Is there anyone else out there that has had to stop running because of foot pain? I'm so super sad and bummed out. I went on a bit of a break for about 4 weeks almost 2 months ago, . .tons of family issues, . .caring for an ailing mother in law and my husband who got into a fight with a mountain-the mountain won (broken colar bone, finger, split lip, shoulder surgery). So I started back running 10 miles a week mostly 2 mile, trail runs and hills and I noticed my foot hurt, . . plantar fasciitis, . per Dr. It has been 2 weeks and it is not getting better after 1 1/2 mile I have to walk because of the pain. It just seems like I may just have to take spinning lessons and stick to mountain biking and taking walks. Has anyone else had to give up running because of injuries? Is it possible to go back into running w/plantar fasciitis. Gosh, . . when you've spent so many years running it is really hard for me to just take a walk. I'll be grateful for any advice anyone may have. I hate my Dr.'s who just seem to always tell me oh just stop running, . this happens when you get older, . yada yada, yada. If I was some olympic runner they would do all that they can to help me but I get no such encouragement.