Anyone tried Strike Zone yet?

I'm patiently stalking the mail man while twidling my thumbs. (in other words, I still haven't gotten mine yet).

But I love reading about everybody's input!

I can't believe you haven't gotten yours yet. I live in Texas and got mine on Saturday. Hopefully you will get yours today.
I am stalking my mailbox too. I hope I get this workout today although I probably will wait to do it as I'm sick with a cold. Blah.
I had a really hard time getting my heart rate up on this one.
I know you get out what you put into it, but I swear I was really trying!

Maybe it was because this was my first time through. You never really maximize the effectiveness of a workout the 1st time through. Mind you, I haven't done kickboxing in a while and for cardio, lately I've been doing cardio coach on the elliptical so maybe I'm just used to a higher intensity.
I did this morning and I thought it was good. I did not take up the intensity up as high as I could since I was just trying to get familiar with the moves. I think this is a workout that will get better with time.

I sent you a message a couple days ago but it didn't show on the forum so I'll send it again. If you go to and look under the Strike Zone Video there is a video on how to do the spiderwebs.

I didn't order this dvd but thought this url might help you.

Just tried it, I didn't care for it. Not intense at all.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
>Just tried it, I didn't care for it. Not intense at all.
>Jadon born 11/23/05
>Justin born 1/17/04
>Jory born 4/9/94
Hi Melanie,
I just sent you a p.m.!

I got mine yesterday, pre-viewed it and not inclined to try it anytime soon. I see them as being a bit off beat with the music, which I hate. Tracey does not look comfortable to me, her moves look a bit jerky,not smooth, maybe its just me....
I agree with FitMom Wendy. The cueing didn't work very well for me. I even previewed it. I got through the first 4 combos (did the 3rd combo TWICE) before hitting eject and popping in BM2. I won't devote an entire workout session to learning the combos. I'll tack a combo onto a workout until I memorize the combos so I don't have to look at the screen. Then I can decide if it actually does get better over time.

Also, I'm using my laptop. Normally the volume on my laptop is more than adequate for Cathe and Tony. But, it was difficult to hear Tracey clearly over the background music with the volume on max.

I didn't think the camera shots helped show where my body should be. Maybe if I was a fast learner, I wouldn't mind the face shots.

Did Tracey have shoulder issues? Just wondering why she didn't do the push-ups.

>I see them as being a bit off beat with the
>music, which I hate.

I previewed mine, and I found this disappointing as well :-( , especially since after people mentioned that the preview clips looked like the moves weren't always in sync with the music, both Carol (director) and Tracey assured people that the actual workout was in sync. That makes me wonder if they know what being in-sync to the music is? I think Tracey sometimes rushes transitions between moves, which puts the move a bit off the beat. I might not notice it as much once I do the workout, but I won't find that out until tomorrow at least.
>I didn't think the camera shots helped show where my body
>should be. Maybe if I was a fast learner, I wouldn't mind the
>face shots.

There were a few spots where close-ups were done when a full-body shot should have been done, like when Tracey explains the elbow strike, or when a new move is introduced. I think if Carol had used workout videos herself in the past (she said she never has), she might more easily see how that kind of editing is less than helpful to us.

>Did Tracey have shoulder issues? Just wondering why she didn't
>do the push-ups.

Yes, she's had surgery for a shoulder injury, and has to be careful about what kind of shoulder work she does.
I have done strikezone and I like it. I don't think it is as intense as kpc or 4dskb.

The issues I have are minor. I don't care for when Josef goes faster than the girls and the camera focuses on him more than the others. I'm having trouble learning the "final fight" combo. I can't do spiderwebs, so that strikezone is troublesome for me. But I find that one to be the most intense in the entire workout. And the pauses in between I could take or leave, but this morning I jogged in place.

I like Traceys personality, and overall I think she did a great job.

Hi All,
I did this workout for the first time this morning. Overall I liked it. I like Josef alot and his form pointers. It did not seem as intense as compared to Cathe's or powerstrike's videos. In fairness, I did not go full out with this workout since I was learning the moves and am recovery from knee problems. I could not figure out how to do the spiderwebs so I did some of Amy Bento's "crab moves" and push ups. The set didn't bother me, it seemed a little dark but I guess that was the mood Tracey was trying to set. There were a few different moves, which made it interesting.
I did do shuffles or jumping jacks between strikes to keep the heart rate up.

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