Are we crazy?


What do you guys think? I am sitting here with my work outs clothes on and I THINK I am goin to do Strong legs and Abs.And I am wondering what is more important.Sleep or fitting my work out in. It is 6:14.I think this is the earliest I have ever gotten up.Just out of curosity sake, what time does everyone else get up to work out?I know most of you guys get up earlier then this.How do we manage? I didn't go to bed until 12:30 and I was still awake at 1:11.That was the last time i seen the clock.Anyway, thought it could be a nice conversation piece, got to get up before I fall a sleep in the chair.
Have a good day everyone,
Hi Lori,

I don't exercise early in the morning, I wait until my 3 children are in bed (which is by about 7.30pm), and then I spend up to the next 2 hours working out, depending on my mood and what I happen to be doing. I have a bath or a shower and sink into bed ! Bliss !
I think the best way to find a suitable workout time is to see how your day is normally, and plan it in accordingly.
If you are really feeling tired, then do something different to step (you could trip over it if you are tired), maybe a Pilates workout ?

Have a good day, Lori !

It's 5:30 am now, and I've been up since about 4:47 am. No, I'm NOT crazy, the ones who DON'T work out are the crazy ones. I will do my tape (some Cathe step tape, don't know which one yet) and be done by 7:00 am or so, and nothing else will get in the way today because I got it over with.

The proof is overwhelming that exercise is beneficial, what more needs to be said? Case closed.
Hi Lori:I work third shift and on the nights I don't work I get up at 5:30-6:00.I make my son breakfast and lunch then drive him to school.Then do a little housework(or check out and off to Catheland.The nights I work I sleep during the day till 1:30-2:00 then exercise after a quick bowl of cereal.Its trying at times but I feel better when its done.Linda
I don't believe one is more important than the other. There is always a happy medium one can find for him/her self. Balance is the key!
We are all different! For me, I sleep at 11:30 pm, wake up at 4 am, exercise at 4:30 am. I've trained myself to function very well with this amount of sleep for years. I LOVE a LONG day!
Accomplishing gives me more energy and zest.
But I think no matter what time of the day one exercises and how many hours a day one sleeps, as long as they are happy, and feel their own best, that's what it counts!
I used to get up at 5am to workout before the children got up. Now that my daughter has started school she needs to get up earlier and there is no way I'm getting up before 5! ;-)
Now I workout while she's at school around 10am. My little boy plays in his sisters room(demolition time!)while I put a tape in.
It seems to be working! I do miss my early morning workouts though. I've been thinking of trying to get to bed earlier and attempting to wake up at 4:30am. We'll see.... Susan
I typically get up around 4:30 or 4:45 a.m. to set up and workout from 5 - 6 so I can get showered and get my child up and dressed and into the car by 7 so I can be at work by 7:30. If I don't workout in the morning, it won't happen otherwise - plus I enjoy the 'me' time. If it's a bit longer workout than 60 minutes, I just get down there by 4:45 and try to set up the night before.
I typically get up around 4:30 or 4:45 a.m. to set up and workout from 5 - 6 so I can get showered and get my child up and dressed and into the car by 7 so I can be at work by 7:30. If I don't workout in the morning, it won't happen otherwise - plus I enjoy the 'me' time. If it's a bit longer workout than 60 minutes, I just get down there by 4:45 and try to set up the night before.

We're not crazy - just dedicated!
I heard that you are overwhelmingly more likely to stick with a fitness program if you exercise in the morning. Well I don't know if it's true or not, but I have started exercising in the morning now. I used to do it at 9:30 p.m., but as of Thursday have started hopping up at 6 a.m. (weekdays) to exercise. I go to bed at 11 so I may have to adjust my bedtime if I am tired.

I think if you do it for a week or two, your body adapts and expects you to exercise at that time, so it's easier to get up and do it, and you also are able to do more (currently I can't do as long of a workout as in the evening, but I expect after a week or two that I will adjust).

Good luck, I know it sucks getting up in the morning but just think how energized you will feel around 9-10 a.m.!
I've never had much luck with early morning workouts - particularly on an empty stomach. Maybe it's a blood sugar thing.

