Are there any gains by doing 6 month

Amy Steppe

Hi All,

I just finished Meso One and am on the active recovery week.

Are any of you doing the 6 month rotation?

Is there any difference in effectiveness by doing easy Meso twice?

Meso One about KILLED me - the hardest workout series I've ever done.

I don't know if I am ready for Meso Two yet.

So what are opinions on doing each Meso twice instead of on a straight linear basis?

Does anybody else think they are not ready for a meso?

I apologize if I am making a redundant post.

Thanks in advance!

Don't be afraid of meso 2. Meso 1 is hard but meso 2 is a completely different style of working out. It's hard also but a different kind of hard. I am lifting heavier than ever before and seeing great results. I was afraid of meso 2 also but I'm loving it now. I can't wait to finish meso 3 and start the whole thing over again!
I second that -- don't be afraid of M2. M1 was super hard for me too -- I never had such DOMS in my life. But M2 has been really different. I am lifting much heavier than I ever thought I could, but with the reduced reps and longer breaks, I found that I am not nearly as sore with M2 as I was with M1. Every workout is definitely a challenge, and my muscles feel worked, but not with that soreness that lasts for days and makes me walk funny. :)
I'm one of the gals who does the 6.5 month rotation. We have a check in called 6 monthers, a new thread every day. All of us on the check in are doing each meso 1 week two times back to back, then move on to the next week back to back and take one recovery week before moving on to the next meso. I am loving being able to do each week twice, it's a personal preference, I'm sure you get awesome results on either rotation!
I'm doing a 5 1/2 month rotation. I just finished 8 weeks of meso one(repeated each week twice). I still have DOMS. My hamstrings are sore today:) I've had DOMS for the entire 8 weeks! I told my husband I think I could stay in meso one longer because I'm still feeling it. He feels the variety is keeping my body guessing.
I've decided to move on to meso 2, but I think I could continue to benefit from meso one if I wanted to repeat another month. Whatever you decide, I think we will all benefit from this program for many, many years to come:cool:
Fit 44, do you go 8 weeks straight without a break, or do you have a week off after the 4th week? I'm thinking of doing the same rotation as you.
Amy, here's my take on the 6-month rotation (actually I'm doing the 5-month, only repeat Meso 3 once).
Although I've been lifting weights for many years, I could feel that my body needed an extra week to get used to and benefit from the 1RM method of training. The first run through a week was kind of an adjustment period - took a bit longer to adjust my weights for all the increments to follow, while during the second time through the same week I knew what was coming and was more "time efficient". Even more so, if you are new to weight lifting.
Sometimes I'm even considering if a 3-times repeat of each week would be better. Challenge your muscles (1st run of a week), improve their weight lifting capacity (2nd run of the same week) and when they are about to get used to the weight (by the 3rd run of the week) you move to the next week.
One major point in Meso 2 is that you get twice the rest period (even more) you got at Meso 1 so the weight increase won't seem as hard.

For the amount of weight we have to lift, the rest period is very very important. I never thought I'd be using a 97 lbs barbell for rows in an endurance workout! And yet I did. Looking at the weight I'll be lifting in Meso 2 and 3, and considering that I'll have 60" to 180" rest periods, it doesn't seem impossible.

Krasy, according to Cathe's 6 month rotation, we should get one rest week after we finish each mesocycle (8 weeks).

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I'm following the same rotation Chris is using. Taking a break after 8 weeks in each meso cycle.

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