Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrina Disaster


I haven't read many of the other posts on this board about Katrina, yet, and I haven't followed all the coverage, because to be honest, who can? With so many heart-breaking stories coming out of New Orleans, it's hard to keep up with it all.

But, one thing that has got me feeling very ticked off is how Bush and his administration has handled the tragedy. I voted for Bush in the first election, but I couldn't bring myself to do it this time, and with each passing incident, I'm more glad I didn't. Where do I begin???

Funny that Bush administration could appropriate overnight a billion dollars to rebuild Iraq, but in a week's time, that same administration couldn't get out from in front of the camera long enough to actually DO anything to lessen the suffering in New Orleans. They seemed more interested in holding press conferences to get "good media coverage" for saying "all the right things". To bad they weren't doing anything. All talk - no action. Meanwhile, people are dying by the hundreds and the situation in New Orleans is only getting worse.

What's more, it was reported on the local radio news this morning that one of Bush's press conference speakers (I didn't catch the name) actually said that we should think long and hard before appropriating money to rebuild New Orleans until we can devise a plan to rebuild the city above sea level. Hello, nimrod! So much is wrong with this statement, but for starters: Talk about rebuilding later! Let's get some food and water down there first, mm-kay!

This administration acts like they didn't know a big Cat-5 hurricane was coming! Even if it didn't hit New Orleans, it was going to hit SOMEWHERE! And history tells us that when a Cat-5 hurricane hits, it usually leaves a pretty bad disaster area that always gets declared a Federal Disaster Area and receives Federal aid. Did this administration lose IQ points since the past hurricane season when Florida was decimated by 4 strong hurricanes (none of which was a Cat-5 if I recollect correctly).

So, nearly a whole week since Katrina destroyed New Orleans, Bush FINALLY holds a press conference today and says that help is on the way! Woo-hoo! A little late, don't ya think? I can't help but wonder if it wasn't the scathing remarks the New Orleans mayor was making about how Bush was handling the situation that motivated Bush to actually step up and say, "Oh, maybe we need to get food and water down there." Maybe Bush needs to stop focusing so much on "rebuilding Iraq" to actually see that we've got some areas here in the States that need to be rebuilt -- and those areas actually WANT Bush's help, I don't think Iraq does.

A comment was made to our local newspaper this week in a column called "Let it Out". Someone brought up a point, wondering how many countries are going to step in and help us rebuild New Orleans. The point is, we're so busy "helping" everyone else, but when it comes right down to it, no one helps us. I don't see Middle Eastern countries, or Russia, or Asian countries saying, "Here, United States, here's a billion dollars to help rebuild your World Trade Center. Here's a million dollars to rebuild an entire city that was lost to a hurricane." But yet, we give billions of dollars to these countries all the time, sending our military away from their families to "help" them (sometimes I wonder if we're actually helping or causing more harm, though).

The Red Cross organized an entire televised concert to benefit Katrina victims before Bush could even appropriate any funds. Numerous professional sports teams all around the country pitched in over $500,000+ a piece (The Colts' Peyton Manning is rumored to have contributed $1,000,000 himself to this fund drive)...all before Bush could "send help." A local radio station in Indianapolis organized a fund drive in just a couple of days and raised money and collected items to send to New Orleans, all before our Federal Government had committed any help to the stricken area. I think we need to cut some red tape out of Washington. I'm about action, not talk. All the talk in the world about what you're "going to do" doesn't help unless you ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING!

People have been committing suicide down there because they've lost everything, can't get their medicine, are miserable with thirst, hunger,and heat exhaustion...and members of Bush's administration want to think "long and hard" before sending any money their way. It actually seems that more people have died SINCE the hurricane hit than from the hurricane's impact itself...and that's just sad....very very sad. I guess I expected more from our elected officials than this. I expected them to actually CARE about the people who elected them to office...but to dicker about whether or not to send money and how much to send while people are dying??????? What kind of morons do we have running this country?!?! It absolutely disgusts and appalls me! If I were the President, I would have been the one to call on all professional athletes and Hollywood millionaires to fork over the cash. I would have been challenging every money-loaded millionaire in this country to fork over for the cause. I would have been on the phone myself to the Bill Gates, Paris Hiltons, and Peyton Mannings of the country, personally imploring them to give what they could (and if the number they gave was too low, I would have said, "Oh, come on, Mr. Gates, you can surely give $500,000 more. Paris, your dad could surely open up one of his hotels to give the now-homeless victims a place to stay free of charge until they can make other living arrangements. Your help sure is appreciated." What did Bush do for the past 5 days while New Orleans continued to be destroyed? He talked about how we needed to stay in Iraq........oh, and then today he finally decided it might be a good idea to spend a little money on New Orleans, long after Katrina blew back out to sea.

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd vote against a Republican, but Bush's actions have repeatedly persuaded me to do just that.

Vent over...coming down off of soapbox now for those who stayed with me all the way through.
The sheer length of your post has deterred me from reading it. As for the blame, I think there is plenty to go around. I think the best thing for us at this point is to concentrate on what we, as fellow contrymen, can do to help. Government is never the answer. It's the people who get the job done.


I did read your post.

I have never been a fan of GWB, and his "unhandling" of this tragedy has done nothing to improve my opinion of him.

