Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

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No problems at all and I have previewed TWO whole sets. (JFI~I didn't have to play around with the remote either.)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I've noticed the same thing --what seems like a microphone problem that affects Cathe's vocals exactly as you've described. Also, the volume level seems to vary from DVD to DVD. I noticed this when finishing one video and putting in either Core Max or Stretch Max for an add-on (can't remember which) -- I had to adjust my TV volume after putting in the new video. And, overall, I do think the volume on these DVD's is softer than in previous series.

I do want to add, however, that the more I do these workouts (which I find fun, fresh, challenging and well worth adding to my collection) the less I notice the sound issues. My gosh, I'm concentrating so hard on what I'm doing that I don't notice anything but the pain. ;-) I think this series is going to kick my personal fitness level up to notches unknown, if I can keep up with it. :) Kathy S.
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days 21/44/365
No problems but I LOVE the music louder option in the BB Series and wish this was an option for this series!!!
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I changed my Toshiba DVD player's audio default setting to PCM (pulse code modulation). After making that change, the only DVD that had sound that isn't as crisp as the others is Stretch Max. To be honest, when I've actually done the workouts, I've barely noticed the music because the workouts are so tough for me!
I have done Low Max (low volume), Gym Style Chest & Triceps (low volume), Core Max (low volume), Kick Max (low volume) and Stretch Max (volume seemed ok). I previewed High Step Challenge last night and was amazed at how much louder the vocals and music were. Much, much better.
I set my DVD player to PCM and checked to make sure both the red and white wires were plugged into my tv, but Kick Max is barely audiable, Low Max volume is very low (lower than Basic Body Fusion). I could hear Muscle Max just a little better, or it may have just been the beat I could hear better. Let me add, I am not a "got to have LOUD music" person, but these are much lower than any workouts I've ever purchased and I've got hundreds of them.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I hope it is okay that I'm bumping this thread up. I find it very interesting and don't want it to get lost in all the pages.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

Yes. I have a new bose surround sound, a 1 yr old dvd player and the music is really low. I can hear it as long as I turn it up but then Cathe is still loud. If I had have known this I do not know that I would have bought the entire set as I will probably not use some of the dvds. I love Cathe to death and think she is the best out there but am disappointed in the sound quality for the money spent. I really wish there was a music louder option as I think that would make it better. I have never had this problem with any other dvds or any of Cathe's. My main issue is that I often workout at 5:00 am and can't turn the music that loud or I will wake the whole family including my 1 yr old. When I worked out to lowmax the other day I could hardly even hear the beat. It was very frustrating. I truly hope SNM does something about it. I will not preorder next time until I know there is a music louder option or the music has been fixed. I also see fluctuations in music from the different hc dvds. Plus the music is very instrumental in some of imax and lowmax it is boring in parts and the low sound worsens it.

I think for spending $300 the quality should be higher in my opinion or we should have been notified that it was going to be so low. I am sorry to be negative but am bummed. I am a cathe fanatic but truly hope she does something about it :(
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I wonder how many people are waiting for the sound issues to be addressed properly/resolved before ordering, that would be an interesting poll. I for one waited for 7 months for reviews and was waiting for clips because songs were not listed this time and music is very important to me in a workout, I think I will have to wait and see if this issue is addressed properly before buying any of these workouts. I was one with dvd player issues and the BB series went through 2 players finally found one that will play my BB but this is a different issue that does not sound like one I need to aggravate myself with.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

>I wonder how many people are waiting for the sound issues to
>be addressed properly/resolved before ordering, that would be
>an interesting poll. I for one waited for 7 months for
>reviews and was waiting for clips because songs were not
>listed this time and music is very important to me in a
>workout, I think I will have to wait and see if this issue is
>addressed properly before buying any of these workouts. I
>was one with dvd player issues and the BB series went through
>2 players finally found one that will play my BB but this is a
>different issue that does not sound like one I need to
>aggravate myself with.

