April Rotation/Muscle Endurance

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! Each month will feature a different type of rotation. This April rotation focuses on increasing and maintaining muscle endurance.


Week 1:

Mon: Leaner Legs
Tues: CTX Upper Body
Wed: Cardio of choice
Thurs: off
Fri: Leaner Legs
Sat: Cardio of choice
Sun: CTX Upper Body/ 30 minutes of cardio

Week 2:

Mon: Power Hour
Tues: Cardio of choice
Wed: Power Hour
Thurs: Cardio of choice
Fri: Body Max
Sat: Stability ball section only of Pyramid Legs/15 minutes of Ab Hits
Sun: off

Week 3:

Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: Cardio of choice
Wed: Boot Camp
Thurs: off
Fri: MIS
Sat: Cardio of choice
Sun: Cardio Kicks

Week 4:

Mon: Muscle Endurance
Tues: Cardio of choice
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Cardio of choice
Fri: Muscle Endurance
Sat: Choice of cardio for 30 min plus Floorwork and Ab segment only (of Pure Strength Legs and Abs)
Sun: off

Have fun!
RE: April Rotation

Thank you Cathe this is great. This will take the guess-work out of what workout I will do next.

Again Thank you Tonya :D
RE: April Rotation

This web site, like your workouts, just keep getting better and
better. Thank you Cathe!!:7
RE: April Rotation

Thank you so much Cathe. This is great. I always have trouble with deciding which workouts to do and this takes the guessing out. You've made my day.
RE: April Rotation

Hi Cathe,
I really appreciate your time and input for rotations. I am currently working out to your Pyramid Rotation to build muscle. All of you work will go to good use.


RE: April Rotation

Thanks so much Cathe! I was just trying to figure out a new rotation to maintain or build up muscle! You took the guess work out for me! Susan
RE: April Rotation

Hi Susan! I'm pretty sure that you were referring to building muscle endurance in the above post but just in case I just want to clarify that this rotation is for muscle ENDURANCE building (the ability to handle a moderate weight for longer periods of time and numerous reps) rather than muscle strength building (the ability to handle a heavy weight for shorter periods and less reps). Can't hurt to double check, right? Take Care:)
RE: April Rotation

Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!

Thanks so much Cathe. I can start this rotation today --I literally just opened my copt of CTX Upper Body:7
RE: April Rotation

Cathe Thanks!
I am planning to do a endurance rotation next! Right now I am on my own 4 days on 1 off rotation (one endurance, one strength day) (posted here also) and when it finishes I will move on to your endurance rotation.
Do you have any suggestons to substitute for Cardio Kicks? My Knee can't take the snap and recoil any more. I have pain for the whole day afterwards.
Stupid question

Is this rotation supposed to be followed as: Do week 1, then week 2, then week 3, and finally week 4? If so, don't you need a day of rest for your upper body after doing CTX Upper Body on Sunday of week 1 instead of starting week 2 with Power Hour on Monday? I was thinking of either moving the rest day in week 1 to Sunday or switching around Saturday and Sunday.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

RE: Stupid question

I always rest on Saturdays, so I automatically rearrange Cathe's rotations with the "Off" days at the end of the week. Then I do the rotations in the order posted. (Okay, okay, I TRY to do them in the order posted!)

For me, the rotation would look like this (note that everything is in the order she suggested, but with the rest day always on Saturday):

Week 1:
Sun: Leaner Legs
Mon: Cardio of choice
Tues: CTX Upper Body/ 30 minutes of cardio
Wed: Leaner Legs
Thurs: CTX Upper Body
Fri: Cardio of choice
Sat: off

Week 2:
Sun: Power Hour
Mon: Cardio of choice
Tues: Power Hour
Wed: Cardio of choice
Thurs: Body Max
Fri: Stability ball section only of Pyramid Legs/15 minutes of Ab Hits
Sat: off

Week 3:
Sun: MIS
Mon: Cardio of choice
Tues: Cardio Kicks
Wed: Boot Camp
Thurs: Cardio of choice
Fri: Boot Camp
Sat: off

Week 4:
Sun: Muscle Endurance
Mon: Cardio of choice
Tues: Muscle Endurance
Wed: Cardio of choice
Thurs: Muscle Endurance
Fri: Choice of cardio for 30 min plus Floorwork and Ab segment only (of Pure Strength Legs and Abs)
Sat: off
RE: April Rotation

Hi Likes2befit! Any cardio of your choice is fine here. Keep in mind that Boot Camp has a lot of kick box in it too, so I suggest you preview it (if you haven't already) to figure out what exercises you would like to substitute in those slots. Take Care!
RE: April Rotation

Yes, I like BC and have been able to modigy while keeping my heart rate up. For example:

For the side kicks/ front kicks I grab the stability ball and do the outer thigh raises from PLB. They are a challenge to keep going! I do one side during the front lifts nad the other side during the side lifts. It works well.

During the sequential power kicks I substitute speed skaters.
Thanks for the reply. I feel challenged to get a high intensity workout without hurting my knees further, but I like a challenge!
>Where can I find the previous months featured rotations ?

I believe this is the first time Cathe's done this. Thanks Cathe. This really a manageable rotation. It allows for three days of cardio, three days of strength training and alleviates boredom because you are varying tapes. This is really a sensible rotation that I'm sure gets results without overdoing it.

Cathe - or educated crowd -

I would like to try this rotation but I don't have CTX or bodymax.

I have adequate subs for bodymax. Can I substiute MIS upper for the CTX week or pyramid upper?

I'd appreciate any suggestion.

Hi Cathe!

Thanks for the great rotation! I started it last night w/ LL. However, I have a problem - sort of --

I have CTX but in VHS - the rest of the workouts, I have in DVD. I don't have CTX Upper Body. I would like to not have to fast forward to all of the parts in the CTX series for the workout tonight. Any suggestions for substitutes? I was thinking about the upper body from PH or ME. I also wondered about PUB, but isn't it a different focus than muscle endurance?

Thanks for any help!

Not Cathe, but do you have MIS at all? You could use that upper body segment. Or BodyMax's upper body segment? Otherwise I would think either PH or ME upper would be just fine. Susan
P.S. I just purchased CTX Upper for this rotation! I started with week 4 since I had already done ME, now am on week 2 next 3, then week 1.

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