Anyone using kgs instead of lbs?


Probably only relevant to those of you in metric countries (such as myself), but is anyone doing STS using weights in kilograms instead of pounds? Are you finding it frustrating getting accurate 1RM figures and percentages?
Hi, if you go to the Settings folder in the Workout Manager, you can change lbs to kgs with one click (it was truly frustrating having to convert every workout card to kgs. On day, I was playing around the WM and stumbled on to the settings page; and voilà, life is so much easier. I was so excited to start STS I didn't bother to check to see if it was even possible. Cathe thought of everything!) Hope this helps:)
I have the reverse problem. I started using my double sets of kettlebells, which are in kg's for certain moves. I'm surprised how many places I can substitute them in for dumbells like toe raises, lunges, sliding, high step moves, etc. Platemates work really good on them too for micro-loading.

I have 4,8,12,16 and 20kg with doubles on the 8's and 12's so I have to do the math.
Hi, if you go to the Settings folder in the Workout Manager, you can change lbs to kgs with one click (it was truly frustrating having to convert every workout card to kgs. On day, I was playing around the WM and stumbled on to the settings page; and voilà, life is so much easier. I was so excited to start STS I didn't bother to check to see if it was even possible. Cathe thought of everything!) Hope this helps:)

Thanks but I think I should have been clearer. I had already done this before starting STS and my 1RM tests, however I just find it frustrating that the Workout Manager doesn't allow half kilo increments. All 1RM figures and percentages are rounded up to the next full kilo. I really wish the WM allowed for half kilo increments, especially for those of us in parts of the world that use kilos instead of pounds. (1 kg = 2.2 lb) I am finding that I have to manually adjust my figures to get more accurate % 1RM target weight figures.

ETA: Despite this frustration, just wanted to say that I am absolutely LOVING this program - for anyone on the fence about getting it, I was too for a loooong time - but I am SO glad that I finally bit the bullet and got it.
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Hi, yeah I also found exactly the problem you described; the website's support for kg isn't really adequate. I ended up working out all my 1RM's manually elsewhere. And yeah, apart from that, loving the program :)
One Rep max testing for Metric users

This is something we're are planning on adding, but I hope you understand that the 1RM formula can't predict your one rep max to this degree of accuracy. The goal of the 1RM test is to get you close to your true One Rep Max, but there is a possible large degree of error in this calculation.
Thanks. All that's needed really is to be able to work with half kilos, the same degree of accuracy as whole pounds.
My workout card on the computer screen is now getting accurate %s; however, when I print the card, the weight no longer prints the decimal and rounds down or up to a whole number...I just copy the correct wieght on to the card--at least I don't have to take out the calculator:) Thanks for the improvements on the metric conversion.
1RM now shows fractions

We've now made it so the 1RM calculator will show the fraction weight for metric users. We're still working on finishing this for workout calendar cards.

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