Attacked by dog


I am still shaking. This morning while walking my dogs a neighbors dog attacked us. We weren't hurt. But this dog came out of no where behind us and lunged at us barking growling and showing teeth. My dogs are always on the defensive with other dogs so they immediately go into attack mode. I kept my calm and continued to walk forward with my dogs and ignored the other dog as much as I could. Trying to keep my fear to myself. I thought we were in the clear. I wanted to look back, but I know you are not supposed to- just keep moving forward is what they say. Then I see out of the periphery of my vision he is following us- stalking with head down getting ready to attack again and he did this time with more furiousity and teeth. He got about 6-8 inches away from my dogs face. I thought we were all gonners. I was really scared but still trying not to show it. I kept moving forward. I honestly think that's what saved us. I could hardly walk to get home. I just wanted to fall down and cry. I will be discussing this issue with my neighbor- this is a dangerous dog and something must be done. Thankfully we weren't hurt, but who knows next time.

Thanks for listening!!

Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry! I do hope your neighbor addresses the issue. I don't know WTH is wrong with people who don't keep their pets leashed and/or penned and/or generally out of the public!
Catherine---I am so sorry to hear that! Is there a leash law? I think I'd be on the horn with an animal control officer.
Glad you and your dogs are OK! That's a very scary situation.

My dogs and I were "attacked" a few weeks ago...but it was by a couple of Yorkies. Stupid little rats (apologies to Yorkie fans - I've never liked the breed). Their owner brought them out off leash just as we were walking by. They ran up to my Duke (the German Shepherd/Pit Bull) and they are SO lucky he's such a tolerant dog. He picked one of them up in his mouth and kind of gave it a "get out of here" toss, but didn't hurt it at all. But I had such a horrid flashback to the miniature schnauzer we had when I was a kid and it ran up to a German Shepherd who wasn't so tolerant. That dog picked little Max up and tossed him, and Max had several gashes in his side.

I can't imagine having a dog that could potentially be dangerous and allowing it off the leash.
Thank goodness you and your dog weren't hurt!!! Definitely talk to your neighbors or animal control if they do not do anything. That dog needs to be controlled!
Catherine, I am so sorry this happened to you. I have been there. I was attacked by a neighbor's dog when I was 12 and I still have the scars on my leg to prove it. It was a family pet, and the dog was named "Precious", of all things. My parents actually called animal control, and they went to the people's house to get information on the dog - were vaccinations current (including rabies - since that was a concern), etc? Fortunately, "all" I got from the attack was a bloody leg. But I feared dogs for a LONG time afterward, and only in recent years have I been able to trust other dogs. I'm really bothered by people who own clearly vicious dogs, and let them out in the yard unsupervised. Definitely talk to the neighbor about this - next time you might not be so lucky, or next time it could be a child who is not so lucky.

I am so sorry that you had to go through this!!!!! I, personally, am very scared of dogs, and have had several unpleasant experiences while running outdoors. Although there are some exceptions, these types of encounters can usually be blamed on irresponsible owners who do not watch their dogs closely enough. I think that for your sake, as well as the whole neighborhood's sake, you should have a talk with your neighbor, explaining your concerns, and if they don't take your concern seriously, then I would have them investigated by your local animal control. It's funny, every time I've heard of someone being bit by a dog on the street, the owners have said that it has never happened before and that the dog is usually well behaved. Well, I think that these oblivious owners need to wake up and realize that there's a first time for everything and that if they are going to take on the responsability of having a dog, they need to be aware of their behaviour at all times. If they cannot control their pet, then maybe they shouldn't have one at all!!! What if your neighbor's dog had gone after a kid who didn't have other dogs to protect him or her? I have no patience for bad pet owners and I think you need to be really assertive when it comes to confronting this issue. You should not be scared to go for a walk in your own neighborhood!!!!

Good luck with this!!!


