I've never run because I know it's murder on the knees & everything else. In 20 years of working out with all kinds of cardio except running, I've never had an injury. I've done race walking, but never running. If you want killer cardio, try spinning! It's much kinder to the knees, and torches lots of calories. It's also great for shaping your gams, too!
I've tried spinning and hated it! I find that funny because I love biking outdoors! Of course, now that I've started running, I am in love with it! Plus, with biking, I can't really "shut down" like I can with running because you have to watch more for people, kids, dogs, other cyclists, etc. And, if you we go off the bike path, then it's the traffic. I know spinning is supposed to be great, but it's just not my cup of cardio!
So, I do step, circuit on occasion, and run, run, run! I'm so attached to it now, that I have to force myself to do other cardio from time to time! I'm even trying to get my butt out there and work with my jumprope!
Anyway, PF can be treated and you can get back to your normal activities. You (we) just all have to be careful and make sure we stretch a lot and wear supportive shoes!