I workout as soon as I get home after work, before dinner. This is when my energy level is the highest and tummy is neither too empty or too full. Since I really enjoy my workouts, this gives me something to look forward to during the day, too.

Would not exercise that early, no way no how. I do it after work, before dinner (which does push dinner back). I believe in scheduling my workout when I know I'll do it & I'll be conscious. I don't have children at home, though, so I know that makes a big difference.

I also get up at 5AM to work out. I have my clock in the bedroom runing 20 minutes fast, so that when I wake up at 5AM in the bedroom, I know that I will really be working out in the basement by 5AM. This drives my husband crazy. I have been doing this for at least 6 years, so he should be used to it by now.

I set up everything the night before with my workout clothes, so that I don't waste any time. I have 10 children (8 at home) - so it seems I have no choice but to work out in the morning.

I do some of my weight training at night when my husband is home.

Well I get up at 4:27, this gives me 3 minutes to figure out where I am and everything. Then I eat some cereal and make coffee and get dressed, and I start exercising by 5:00. Then I help get my son ready for school, he's 10. I get to work by around 7:40 and my first patient comes in at 8:10. I'm a dental hygienist.
After that, from 9:00 on, I have one patient per hour but that first patient starts 10 mins into the hour. It's all planned out down to the second!
I usually get up 5:30 a.m. for my Workouts. I set up my stuff and my workout clothes the night before. I try to have in mind which workout I'll do and that usually motivates me to get up as I look forward to a particular video. I must be ready to leave my house by 7:40.
Sometimes, I'll do a walk with my husband in the evenings or do my elliptical trainer or recumbent bicycle when I get home from work before dinner. Usually at the latter part of the day, My energy level has diminished. Walking, etc, is about all I can do. Aerobics would drain me!
I try to get to bed by 10 or 10:30.
No... we're not crazy... we love how good working out makes us feel the rest of the day!! right??

Linda :)
I'm with you Angela and Leslie. I like to work out after work. I couldn't get up early if I tried and I like to wake up very s-l-o-w-l-y. The most strenuous thing I do in the morning is lift the top on my laptop computer. I have a feeling if I liked my job a bit better, it might not be so hard getting up in the morning. I look forward to working out all day!
You guys ae amazing. I get up at 6 and I am whinning, while everyone else as been up an hour before me.before I went on my holidays I got up and did Body MAx at 5:30.I knew I could catch up on sleep in the car.
And people who have more then 2 children are also amazing.then again one is a challenge these days.
Everyone have a good day...I haven't started my work out yet.I was way to tired but it is my day off so I know I will get it done.BUT I am so sore from slow and heavy legs.I don't know if I can hop up on a step...
Yeah, what an amazingly dedicated bunch of people. I get up at 7.30am and no matter how much the heart is willing (to work out in the morning) the body just says 'No!'

I work out when I get home from work and that is an effort in itself. I just don't know how people manage it. My hat off to you all.

No...just dedicated :)

This thread cracks me up!

This morning I was up at 3:00 a.m.! My baby has a stuffy instead of getting up at 3:30 a.m. I got up at 3:15 a.m., took care of him and began MIS at 3:30 a.m. Oh bliss!!!!

Tomorrow is 10-10-10 and Power Circuit for a full hour of cardio!!!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
RE: Crazy like foxes . . .

Just got some serious news over the past few days about my 71-year-old father; he collapsed while visiting his stepson with his wife in Colorado Springs, and the conditions and treatments they have identified so far are: ventricular tachycardia, requiring a defibrillator to be implanted in his heart (a la ##### Cheney); raging diabetes (diagnosed back in 1997) that will now require daily insulin shots; possible adrenal abnormalities that may portend cancer; and he's still carrying about 30 extra pounds over the high end of the healthy range. On top of that - asthma, high blood pressure and chondromalacia.

You can't disregard the daily need for exercise over a lifetime and not expect it to come home to roost. Sometimes it roosts earlier in a person's life, sometimes later, only in rare occasions never, but every daily decision NOT to take care of one's self accumulates like snowflakes.

Yeah, I'm crazy. We all are. We're crazy enough to take responsibility for our own health.

Annette Q. Aquajock

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