Barry's Bootcamp vs P90X


Hey ya'll. ") Just a quick question...I am a HUGE Cathe fan and LOVE all of her intense workouts. I do workout at the gym, but am rethinking my plan for wanting to lift weights in the privacy of my own home. I am eagerly waiting all of Cath'e new DVDs she is creating, just wanted to know your opinion of Barry's Bootcamp vs P90x. I would like to purchase one or the other...which one is more intense; has a better cardio; gives you a better workout; etc. Let me know, thanks.


P.S. Right now I am leaning a little more towards Bootcamp just cause this is the type of workout I love. I also love plyos, but could purchase that DVD separately. Anyways, let me know. kinda depends on the results you want and what kind of workout works best for your body type. With P90X you can lift heavy or endurance based and lighter. I don't feel the way BBC weights are set up that you can go very heavy as it seems more endurance based to me. I get great results with my upper body when I lift heavy. Hands down BBC has better cardio than P90X. The ab work is good in both and I feel Core Synergistics from P90X is one of the best overall core workouts you will find. BBC weight segments are shorter than P90X, and IMO P90X is a bit more intense there than BBC. I am sure more people will post with their opinions too. Or you could get both...:)
Thanks ") I will get some more input. Right now I am not exactly sure? Still thinking about the pros and cons of each...also including cost!! Still LOVE Cathe, though. Can't wait until her new ones come out...I am going to get them ALL!!!! ;-) ;-) ;-)
Hi Kristen,

Carole gave a great description and I concur with her. I've had P90x for about 2 years and I have yet to be able to complete a rotation with it. So far, I've lent it to my brother and now my friend has it. In theory it was great, the core synergistics dvd was really tough. I did use that one the most. I did like the KenpoX and Yoga dvds but for some reason and I think it was the lack of just did not keep me interested. Oh yes, I didn't like the music either. I was also turned off by the very difficult diet to follow which was low in carbs and high in protein.

As for Barry's Bootcamp, I just received mine yesterday! Although I can't give you a full review of all the workouts, I've previewed two dvds already and I already love what I see. It's got more cardio and to me more of a fun factor. I love the creative ways that you can use the treadmill and you have an additional option for cardio without the treadmill. I'm really looking forward to doing it.

And of course, if all else fails, as Carole wrote... you can just buy both.

Good luck with your decision:),


If you are looking for RESULTS, I would definitely say P90X. It is absolutely the best strength-training program on the market. Most of the cardio in the program isn't that intense, but it's not designed to be.

I couldn't get rid of BBC fast enough, personally!

Thanks everyone for the wonderful responses. I guess, because I lift heavy weights at the gym, I am not really looking at these DVDs for that purpose. I train for figure. What I am looking for are those "unique" DVDs that could help boost my athletic performance. Since P90X has more weights, I don't really want to forgo the training at the gym. BBC, at least, what I think, is perhaps a little more ideal, because the weights are lighter (w/more reps) and it has better cardio. I am really interested in seeing both the treadmill and no-treadmill cardio options. The other thing, I like that the workouts are only 30 minutes...I could actually combine the weights to make a longer workout, say chest & Abs + biceps & triceps. An idea:) Anyways, hopefully more will post reponses, I love reading what others think. Also, has anyone tried any of Cathe's workouts from the terminator DVD. The Gauntlet workout looks AWESOME!!! I am going to use this as a "bootcamp" workout, combining it with the blast challenge segment from KM and the "cardio only" premix from BC. I just love those terminator squat thrusts, especially when you hit the repeat botton 3 times!! :) Again, thanks everyone. Talk to soon. Train hard.

Hi Kristen.

I just finished a P90X rotation and LOVED it! I tweaked it a bit to suit my needs but I stuck to the upper body weight work outs verbatim and got great results. Tony gives you a choice to work in 2 different rep ranges. One is for building muscle/bulking up and the other is for leaning out/defintion so you certainly have options there. The X is not just for those looking for big muscles. I worked in lean rep range myself and got tons of definition as well as strength gains. Also, you can always add more cardio if that's what you want. I added one day myself. There is even a rotation included for folks who want more cardio in their routine.

I just started a BBC rotation at the beginning of the week. The workouts are not the quality of Cathe or of P90X for that matter as far as production goes. They skip proper warms ups and cool downs on some of the work outs so you are left to fend for yourself in that regard. They are definately endurance based work outs. The non-treadmill cardio is very high impact. These work outs are definately tough and I am enjoying them. We'll see what kind of results I get from them...

I don't think anything will top what Tony did for me but by the same token, I could never have continued with the X for another 3 months with out taking a break. They aren't the kind of workouts, IMHO, that can be done over and over and over again like Cathe's...I definately was ready to move on to something else when the X was done! I will go back though!

HTH some!:)
Another vote here for P90X. I just started the BBC series and there are definitely some good strength building workouts. However, P90X has workouts completely devoted to muscle building which I really liked. For me, it was, and still is, soooooo much fun to mix the P90X strength workouts with Cathe cardio. It makes a nice balanced week for me. P90X just seems to deliver a more comprehensive strength building program and also has some nice perks like the yoga, core strength, and various intensity cardio options. It's definitely more of a complete package IMHO.

BBC is also a good bargain though - especailly since I was able to get it off HSN for $47 using a first time customer coupon. This could also make a nice gift suggestion for mothers day or a birthday or an anniversary, etc. - I'm sure you get the picture. :)

You might also want to remember when comparing prices, that P90X has 12 workout discs vs. BBC that has 5. Also, P90X also has the nutrition booklet - which, personally I did not use, but still had great results.

I'm right there with you though - I can't wait to get the new Cathe workouts!!!! I'm saving up right now.:D
I have never purchased P90X but I have started my 3rd week of BBC today and I'm loving it. In just two weeks my body has definitely leaned out with a very toned, muscular look.

In all fairness, from what I've read about P90X and what I know about BBC, I don't think you can compare the two. IMHO, P90X is more of a strength building workout and BBC is definitely an endurance workout. Like Cathe's bootcamp, every workout is a mix of cardio, weights and abs witht he full body using only body weight for your workout. I have been working out with Cathe for five years and I find BBC to be a real challenge!

BTW, BBC toning segments run anywhere between 30 and 40 minutes with the non treadmill cardio being about 20 minutes, approximately 25 minutes when you add the slight warmup. The cardio is very intense with a ton of plyo work which has made my legs even stronger than what I have gained with Cathe. My calves are looking better than they ever have :)

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