I'm actually waiting for it to be addressed before I buy the whole set. It's too much money for me to take a chance and hope I don't have a sound issue :)

I also like to hear the music loud because I usually blast the tv so that I don't hear myself stepping because it's distracting and the loud motivating music keeps me going.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I voted no, no problem but when I previewed the DVD's on my laptop, there were sound fluctuations in parts of it. I think I noticed it in IMax 3.

But on my system I use to work out, everything sounds normal. However, just like with IMax the original, I have to turn the volume way up to hear it. Then I have to remember to turn it back down before somebody else turns it on to play music or something. I have forgotten a few times (with the original IMax) and the next morning I turn on the next 5 a.m. workout, and suddenly the whole neighborhood is awake! Woops!

What a learning experience this is. For S&M and for each customer. I have learned how I never want to sound, from reading some rude and unnecessarily vitriolic posts at this forum (not necessarily this thread, actually I have not read this whole thread) and another public video fitness forum.

There are more important things in life!

I expect S&M will do whatever is possible to please its customers, within reason, once they assess the choices available. Extreme rudeness on our part is not going to enhance that in any way.

I applaud those who are showing some common courtesy with this frustrating issue.

Looking forward to the future,
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

>What a learning experience this is. For S&M and for each
>customer. >
>I expect S&M will do whatever is possible to please its
>customers, within reason, once they assess the choices
>Looking forward to the future,

Um, Connie, it's SNM, not S&M ;-) ;-)

I agree with you that this is a learning experience for all involved!

RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I agree. I am sure Cathe and SNM will do whatever they can to fix given their record and past quality.
Interesting... I just posted a new post w/snm's response to my e-mail. They have since deleted??? If they are so confident they don't have a problem then why did they delete it??

I don't know about you guys but they seem to be losing focus on the customer? Did I do something wrong by posting their response? Hopefully I don't get kicked off the board....

Here is the response:

"If you have surround sound you need to turn it off and play the
workouts in stereo. We don't record in surround sound and thus if you
play our disc this way it will cause Cathe's voice to seem loud in the
middle speaker and the music to sound low in the left and right
channels. We are nuts about quality. There were no short cuts taken in
the filming of the workouts and this was by far our most expensive set
we have ever used. I'm sorry you feel differently. We have run test on
numerous samples and doubled checked every DVD title and have found no
significant or unusual sound problems. We realize some people are having
problems, but this is always the case when we release presale DVDs. You
have to remember that our presale lasted for 6 months and then all the
orders from that period were released in just a few days. The number of
people reporting sound problems is very few compared to the overall
orders. We have no plans on a recall as we can find no problems.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

Woops, I thought it was Step & Motion. So you could see into my mind there.

Well I'm glad they're not planning a recall! I hope no one wanted that.

The e-mail does not mention whether some people wanting a refund will get one, only whether there will be a recall.

Who on earth suggested a recall? That seems extreme. Why not just have each individual who cannot use the DVD's, return them for a refund. I don't know if SNM wants that but it is up to each person who wants that to petition them privately for it. Then we in this forum would not be involved and we would get on with our lives. This last sentence said with a smile.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

Connie - I just wanted to clarify that I did not ask for a recall. I did ask for a solution to my dvds that sound bad.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I personally feel that there seems to be some type of music issue w/ some of the dvd's. I find it hard to believe that so many people are having the same issue w/ their dvd players.

I also don't believe that we should have to fool around w. sounds and programs on the tv or player in order to get a dvd to play correctly. I never had to do it in the past and I hope when I do get the HC series I don't have to.

I don't think they need to recall but they should acknowledge even with the "few" that are having problems is either send new DVD's to see if that was the problem or simply allow them to return it. If you buy a defective dvd in most stores, they will allow you to exchange it and if that does not work you can get a refund and they return it to the manufacture.

I hope this problem is fix soon. I really want to buy the series :(

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