At a standstill


Hi Cathe,

I'm hoping you can help me because right now, I am so confused with the endless amount of information that is out there, my head is spinning. I have about 60 pounds to lose and I'm terribly out of shape. I love to lift, but there's so many conflicting opinions. Lighter weights, higher reps, supersets, intervals, heavy lifting, etc. Then there's the problem of cardio: HIIT, steady state, only two times a week, every day. I'm so frustrated that I actually end up doing nothing. I really like training one body part per week, but then what? Please help me get started! I respect and value your opinion so much. Thank you!!
Not Cathe (obviously) Missy, but you don't talk about your eating habits. I am diligent about working out and usually follow one of Cathe's rotations, so I continue to mix things up. However, I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not the cleanest eater and get frustrated when I don't see results from the workouts. I hate when the experts are right about nutrition, but I made some changes this month to improve my eating. Primarily less sugar. I love to bake. Also less wine. Since doing so, the scale has budged 4 pounds!

You ask some questions about heavy weights, light weights, amount of cardio, etc. A book someone else on this forum recommended that you might want to consider reading is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. I'm currently doing an STS rotation. IMHO, the information in the book aligns very well with the design of STS. I feel like I'm getting more out of STS this round.

Hope this helps!
I would love to see Cathe weigh in on this (no pun intended). Sometimes I think we paralyze ourselves with overanalysis. It might be best to do what you enjoy for now, build up a habit of working out consistently, then tweak it as your body adapts to consistent exercise. Try to avoid eating junk and just have fun!
Missy...I second what has already been said here......clean up your eating and start with something you enjoy. Don't make it a chore/dread factor. There is alot of information out there and it can be confusing. What works for one may not work for another.

Just get started and enjoy! Eat clean!

Cathe's - Travel Fit DVD is fun! only equipment needed is a band.

Good Luck,
Hi Missy,

You have had good advises from cathletes and would like to add my 2 cents!

With 60 pounds to loose, you will need to take it easy. Hiit is definitely not a point to start from. This would put too much strain on your knee joints. Heavy lifting is not a starting point either. if you are new to lifting,you will need to learn correct form and technique to lift heavy.

One body part (*lifting heavy/very heavy*) per week is for experienced/seasoned lifters looking to seriously build muscles. The 60 pounds you mentioned are layers which need to come off before considering a split program IMho. Total body program is the option.

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Thank you all for your opinions! I really do appreciate the input. What does everyone think about Cathes 16 week weight loss rotation. I'm not a beginner. I have actually used exercise videos most of my life and have all of Cathes, but I've just been very inconsistent the last two years and it's caught up to me. I think it's good advice not to start with HIIT to protect my joints. I'm also thinking about the beginner rotation, but am I really considered a beginner?

Thanks again!

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