Anyone Try 20 minutes of Interval Sprints- Results?


Hi - I am trying to make my workouts as efficient as possible. I have read that a 20 minute workout that consists of a series of 8 sprints mixed w/ jogging is extremely effective for weight loss, etc. Today I tried this workout. It was very difficult and I worked up a sweat. However, I could not help but be stunned with how fast it went by and I can't help but wonder if just 20 minutes (compared to my usual 50-60 minutes of cardio) is enough. Has anyone actually incorporated this regime into their program and, if yes, how have you fared? Thank you!!
I have been doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) like you described, once a week. It is so tiring, isn't it? I can't believe that 20 min can beat me up like that. I still do 2 steady state cardio workouts per week. The Body for Life plan, I think, has 3 sessions of HIIT cardio per week and that's it.

So, bottom line, I think it is effective for a lot of people. Plus, it is so short! Here's a thread about it that I read through and why I started doing HIIT.

I did this run on Mon. & today. Man, it really kicks your butt- my legs are SOOO sore! I can't believe it. I love how short it is, too. But, I wondered the same thing - how can it be effective and only be 20 min long?? My cardio mentality has always been a min. of 40-45 minutes, pref. 50-60 to "really work".

I think just shocking your body doing something so different is what gets results, too.

How long are your sprints? The workout i've been doing is 2 min. brisk walking, 30 sec. all out sprinting.


Keep smiling & sweating!
Today (my first day at this) I did 8 sprints, 1 minute each, with jogging for 1 or 2 minutes between the sprints. I just ran as fast as I could -- and I hope that it was fast enough to qualify as true HIIT training. All I know is that I did the best that I could! I really hope that there is something to this. Hopefully others will respond to this thread and share their experiences.
I do a 20 min routine of sprinting on 9.5 for a minute than walking on 3.5 for a minute. I do ten intervals of sprints alternated with the walking. It is puke worthy ;)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Thanks so much for sending the link. Unfortunately, I was not able to access the information b/c I am not registered to this Firm Board. Is it possible for you to "cut & paste" the information? I would love to see what was said. Thank you very much.
That sounds amazing! How many times per week do you do this? Also, what results have you seen in terms of weight and fitness?
I would love to see this thread as well, but I'm not a member of the Firm Ya Yas. If you can paste it for us to view, it would be greatly appreciated!

Sprinting workouts have really helped me get my legs toned and mored defined. I try to do this workout once a week at my local high school track - sprint the long edges of the track, jog or walk the curves for 1/2 hour. The second half hour, I run up and down the bleachers. It really wipes me out but I LOVE it! ;-)
I do this 1-2x week. I've seen amazing results in terms of endurance and lean muscle mass. I've learned a lot about getting more bang for your buck in terms of shorter, more intense bouts of cardio (rather than wasting your time with hours and hours of steady state). Oh and I am actually 20 lbs less than prePG. I have incorporated this over the 2.5+ years.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
Timely thread, as I had just read the HIIT thread over at the Yayas and it inspired me to try it. This week I started by doing 6 sprints on my treadmill. I did a 5 min warm up, followed by 7mph sprints for 45 sec each with 3.2mph/1 min strides in between. I ended with a 3 min. cool down. I was completely wiped but I loved it! I'm not a cardio fan, so this workout is great because of it's length. Many who do this at the Yayas site do it twice a week, with a longer cardio session as their third cardio. They've lost weight and increased their endurance. My goal is to do a two month rotation of HIIT twice a week along with an extra Cathe cardio and S&H weight training on the opposite days. I think it will be just what I need to drop those stubborn five pounds.
>I'm definitely going to have to try this. Deb, I can't
>believe you're running at 9.5!!!!:eek:

Only 20 minutes, girl. I could never last longer doing that speed. If you are truly doing HIIT, you won't be able to do much more than 20-25 minutes max.

I just envision I'm being chased by tarantulas! :p


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
My treadmill doesn't go past 8mph, it's an oldie. To make up for it I do my HIIT on an incline. I'm also starting out slow. I need to get into condition for this.
My question re: HIIT is this: Does it improve heart health as much or more than say 60 minutes of cardio? I understand the concept and do HIIT, but always wonder if it helps my cardio health as much as 60 minutes of aerobics. With heart problems in my family, this is my main concern.

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