exra help
<--will go sit down now
<--have a sore arse from Kick Max today (can't wait until tomorrow)!
<--also misses NTF...maybe she's making up lost time with DT}(

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