August Rotation, 08/24/05


Good morning. We're getting near the end!

This morning was an EARLY one, and it's done.

Muscle Endurance, then I tacked on 4 sets of 15 push ups from my toes. Another OUCH!

Keep up the excellent (TOUGH) work, folks.

good morning Gayle! and everyone else to follow!
today's workout: did ME as well. I didn't do the abo portion. ran out of time and we are doing more abs later, right?

YES, 3 more workouts!!! WOOHOO!!!:):)

take care:)
Good morning,

ME for me this morning also. I just love that Elvis remix! Of course, after all those leg presses I would love just about anything..

Have a good day, we are on the homestretch. Looking ahead, I will probably be breaking up some of the next workouts, I only have about 75 minutes tops and these last workouts are pretty long. I will figure something out...;-)
Rest day for me zzzzzzz, end of week 3 yesterday, starting week 4 tomorrow. I should end on August 31, because I will take Monday as rest also.
Hello everyone,

Good job Gayle with those push ups!

Today I completed ME and I did manage to squeeze the 15 min. from AB Hits ( a 9 & 6 min. section). I could barely make it through ME and I had to rest a couple of reps but I managed.

We are definitely crossing the finish line:),

Have a great day,

ME and abs for today! I want to tacl on some cardio as well. I will be gone until next week after today. I will still get some of the workouts in while I amin san diego but not all of them. So I will be finishing this rotation on 31st as well! I am so happy to have done this.

This was Imax 3, 200 walking lunges and abs day for me! But....I am still kickin'!

Hey guys!

Great work everyone!

Last night, I did a spinning tape and then 200 lunges. I only did 100 situps because I had to help my daugther finish her homework.

Tonight, I will be doing musclemax instead of ME, because I did ME on Monday. Then, tomorrow will have to be an off day because I have something in the morning and evening.

That's right! we are in the home stretch!

Sandra S.
Good Day ALL:

Today: IMAX3, 200 Walking Lunges, and actually 450 crunches. Did Joyce Vedral's Gut Buster video which has 15 sets of 15 ab exercises twice = 450.

Almost there!!! Keep up the excellent work.
I'm still ahead a day due to my schedule but will be resting tomorrow which will put me back on track.
Bootcamp was next for today but since I went very heavy on the weights with MEyesterday I wanted more emphasis on cardio so I substituted the Gauntlet, then tacked on the drills from KM. Great workout!
I took my much needed rest day today. I had 9 hours of sleep last night. I feel like a million bucks!

ME tomorrow...
I had a really difficult time sleeping last night(stress). I'm letting my dinner settle and may workout around 8 p.m. I just don't know if I have the energy tonight. Anyway, tonight or tomorrow will be CKicks/Imax Intervals 6-10.
Great job everyone! Gayle awesome job with those pushups, I can only do 11 on my toes but am slowly working my way to more. Terri, have a great time in San Diego, its about 1.5 hours south of where I live and is such a nice town.

ME done at lunch
15 mins abs plus IM2 (to make up for yesterday) done this evening.

3 more days and I am dreading Friday's GS legs, I've never done it but based on what another person posted on another thread I am going to be feeling some serious DOMs!x(

Have a good evening. Bootcamp tomorrow will be weird doing it only once!:D

Almost there, y'all! Doesn't it feel great!?!

Bootcamp today, followed by CK drills. Really felt good today. I'm so glad those couple of "blah" days didn't last!


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