<---welcomes Tracy and tells her if she had to work weekends, today could be Friday for her too
<---actually thinks Friday is more of an attitude then a day
<---wishes you all Friday attitudes
<---tells Evily my calender has, what else, chocolate, cake and cookie stickers
<---seconds Beav's motion that all ill parents get better and go home now
<---waves wildly at Maeghan, tells her she being prayed for, and hopes her issues resolve happily soon
<---waves at Amelia as she skips by
<---hands Tammy a towel
<---loves Shannon's suggestion that a hot flash is a workout
<---is glad swift Amy noticed Lion's abs too
<---has to go find a phone number to make a reservation for a blood mobile tomarrow
<---will bbl
<---actually thinks Friday is more of an attitude then a day
<---wishes you all Friday attitudes
<---tells Evily my calender has, what else, chocolate, cake and cookie stickers
<---seconds Beav's motion that all ill parents get better and go home now
<---waves wildly at Maeghan, tells her she being prayed for, and hopes her issues resolve happily soon
<---waves at Amelia as she skips by
<---hands Tammy a towel
<---loves Shannon's suggestion that a hot flash is a workout
<---is glad swift Amy noticed Lion's abs too
<---has to go find a phone number to make a reservation for a blood mobile tomarrow
<---will bbl