Are we crazy?

RE: Crazy like foxes . . .

Sorry to hear about your Dad, but glad that you are able to learn so well from him what not to do. Our bodies give out eventually, but your Dad is too young to have his body failing on him in so many ways. There are more and more people these days having high quality of life well into their eighties and nineties. My husband's aunt recently stopped into New York, between volunteer work trips to far-off lands, to celebrate her 80th birthday. Then she was off like a shot to her next engagement for her work with the United Nations and the International Federation on Aging. She is my idol!
RE: No...just dedicated :)

Just wondering how you add Cathe cardio to your running? You must not run everyday. I have a run everyday...a three mile "mental health" run, and four miles-5miles on other days. Anyone else like to run everyday?
RE: No...just dedicated :)

Just wondering how you add Cathe cardio to your running? You must not run everyday. I have a run everyday...a three mile "mental health" run, and four miles-5miles on other days. Anyone else like to run everyday?
RE: No...just dedicated :)

Just wondering how you add Cathe cardio to your running? You must not run everyday. I have a run everyday...a three mile "mental health" run, and four miles-5miles on other days. Anyone else like to run everyday?
I try to get my workouts in eary. However, with 4 kids and a busy husband I have to be flexable. For me bieng flexible usually means exercising early. There are exceptions.

As far as rest goes, I personally think it is very important to get enough sleep. If I am sleep deprived, It is hard to do a Cathe video. (Cathe mentions this in one video while doing biceps) If I must work out that day, I might opt for a treadmill steady state workout instead. I don't want to risk injury on a step from lack of sleep. Plus our bodies need adequate rest (sleep) between workouts to stay healthy!

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Pre-workout rituals?

Hey there all you early birds! Just wondering how many of you have special early bird rituals before your workouts. I know that I CANNOT just tumble out of bed and workout.

My 4:30 am pr-workout ritual: To stumble into the kitchen for a freshly pressed cup of espesso topped w/light whipped cream and a little piece of Belgium Dark chocolate---While visiting this forum of course. dmd
You are so funny! I think we all ask ourselves these questions! I do wake up at approx. 5:00 or 5:30 to workout. I live on a cul-de-sac and I look down the end of the block and I never see any other lights on. I often think to myself... I MUST be crazy. But I think some of the other posters were right... it is the only time we are GUARANTEED to work out. It seems that so often if I plan it in the evening than SOMETHING always comes up:) I often try to think that there has to be other crazy's out there like me that are working out so early in the morning. I too am a night person and am often up until close to or after midnight... usually doing things that could truly wait until the next day... oh well.

I think this is a good thread as it helps us all realize we do all have something in common. As we stumble down those stairs in the mornin' we can know there's at least a few others doing the same thing.
I don't get up and work out EVERy morning b/c tuesdays I am off, Wed and Thurs I go into work at 1:00, so I have the morning to myself.I drop my little girl off at school, go to TIM Hortons, clean up a little.Depending on how hungry I am I may eat breakfast before I work out or I may wait until after.
It's even going to be harder to get up in the winter time b/c it is going to be SO dark outside and my bed is going to be so nice and warm.But when you work out in the morning it does fre up your evening.A friend of mine wants to do dinner on Friday, so in order to do that I am going to have to get up bright and early on Friday morning. So, on Friday morning I will be asking myself this same question again......
It's possible I am crazy but that's another story.

As for working out, I have the best set up now my baby is in Kindergarten. I can work out from 8-10 Monday through Thursday with no interference. Fridays are Kindergarten day and and I get to hang out with 13 of the cutest 5 year olds around. Saturdays is BodyMax day and my older girls tend the 5 year old. If I have the energy I run on Sundays!

I have gotten up as early as 5:30 to work out and I have worked out in the evenings. It was all dependant on how to fit it in around the kiddos!

Life is good! Chick's Rule! B bbi
I've been waking up at 4:30am the past week and a half to get my wotkouts in. I was waiting til after my daughter was in school then exercising while my lil' guy played but didn't like that very much. I really like gettin up before everyone else and getting it done! :) My husband thinks I've hit an all time crazy point! Susan

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