Anyone Switch up the Workout Sequence in Meso 1?


I work weekend nights, and really hate having those HUGE Leg DOMS after the Meso workouts on Fridays. I was thinking of switching it to mid-week and doing the scheduled UPPER body work on Friday.

Has anyone done this? And do you guys (or Cathe??) think it's ok to do that?
Chris ~ I did the 5 1/2 mo. rotation awhile ago and switched the meso one disk order just as you're thinking of doing. It worked great for me and I got really good results. Of course, I don't have a control study - no way to tell if it would had been "even better" if I'd left the order as is. I wondered about it myself (Cathe likely had a good reason for structuring the workouts just as she did), but like you, it fit much better into my schedule to change it. I'll be starting STS in October again and will probably flip flop the leg workout again. Not sure this helped, it's just my (unenlightened) personal experience.

Good luck with the doms (whoo hoo)!

I just finished Meso 1 for the second time. (Chris, I think you and I were doing the 3.5 month rotation at the same time back in the winter/spring).

In both cases, I did the legs workout as the 2nd workout of the week. In my case (due to work schedule), I was doing 2 STS workouts on the weekend. It worked well for me to do it this way.

Good luck.

Thanks you guys! Makes me feel better about changing it up. I think I defnitely will , then.

Michelle..I started my second round last week!!! (though I couldn't finish up my week, I got sick with the flu on Friday). Hopefully, I will be recovered enough to pick up week 2 either tomorrow or Tuesday!! Are you checking in anywhere this time?
Yep, in Meso 1 during my 1st time through and this time I am switching the order. I do the upper body workouts on Monday and Fridays and lower body on Wednesdays. Works well for me! :)

For me, it works best to put more time between upper-body workouts (more recovery time), so I would do Meso 1 as you suggest.

I don't see any benefit from doing Meso 1 in the order suggested. In fact, I had asked Cathe about why she sequenced the Meso 1 workouts in this way, and she said more or less that it was for variety (a different type of stimulus to the muscle) This wasn't a convincing enough reason for me to want to try it that way, LOL! The STS manual also suggests that one can do the workouts exactly as you suggested.
Chris - I haven't been part of a check-in this time through, though I check some of the forum threads to see where others are in the process. I did disc 14 (legs) on Sunday and it really did the trick (still feeling it when I stand and sit!). Hope your legs have recovered...

I did it exactly as is the first time around. This time around, I moved legs to Monday so that my legs would be fresh for the weekend for any bike riding that I did. When I ride, I ride long and fast so doing legs on Friday was not an option. This week, I was stupid and did Plyo X Sunday so my workout is switched around this week but I will be back to legs on Monday next week. I see no reason to do STS exactly as it is but then again, I didn't design it :D I do add in extra push ups, pull/chin ups and some leg work throughout the week though.
Next time I do STS I plan to put legs as the second workout of the week because sometimes I was so tired and still having DOMS from the first upper body workout. Just make it work for you! :)

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