Even though DH and I gave money to Red Cross, I still I feel helpless, as if I don't deserve to be safe and have food on my table.

Hell, if gas at $3.39 a gallon is my biggest problem, I'm very lucky.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I couldn't read the entire post either and I agree Michele--there is plenty of blame to go around and I am sure that time will show that to be true.

I don't think anyone, including the Mayor of New Orleans or Governor Blanco, foresaw the magnitude of this thing.

edited for typo

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Hi Maggie,

I'm quite certain that no one would ever confuse the performance of Mayor Nagin of New Orleans with that of Ruddy Guliani following 9/11. Something I learned today that I didn't know before is that it is the responsibility of the state to inform the feds of thier needs. It is up to the state to mobilize the guard. Reports I heard today indicated that Blanco and Nagin were remiss in their duties.

ETA - We can go back and forth all day about who is to blame. We all have our opinions and I seriously doubt that any of our minds will be changed. I feel a very deep sadness about the suffering of these people. All I care about is trying to do my part to lessen the misery.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I did not read the full post but I got the gist of it and I certainly do agree with it.
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I hear you and agree, Michele. Again, I think time will show that there is plenty of blame to go around, but those who hate President Bush will hate him no matter what he does and there really is no point in arguing.

I'm going to bed.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...


I agree about spreading the blame but your comment about the state activating the guard... what guard? The guard is over in Iraq. Units from Vermont and New Hampshire(as well as other states I'm sure) that aren't already in Iraq are being deployed to go to New Orleans. When GWB was in the Air National Guard they never saw hostilities, today the Guard is the front line in some other country.

I hope people consider whether to rebuild New Orleans in it's current location or move it somewhere else. This kind of tragedy has been predicted for years. It could happen again next year.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I also had a hard time reading the original post. Eventually, I decided to go back and try again. I shouldn't have clicked on this thread but it's late and I misread the title.

A couple of thoughts....

This is no time for placing blame. This is the time for problem solving. People are depending on us. Sorry but I think everyone not directly affected needs to keep their heads about them and pitch in. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Personal responsiblity, local government, and the federal government all have to own up, learn from this disaster, and move forward. Anger is as destructive as this hurricane.

Sometimes it is better to take a breath and calm down. Your post was filled with emotion and some incorrect facts. I understand, but unfortunately these kind of posts divide people. We need to unite at this time.

Saving my strength for those who need me most,
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I got the gist of the original post...But have to say...You totally put our PRESIDENT in a rubish pile!!

What would YOU have done if you had to go through what he's gone through?
NO...I'm not on his side, but...

Have you watched some of the media in the past 24 hours?? Did you see Bush in New Orleans feeding an infant so his/her mother could get a sandwich and water??

Did you realize that he was totally TICKED OFF that things weren't going as fast as planned?? He wanted things there 4 days ago!!

I'll stop for the night! I'm not trying to start a roar, gals...But, how in the world can you be ready for this????
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

Here, here, Michele!

"I'm quite certain that no one would ever confuse the performance of Mayor Nagin of New Orleans with that of Ruddy Guliani following 9/11. Something I learned today that I didn't know before is that it is the responsibility of the state to inform the feds of thier needs. It is up to the state to mobilize the guard. Reports I heard today indicated that Blanco and Nagin were remiss in their duties."

I agree completely - and now I'll shut up. I try never to get into these political debates, but I had to speak up on this one.

Just Do It! :)
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

>But, how in the world can you be ready for this????
We could have built stronger levees, but that was done a long time ago, they could have moved New Orleans and the other gulf coast cities, but that is impossible, we could have walked around the entire city of New Orleans on Saturday and forced people to leave, but that is impossible. The government could have a crystal ball, but that is magic, and then we could have prevented the hurricane. There is noone to "blame". People (and that is the government too) are doing what they can. My family members too have been displaced, I probably have lost one, because if you read my other post, I am doing everything I can to find her. But, I don't blame anyone. It is horrible.
Catwoman, I agree with your post whole heartedly. I don't usually get involved in political discussions, but you said everything I've been thinking. This country is in serious danger right now, I hope someone wakes up soon and does something about it all or we can kiss our freedom goodbye. And for the record, I didn't vote for the moron either!
RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

I agree with Jordan on this one. Placing blame will not help anyone. We need to focus our energies on helping the people in the Gulf states to rebuild.

I am sorry but with all the technology and resources we have there is no reason that it took so long to get food and water to those poor suffering even dying people!!! Wake up- how important are US citizens? Relief and rescue efforts have been provided to other countries much quicker than our own- how sad is that :-(

Well I don't agree with you Catwoman. You can't possible put the blame on one person. This is a huge relief effort that requires EVERYONE involved to do their part. Anyhow, I heard Bush will be doing some firing of his own for those who didn't do what they could have when they should have. I think he is disgusted too.

RE: Appalled With How Federal Government Handled Katrin...

"I am sorry but with all the technology and resources we have there is no reason that it took so long to get food and water to those poor suffering even dying people!!!"


My thoughts exactly, Catherine!

Everyone is so caught up with the word BLAME and I too am not innocent of placing blame but that has never been my TRUE issue with this...the above quote sums up exactly what I have been feeling.

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