Are the Gym Style Hardcores worth purchasing?????????????


I have preordered all the Hardcores except the Gym Style workouts. Should I bite the bullet and get them now or are they not worth it?
I have the Pyramids, SS/PP, ME, PH as far as straight weight training Cathe DVDs as of now.


Hi Tia,

I think the gym style workouts are worth it. I never know how tough working with the bands could be. I have felt these workouts, in a good way. I think that Cathe really kicked it up a notch with these.

My Pyramids are being replaced by the new GS least for now. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! These babies beat the S&H series hands down, IMO.
RE: Are the Gym Style Hardcores worth purchasing???????...

I like the Gym Style workouts. It is amazing how the band get into the muscle and I know now how Jai, Lorriane, Brenda, Cedie & Rhonda (of course, Cathe) looks so ripped. Their healthy bodies are such an inspirations. So, bite the bullet and get them...b/c they are worth every penny.

Mrs. HTK
Totally worth it!!!!! Plus, the overall price per video drops when you order the whole set. It amazes me that after as many videos and years of fitness evolution, Cathe still manages to come up with new moves/approaches to working ones muscles. I have about 50-60 exerices tapes/DVDs, including the new hardcore, I've been working out and following the fitness world since the mid- to late-80s and I still learned something new from each of the Cathe Hardcore DVDs. I highly recommend the full set!! Just make sure you are prepared to work.
Okay, you talked me into it! I ordered about 5 minutes ago! Now, who is going to pay my cc bill????:+
Yes!!! I love the variety all the weight training series provides. I did GS BSB yesterday and it is a very differnet type of weight workout in my opinion. I liked it a lot. I can't wait to do GS Chest and Tri's tomorrow. It sounds like I will be in pain from some other posts.
It is definitely worth purchasing! I have all of her weight workouts and they all vary in different ways. These also have different twists on all of the exercises, so I feel that I will really benefit from them and it will definitely be something new for my body!

So far (out of the GS workouts) I have done BS&B and GS Legs. Tomorrow I will try the Chest and Triceps one!

But - in answer to your question - IMO - definitely worth having!!! I love them :7 :7 :7

I did GS Chest and Triceps yesterday and loved it (very sore today in a good way). The count to me is perfect-S & H is too slow for me. I can't wait to do Back, Biceps and Shoulders today. I did GS Legs last weekend and really liked that one too.


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