P.S. I know that I may sound bitter towards dog owners because I don't really like dogs, but I do aknowledge that there are some very responsable owners, and whenever I see really well-behaved dogs I make a point of telling the owner how good of a job they are doing and that I wish all pet owners were like them.
This makes me so mad! I know the frustration. I've had many dogs dart out at me while walking, it scares me to death! Luckily, I haven't had one attack. I have a friend whose dog got attacked while she was on her walk and her dog spent alot of time at the vet and has huge scars on its back now. I hate when people let their dogs run loose. If the dog is running thru your backyard...Call Animal Control come to pick it up right now! That way the owners will have to pay a fine for a loose dog and that might teach them to keep it contained. Maybe get some pepper spray and carry that with you on your walks. Might be a good idea to practice with it first. ~Dallys~
Wow, that is really scary! I wish people would take better care of their animals. Honestly, I've had 3 dogs my entire life & whether they were on a leash or not--I always had a fenced in yard so never had an issue w/this--but not once in any of their lives did they ever snap at anyone, including service people, houseguests, whatever.

I truly believe dogs are like children. If they grow up in loving homes they treat others kindly. I do think certain breeds are more nervous but will still turn out to be good dogs if "raised right" so to speak. I hate the fact that people either don't treat their pets well enough for them not to fear people (attacking like that typically comes from fear, not an innate desire to harm) or train their dogs to attack.
I had a similar episode yesterday... the crazy dog ran across two backyards to menace me and my two dogs. Then, last fall, a dog ran out from his yard and attacked one of my dogs. My DD, 8, thank goodness, ran from the melee and wasn't hurt. I don't know why people don't keep their dogs contained when they're mean like that!! must be in the sons babysitter's dog..bit me yesterday!!!!!!!!!! I am currently looking for a new babysitter!
There is no leash law were I live...I been bitten three times by three different husband called the DA and was informed the dog gets one free bite....lucky for me the bites were just minor scrapes...but now I run at the track...
Oh My gawd!

I am so sorry you encountered this on what was supposed to be a relaxing walk with your dogs.

I don't understand why pet owners do not leash their dogs.

I have a neighbor a few houses down that allow their p.i.t.a. dog to roam all over the neighborhood soiling up our yards and barking at anyone.

Some people really should not be pet owners :( plus its so inconsiderate x(
I'm so sorry this happened to you Catherine! I'm so glad you kept a cool head and did not panic, even though I know you were panicking inside! It just burns my buttons the way people think about dogs and other pets.

If you are going to make the commitment to get a dog, you need to make the commitment to socialize (with people and other dogs), train - and care for the dog! A dog running loose through a neighborhood (leash law or not) is a threat to others and his/herself. My dogs will be off leash at times, but they are always beside me and under voice command. If they are not reliable under voice command (like Jumping Jimmy right now), they are on a leash. I would never let one roam the neighborhood. We're even putting a lock on our fence gate so they cannot accidentally be let loose by the wind blowing or whatever.
Letting dogs roam the neighborhood is bad for the dog as well. My last boss used to let her golden retriever run loose while she was at work all day. Well guess what? Her dog was hit by a speeding Fedex truck.

So here was a municipal official pretty much violating her employer's leash law on a daily basis, not protecting her animal (she thought she was so cool letting her dog roam the neighborhood) and exposing him to danger. Then she blamed Fedex for her dog being hit. Believe me, my tongue was bleeding I had to bite it so hard that day..........
I'm with Laura 100%! We do our animals a diservice by letting them run free. On top of being terrifed that my dog would get hit, I would be terrified that he would eat something he wasn't supposed to, get taken by someone, or put in the pound. That's animal cruelity in my opinion.
Yes, I'm paranoid about the dognapping thing also--I live in a very high-traffic area & if Max is outside for more than 10 minutes & I don't hear him barking or anything, I get all nervous & run outside to make sure he's still there! Right now I have 6 ft. privacy fencing around my yard so people really can't see him. But when I move & put a new fence in (which I'll probably have to do) I was considering 4 ft. fencing (it's so darned expensive! 120 feet of 6 ft. stockade fencing cost me $2000!). Except I'm worried someone'll see my sweet, friendly, dumb pedigreed pug & run off w/him.

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