Anyone ordered in July and have NOT been notified?

Rachel, You are not alone! I ordered July 6 by mail and haven't had any type of notification of shipment & haven't been able to track my order. I am also very worried. I already checked to see if my check cleared and it did. If I don't receive my DVD's by tomorrow I am going to contact them. This is so frustrating!!!

Although I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in this boat, I'm sorry you haven't received any notification either! It is very frustrating. I'm in Colorado so I imagine it will take about 4 days for them to get here. But I thought I'd have some kind of confirmation or notification that they shipped by now. I guess I'll do the same, wait a little longer and if I don't hear anything I'll contact them.

Good luck, hopefully both our orders will be on our doorsteps in the next few days! *fingers crossed*

I ordered in July by mail and have not received any confirmation. I emailed SNM customer support to just confirm that I was in the system as having ordered but they wouldn't confirm this. They just said I couldn't track an order until it is shipped. I just wanted to know that they had an order for me. So frustrating.

>I ordered in July by mail and have not received any
>confirmation. I emailed SNM customer support to just confirm
>that I was in the system as having ordered but they wouldn't
>confirm this. They just said I couldn't track an order until
>it is shipped. I just wanted to know that they had an order
>for me. So frustrating.

Susan I'm in the same boat. I ordered using a check and SNM says there is no way to track the shipping of our DVDs. I just want to know where in the system are my workouts.
Susan and too! I ordered by check. They can track it if you sent them and e-mail address or phone number. (that is what I have experience before, anyway). My check was deposited July 22nd and I haven't gotten anything yet, either. I e-mailed them also. I know I should try to stop worrying, but can't help it :+ I am sure all is well.....I just need to be patient :+ :+

Patience? Well I'll try. I just wanted SNM just to confirm I did have an order on file. I'll try not to worry until next week. I check track your order everyday with my phone number and nothing. I will learn patience.

Susan....when you learn patience...teach me!!! They didn't confirm anything when i e-mailed them, either. I just went back through my canceled checks to make sure I had a record that I ordered.

I am trying not to worry, too. I check the tracking thing every five minutes or so :+
I have a copy of my check also. I'm hoping it has been shipped and that I just can't track it. They have filled 70% of there orders surely I'm in the 70%.

Happy Happy Happy!!!!! I just had to be patient for 1 day. I got my shipping notice. I did the dance of joy... My husband just stared at me. Something he ordered from Amazon last week was backordered to March.
So he tried to be happy for me. I'm so relieved. I hope everyone got their shipping notices today.

Susan:) :) :)
HI! I ordered on July 30th and I haven't heard anything yet.... Am I the only one left out here in the waiting zone???


Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten any notification and still can't track them using my phone number. *Big Sigh*

Don't worry Jane, you aren't alone. I also ordered in July, with a debit card online, and there is no sign of my order.

I'll just keep waiting I guess. I leave town for work on Saturday and if they aren't here when I get back, I'll know somethings wrong.

Rachel =[
I'm really sorry you haven't received your notification yet. Did you check to see if your order went through on your debit card? If it did I bet you'll get your notification by Friday. I feel your frustration.


I actually received the dvds today which is odd, because no notification and no tracking ability. But they were delivered to the wrong address. Which is frustrating because I paid for second day air and it was delayed because it went to the wrong address. Luckily the person was nice enough to deliver it to me herself.

Anyway, they are here! After much frustration. I have only previewed a couple and I find the audio fine and I can't wait to start them!


I am glad to hear you got your DVD's today. I actually got mine today also, I thought I paid for 2 day shipping but I guess I paid for 1 day. It is very odd you never received any kind of notification and then they went to the wrong house!
I think I'll start with low max tomorrow. I'm actually excited about stretch max, I think it will be very relaxing!
I ordered mine Jan 30 and got a notification today... maybe they are working overtime... and I'm from Australia!
I still haven't heard anything! :( The tracker using my phone number still just shows my older orders! Boo Hoo! I guess I'll give it through the weekend and then maybe contact SNM..... I feel so all alone... sniff sniff....


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