Are barbells required to get a good workout from Cathe?


I recently bought my first Cathe DVDs - Basic Step and Body Fusion and Low Max. I'd like to buy some of her strength training workouts and have noticed that she uses barbells in many of them.

I only own hand weights: 3, 5, 8 and 10 lbs. I'm thinking of getting 12-lb. hand weights (if I can find them). I live in a 1-bdrm apartment so I don't have room for a barbell.

Do any of you only use hand weights with Cathe's workouts? If yes, got any strength training DVD recommendations for a new Cathe fan?
The only weight workouts by Cathe I have are Muscle Endurance and Muscle Max although I'd like to get some more. I love both of them and they are both super challenging in their own way. At first, I didn't have a barbell and worked out with hand weights but I was curious about the barbell and whether or not it made a difference. After 2 months of using it, I love it. I think it makes a difference. It is a different feel than the hand weights and I don't think it takes up that much room at all. The weights stack very neatly and the bar doesn't take up really any room to speak of. Plus with the barbell, it's much easier to add more resistance to your exercises because it's much easier to put 35 pounds on the bar than it is to hold 15+ pounds in each hand. It is more comfortable for me to use heavier weight on the bar and really get a better workout than I would just using hand weights.
Anyway, thought I would chime in here.
I agree completely with Carolyn. Although dumbbells can be substituted for some exercises, barbells are often much more effective and comfortable, and if you get the Troy Light system (can be found on you'll find a narrow, 5-lb shorter bar that can accommodate up to 80 pounds of weight plates and are, as Carolyn mentioned, very easily stored.

RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

I agree too. You're probably fine for now, but with continued use of her weight workouts, you'll get to a point where dumbbells just won't be enough, especially for lower body work.
RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

I got my barbell about a month ago, after debating for a few weeks. I'm glad I got it. It makes things easier, and I'm so glad I don't have to worry about hanging various dumbells on my shoulders!! It gives me a great new challenge.

I'm sure the bar isn't required, but you might want to think about it. I got a straight bar with the quick release clips. If you aren't sure, maybe check into purchasing the bar and plates separately. I have a bunch of plates I haven't gotten to yet, so I'm storing more than I need right now.
RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

I don't think you need it for now. I do have two barbells, but I am so lazy about changing out weights, most of the time I use dumbbells anyway. They work just fine for just about anything. In fact, I feel more comfortable hoisting up 25lb dumbbells on each shoulder for squats than I do a barbell. Maybe, it's just mental. Since you don't even go above 10 pounds as of yet, you really don't need a barbell. I also feel like if you do bicep curls or rows, your dominant side picks up the slack for your weaker side. So, I usually stick with dumbbells on those type of exercises or I make sure I do them with both the dumbells & the barbell.

RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

I have been using weights for years and don't have a barbell set, but Wal-Mart has one that is serously tempting me. I hadn't purchased it because it wasn't enough weight, but I noticed the other day that they have an upgrade set of weights for it. We are trying to buy a new home, and when we do, and have more room, it will be one of my first purchases. I cannot put dumbbells on my shoulders. I always feel like I am going to passout. I've tried everything to fix this and nothing works. I always hold weights at my sides for leg workouts and this just isn't very comfortable. I am hoping that a barbell will fix this. I figure the weight will be more along my back then on whatever blood vessel gets crimped with the dumbbells on my shoulders. I've come a long way with just dumbbells though. I put a 10 and 2 together to get 12lbs. I have these u-shaped walking weights that are faily commfortable when held with a standard 10 lb dumbbell. I've looked everywhere for a 12 lb dumbbell with no luck.
RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

Oh I did mean to mention that Walmart has a set of a barbell with weights for $19.99. I bought it because it's cheap, & I had a Walmart gift certificate. Otherwise I would never be caught in that nightmare of a store! Changing the weights is a moderate pain (just me personally; I did mention I was lazy). When I used to do the pyramids, I did 2x15lb dumbells, 35lb barbell, and then 2x20 lb dumbbells.

Hopeful, I wanted to add, just in case you haven't tried it, keep the dumbells away from you neck, more on your shoulders, you could be pressing on your carotid artery & that would make you dizzy & faint. But I know the bony prominences of your shoulders can really bite. I feel this when I hoist my 25 lb dumbells.

RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

What about Body Bars? They go up to about 36lbs
RE: Are barbells required to get a good workout from Ca...

I don't use barbells to do leg work (where she props the bar on her shoulders) because it hurts my back. The hand and arm position throw me off balance because I have back problems. If I use dumbbells and hold them out in front of my body or down at my sides, I am fine, though.

So, no, you do not need barbells to get a good Cathe workout. For example: Instead of 30 lbs. on your shoulders, hold two 15 lb dumbbells or one 30-pounder.

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