August Rotation Posted...Look Out....

:eek: I just looked at this roation...I am speechless...absoluletly speechless!!!:eek:

Thanks for posting monthly rotations Cathe and for always providing an awesome at home workout!
OMG! I just looked it over again, in depth! BC twice in one day in a row? :eek: Lot's of doubles with this rotation! I also liked your little motivating comments! Good rotation Cathe!:)
Sargent Cathe,
When were you a marine??? Did I miss that??:eek: :eek: WOW I guess you got tired of us saying "WE WANT MORE" Well this is sure more.
I LOVE THIS:7 :7 Finding the time is going to be the hardest. I can't wait to show this to my class. I give them weekend workout assignments every Friday and they boo hoo. This will make their eyeballs pop out!! I really love your comments at the end of each day.It made me laugh. I hope I'm still laughing by Thursday. That's if I live past Tuesday. Cathe you never stop amazing me. Thanks for finding the time to put this together.


Are you going to join us for this rotation? Maybe we should see if you can make it through it! ;-)
I am just joking! It would be great if you would join us though. You could even post with us about your day. ;-)
Sabrina, you KNOW Cathe could do this:) Heck, she probably already has! I was stunned at first, but after printing it out and noting which workouts she is using that I'd have to sub in (because I don't have them all) and some of the other stuff (I also don't least not yet), I think it would work for what I'm trying to do for August...anyway I'm working on it, tweaking it to suit what I have and CAN DO, both for MY body and MY time constraints. Should be interesting to see how we make it through this month.
Cathe - or anyone else - on the double boot camp day, is that an a.m. and p.m. boot camp, or do it once and then do it again right away?

How do I find the posted rotation. I'm not good on the computer, I don't know what to click on to read the schedule. Please help!
This is proof to the rumor that has been going around this forum for quite some time: that Cathe has an evil twin.

You have been warned.
This is the rotation I have been waiting for.I have never done one rotation from cathe but I will be doing this one.:)
I saw the rotation this morning and have been away from the computer all day. I thought I might have seen a "j/k" when I signed on now!:7 I would like to give it whirl when the kids are back in school. I'd have more time then. I've printed it and will tuck it away for when I really need a butt kickin'! }(

Thanks for putting great rotations together.


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