Apple Cider Vinegar


I just did a search and found out about the health benefits from this stuff. I would love to try it, but I can barely smell it let alone drink it!!! How do people drink this stuff? Does anybody do this? Thanks!

i make things with it-not drink it because its vinegar. its been a long time since i have used apple cider vinegar so i cant recall any recipes. probably can find some on the internet.

My MIL swore by the stuff. She made a concoction called "Dr. Jarvis". You can google it. I believe it's about a quart of water to X amount of apple cider vinegar, and a few teaspoons of honey. I'm not sure but, like I said, you can google it. She claimed it cured all that ailed you particularly stomach viruses and such. My DH drank it as a youth like it was lemonade. I never could take a liking to it myself. What I remember was that it didn't taste that bad if you could get past the smell of it.

When I was in the second grade, my teacher told my mom about vinegar water. When you have an upset stomach, mix 1/4 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink it every 15 minutes until the upset stomach goes away. If you wait until you are about to vomit, then you have waited too long. It will make you vomit at that point.

My teacher said that she would do this every time she went to Mexico and her friends thought she was crazy.

After that, every time we had a stomach ache, my mom would say, "Quick, drink some vinegar water!" Very rarely would we have to repeat it in 15 minutes. It drastically reduced the times we got sick.
Eden Organics makes a great cider vinager. It tastes much sweeter than most brands. Be sure it is organic, in a brown bottle and has the natural mother in it. Heinz cider vinager will not do the job. If you mix it with local raw honey, it becomes a not bad tasting very healthy drink. It is alkalizing and very soothing to the stomach.

So this has to be organic acv? All I have is the stuff from the regular grocery store. Guess I won't try it just yet!

I used to joke that I added it to my water to keep from getting fleas (supposedly a rememdy for your dogs to prevent fleas) but in reality, it kept my kids from drinking from my measured Weight Watchers jug o' water. I liked it, but I also drink straight green bitter tea, Starbucks coffee, etc. It was also kinda fun to watch the kids spew when they got hold of my drink.
I hate vinegar!x( Gives me heartburn like instantly! If you insist on using it though, I would whip up a salad dressing with it, maybe mix a little olive oil in and herbs?
I think I'm a werido because I LOVE vinegar...all kinds! I can drink balsalmic straight. I have also started drinking organic apple cider vinegar because I heard it helps with GERD. I don't think it tastes or smells bad at all. I know...weirdo!
Raw apple cider vinegar, with the 'mother' in (strands of the live stuff created during fermentation) is supposed to be very healthy (at the other end of the vinegar spectrum from white vinegar, which is good for cleaning and disinfecting, but not great to ingest). I've never seen recommendations to guzzle it straight, but it's often diluted in water (maybe 1-2 Tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water) with a sweetener. My bottle of Bragg's ACV recommends drinking 1-2 teaspoons in 8 oz. of water, with optional sweetening with 1-2 tsp. organic honey, maple syrup or blackstrap molasses, or 4 drops of stevia. I don't see how it would taste any worse than lemonade!

But, as others have said, you can also get the health benefits by using it in foods (as long as you don't heat it): making dressings or marinades.
Okay, I just tried drinking it with 8oz of water and 1/4t. I have to admit, it did no taste bad. I can see how it would be yummy in a salad! I will try that next. Since the 1/4t did not taste bad, I tried 1/2 t. This was a little bit stronger, but still not bad....

I also heard that it is great for weight loss. Has anyone else heard or experienced this? I heard that you should drink 1-2 tsp. into a glass of water and can honey to sweeten. I did try it before and it does not taste bad.
I almost never get heartburn, but one night had it so bad i thought I was gonna die. i didn't want to take anything (I have this thing about people who constantly take Tums, Rolaids and such, to me it would be like admitting I was officially old) so I searched online for a natural remedy. ACV and Honey, mix it up and drink it straight. After a couple of sips, seriously, my heartburn went away and never came back.

So I researched some more and also found it was good for weight loss. I took a swig before every meal for about a week, and it certainly DID seem to help detoxify my body! I really like the taste of vinegar too, when I was a kid I always drank pickle juice from the jar after I ate all the pickles!
::when I was a kid I always drank pickle juice from the jar after I ate all the pickles!::

OK, who else is puckering??

I have a friend who swears by frequent gargle of ACV at the very first sign of sore throat to prevent full on infection.
ACV is a great cure-all! The only downside is it bad for teeth enamel so you should rinse after drinking. I typically mix 2 tablespoons organic, unfiltered (with the mother in it) ACV with 8 oz of water and drink quickly. I also use ACV tabs.
>have this thing about people who constantly take Tums, Rolaids
>and such, to me it would be like admitting I was officially

That is sooo funny :7. I have suffered from GERD for a while and just this past week went to the doc because even the Tums weren't working:eek: Emailed my sister just to say that despite feeling way younger than I am, and being in shape, bla bla, my body still knows it's 50;) No getting around being old...well, the alternative is worse}(

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