August 05 Rotation Check In???


I didn't know if we were starting a separate check in for the August rotation or what, so I just decided to do it.

All I can say, now that I've caught my breath is....





I am drenched in sweat and can literally ring out my T-shirt! My HRM says I burned 698 calories. Thanks, Cathe! LOL. I was spent at about 3/4 of the way thru the upper body segments, but made it. I did add on the 200 jumping jacks after the cardio, but I just couldn't do the push ups...ok...I feel guilty after saying that just now, so I am going to drop and pump out 40 RIGHT NOW!

Who else made it thru this morning?

OK...please tell me I'm not alone in doing this rotation (or at least trying). AND...I dropped and pumped out the 40 push ups (but not all on my toes YET).

I got a head start and did it last night so I could take an extra rest day and not get behind in the first week. I did the jumping jacks at the end of the cardio and I paused my video before abs and did the push ups 10 at a time. Ater the first set of 10 I took a 10 second rest then I had to increase to 30 second rests in between the next 3 sets of 10...whew!!! I found it VERY challenging but completely doable! To be honest Body Max is tough but I'm sure I will find today's workout much tougher. Some of those intervals in Imax are pretty brutal and I'm still debating where to do those walking lunges. Anyway, good for you workout down, 23 more to go!!!
Okay, I was dripping sweat during the first cardio segment! I did manage 100 jumping jacks ( that got old really fast!) and forget about the extra push ups, I couldn't do the ones on my toes that were in the workout itself, I had to go down to my knees. I only have about 90 minutes max to workout in, and that can't happen every day, so we will see how I have to "adapt".

okay can you all help me? I want to do this but only have certain Cathe DVDs. I have Terminator, HCEx (don't have bands though), KPC/LG, BC/ME, IM2/C&W, IM3, PUB/PLB (VHS). Oh I also have some workouts from FitTV which might help a little. I have SB, CM1&2, PP, S&H bis/tris chest/back and that's it folks....thanks for any help you guys could offer :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Here are my suggestions for this week:
M: Replace Body Max with SB WU & Step sections 1 & 2 then pause player and do the 200 jumping jakcs before moving into pulsing dips(8 ea. leg alternating right and left) onto the step holding DB's. Then skip to SB Challenge section and complete first challenge, pause and do 32 barbell squats, do second challenge section, pause and do pulsing lunges(start on the step and lunge down off of it holding DB's(8 reps on right let then 8 reps on left leg), do 3rd blast section, then do pile squats with barbell(32 reps), then do barbell static lunges(24 each side). Do a quick CD and lower body stretch. Then do PUB up or down only or do 4 sets skipping the last two sets for each exersize, then do your 40 pushups, the do the abs from ME or PUB(if your arms can handle the pikes at this point).
T: Replace Imax with Imax 3 plus the walking lunges as outlined
W: Replace SJ&P with one of the Terminator Workouts or if you want a little less intensity replace it with C&W. Instead of the KM leg sculpting drills do the floor work from L&G.
Th: Do Imax 2 as scheduled plus one of the CM sections you do have
F: Do Cathe's workout as recommended
S: Pick 5 intervals of Imax 2 and 5 intervals of Imax 3 for a total of 10 intervals and you have BC so you can do the squat thrust climbers!
Su: If you want to do stretching do L&G WU then KPC stretch and combine with 2 more of your favorite stretches from the workouts you do have.
Hope this helps!
I'm going to be doing the rotation, but will not be doing it until I get home from work. Will let you know how I do.

I have to modify somewhat because I also swim and I cannot do a lot of impact or push-ups.

So I did the Bodymax only,no extra jumping jacks, no extra push-ups, and it was enough! I will swim after work.

I also add an extra rest day in the week, so it will take me longer.

How are walking lunges done. I may attempt those after Imax, by walking around the neighborhood with the dog. At that early hour, there are not many folks out!
Talk about sweating! I was soaked too! I didn't do the jumping jacks or push ups, but I'm going to do them before I take a shower. The w/o was enough for me at 6:30 am! :)

It's great to know we're doing this together. We should take before and after pictures for this one I think. LOL.
I'm a wimp. I only did Bodymax first 2 sections, no jumping jacks or push ups. I couldn't get out of bed in time. I will try to do the Jumping jacks, weight section, and push ups tonight if I can find the time.

Hi All,

I will be attempting this rotation as well. Let me just say right away that I will definitely be modifying some days...due to time, video, and exercise level constraints...but I'm trying. I'll have to sub certain programs for others I don't have and I will have to modify alot of the pushup and lunge segements but if I'm ever going to work up to it, now sounds like the time. Anyway, as soon as I get up from the computer I'm off to do Cardio & Weights in it's entirety and the PUB down premix minus abs for today's workout. I figure it's close enough to today's suggested workout...but I don't own BodyMax and haven't done C&W in awhile so there ya go. Hope I make it through all this.

I started this last night. Due to my schedule, I don't know how this will go but I got a decent head start.

Last night, I did everything but the push-ups. Since I work out in the evening, by the time I was ready for the 40 pushups, it was 9:00pm so I skipped them. I have to get ready for bed at a decent time after all. That's my story & I'm sticking to it. Maybe I'll try cranking them out on another day this week. x(

It was a good workout. I burned more calories than I normally do for this workout. And this has always been at least a 550 calorie burner for me. I wonder if the jumping jacks alone could significantly raise them. Well, I'm pumped for tonight! Good job ladies! To the others, have a good workout.

Marla :7
gogigi - thanks so much!!! That is very, very helpful. I think I will give it at least some of it a try :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I'd like to participate in the check in but won't be able to do the workout until I get home on the weekdays. My check in would be around 7 PM California time, can I still play :)?

I'll be starting tonight.

Unfortunately, I have to travel tomorrow, so I plan to get up at 4:00 am (?!?) to do IMAX 1 and those walking lunges. I doubt if I'll be recovered from Body Max... But then I'll have a long recovery as I won't do the Wed workout until I get back home late in the evening from traveling.
I would like to join this checkin, too. But I won't be able to start until tomorrow, cause of my scheduled rest day. But I plan on starting the rotation tomorrow!

I put the rotation on a Word calendar and would email it to anyone who is interested. Can you tell I'd rather be at home starting the rotation ;-) ? I'm new to posting so I'm not sure how the email process works but if you are interested in a copy, my email is [email protected]. I will send it later tonight. I put in several substitutions but you could always change them back. And unfortunately, I didn't have room for all of Cathe's evil comments;( I did bodymax at 5 a.m. this morning. I did it just as Cathe outline and honestly the jumping jack were not that hard and took less than 3 minutes. The circuit section always gets me and I do not keep Cathe's pace on the upper body section but I did finish and included the push-ups (half on my toes and half on my knees).

Bodymax has always been a very challenging workout for me along with Imax one. Imax one is just killer on the legs and with the 200 lunges and I am sure I am going to be sore (in a good way)!

I think this is a very challenging rotation and I am really looking forward to pushing myself and seeing what I can accomplish!

So having said all this........and having worked so hard.....can we eat more chocolate??????:7

Check in with you all tomorrow!


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