I agree that it is all about patience. My beef is not with elderly, slower people in front of me. I have a problem with rudeness more than slowness. I don't understand people (men, especially, I have noticed) who drive rudely, cut in line, don't think about how their actions affect others, and are just downright nasty. Rudeness tests my patience.
I hate rudeness too. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that some people don't mature beyond a certain point. I learned about this from a psychiatrist that worked with a cousin of mine that told us not to expect my cousin to ever be more than 13 years old. Her brain had stopped. With that knowledge, I have adjusted my expectations. I think that less than half of the population is mature or has reached adulthood at all. I also know that our faculties and abilities vary when we are hungry, tired, or in pain. As for those teenagers, there have been studies done (involving brain scans) that helped me to understand that teens and convicted criminals have the same brain activity (or lack thereof.) When a teen progresses into adulthood, the brain matures and changes (in the healthy population.) So, as far as priorities, impulse control, and generally ego run amok, teens are no more than a criminal!!! Lols. . .ok. so, I guess I don't get too worked up like I used to because I know that when they misbehave either they have the maturity of a 14 year old or they are a 14 year old
Then, I just treat them like one.
That said, I always treat those who are just moving slowly with care because I have often had to do my own shopping when I was physically compromised. I might look ok, but you can't tell when I have had a migraine for days or I'm recovering from dental surgery.
I know life can be frustrating. The trick is separating ourselves from it so that we don't need to be stressed about something that we are not responsible for. This is not really a real issue. It might slow you down a little bit, just do a sudoku puzzle in your head. Or count 5 things that you are grateful for. Why?? Well, because your well being matters and when we are annoyed our stress response kicks in and cortisol goes up and insulin resistance gets worse. Basically, its a bad scene for your health and waistline.
A few weeks ago I was nearly killed in a car accident. I was extremely lucky. There was something in the road, my tire didn't respond well, and I spun out on the freeway. I was lucky. I didn't hit anybody. Nobody hit me either, and no one yelled at me. I was so frightened and so grateful that no one yelled at me. Ever since that experience, my focus has shifted to one of "I am so lucky to be alive." from "Dang it, get out of my way!!!"
I hope that helps. I don't want you to think that I'm judging you, I'm not. All of us are human, all of us feel this way at least some of the time. I hope my suggestions help,