Are the rotations saved somewhere?


I did a search for both the May rotation and the Slow & Heavy rotation and found neither one. Are these kept somewhere by any chance???? I know posts came up from 2002 so am I just not searching for the right thing? Thanks for any help anyone can give me! Rachelle
Go to you User Menu tab from the main page, then go to "Edit Your Preferences." Then go to where it says "Date Limit." You have a few choices. Change it to "All Available Topics." Then save your preferences and refresh. Go into the Video and DVD Rotations forum and it should bring up everything for you. (Your preferences may have only let you bring up the last three months' worth.)

Hope this helps!
I just wanted to add that I click on "bookmark this topic" whenever Cathe puts up a new workout rotation. That way you will always be able to pull it up and use it! Just go to your Bookmarked topics -you can always delete them later.


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