Be afraid, be very afraid . . .

well girls.......there is a poncho at the limited just calling my name!!}( sorry, i am on this bandwagon!!
Totally on the fence with this one.
At the mall tonight i thought "no way". But after looking at the pic Dani linked to (but not for that price... 158 bucks!!!), looks really cute. I think i could see me in that with the jeans and flip flops.

Anyhooo, i am one to jump on fashion "bandwagons", but i draw the line at leg warmers AND stirrup pants.
I bought two for around $50 each at a Department store here. They're too cute!! :) I'd definitely wear them instead of a sweater or jacket.
I have a bad association with ponchos because I used them in the seventies to hide behind, and, anyway, they were nasty looking.

But all that yucky stuff from my past looks brand new on my nieces. They can wear it all: ponchos, plastic jewelry, platform shoes, whatever, and they look absolutely modern and adorable.

As for Aunt Nancy, she'll be skipping the ponchos this year...Anyway, these ain't your Aunt Nancy's ponchos:

Cute thread A-jock!
Okay ... now THOSE are cute! I was picturing longer, fringes on the bottom, plaids (YIKES!!!) and made of some winter clothes material. DUH!! Silly me!! LOL!!

I'm not believing this...I just threw out my leg-warmers last month! And I love them! Still, I fully expect the new ones will be made better, most revival stuff is.

I've got bad news though...the big hair is coming back this fall if the mags have anything to say about it. They're already printing hints on how to get it that way. Sigh...I spend my whole life trying to get my hair to look LESS full.

I hate the ponchos too & always did. Bleck!
Big hair again ... well, at least the makers of spray, gel, and volumizing products will be happy - LOL!!

My sister-in-law, horrid creature, still has her gigantic,bleach blonde, teased hair that she had in high school (she's now 37). I guess people will no longer be pointing at her in the mall they'll be asking her where she gets her hair done. Ponchos, hiphuggers, bellbottoms, platforms all OK- big hair and legwarmers no chance. Sue
To me ponchos are beautiful. Maybe some people don't like them because they bring them bad memories about the hippies. Other people dislike the hispanic culture. Maybe some people simply don't like them because of their tastes. I respect that (the late), and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, I don't see much sense in this thread. Some people like them, some people don't. I don't see how the return of ponchos can be harmful. However...

warmers with heels!!!....just kidding. Beauty is relative. If you don't like it, don't buy it.


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