At the risk of ...


sounding like a whiner, with all the excitement of the new workouts and differences between shipping times for VHS and DVD, why aren't the workouts delivered at the same time, regardless of format? In other words, why not just wait to ship the VHS tapes when the DVDs are ready?

I ordered the Intensity Series on VHS when it came out last fall because I didn't have a DVD player. I thought it was kind of unfair to make the DVD customers wait longer for their workouts.

I do know that making a DVD takes longer than a VHS tape, but why not just wait?

Just my two cents. Now I will run for cover...

Susan G.
Hi Susan! Your concerns are important to us and I'm sure that there will be many others who also have mixed feelings and opinions regarding your question. Unfortunately, there is not a solution that would please everyone entirely.

Our VHS/DVD customers are very important to us. We are very appreciative of the fact that you pre-order our products. Therefore, we feel strongly that it is our responsibility to deliver products to you as soon as they become available.

As a happy side note: We're sure that as DVD technology becomes more mainstream in the fitness industry, the delays will lessen too.

Thanks for listening :)
I feel the same way Susan! I don't really care, but I have always thought of that too. That way everyone wouldn't be on here praising the tapes we don't have!! Plus, we paid more for DVD so that always makes me feel slighted when I don't get them at the same time as the VHS'ers.

Somehow though, I will survive!!!:):):)

I don't understand how you can feel slighted because we get the DVDs later. We may have paid more in dollars, but think how much more we're getting. The VHSs have 6 workouts. The DVDs have over 70. When you look at it that way, we're paying much, much less per workout, and it's well worth the wait. Maybe I'm weird, but while I'm very excited about getting the new workouts, the wait has not bothered me.
It's kind of hard to hear all of the people gush about the new workouts on VHS. But - I have yet to do Boot Camp as produced as I use the premixes so frequently! I use the Imax II premixes all the time. I use the ME premixes all the time also. I mark DVDs at a certain place and create my own 3 or 4 disc workouts. AND us DVDers never have to rewind a tape. I can't imagine my fitness life without DVDs so to me, the wait is well worth it.

Also, think of how many people pre-order the VHSes only to sell them once the DVDs arrive. SNM I am sure makes a lot of money on 'double dippers'.

Patiently (not really) awaiting my DVDs...
I appreciate and look forward to all the extras we get with the DVD's. I really take advantage of the premixes with the Intensity series to mix and match routines and am really looking forward to having even more options with the Body Blast series!

:7 :7 :7
Oh! I would preorder DVDs next time even if there is a different release date. I certainly prefer these kinds of problems to the garden variety REAL problems - LOL! I was just more curious than anything.

I'm still trying to master terminator climbs and pikes on the stability ball from the last series.

Susan G.
If it makes you feel better, my 3 vhs are scheduled to be delivered today and while I'm happy, I'm also sick that I didn't simply hold out for all the DVD's. Now I will have to go thru the hassle of selling them and reordering DVD's. There is no way I'm going without those 70 different combinations/workouts. I've only owned a DVD player for about 3 months (don't laugh!), but the quality is just so superior there is no comparison. So I wish I had been as patient as you. I promise not to do any bragging on how good the workouts are until the DVDer's get their copies cause I will be in their shoes next time!

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