Anyone going to purchase Jessica Simpsons workout video?


I heard Jessica Simpson is going to be coming out with a workout video. She's been inspired by all the training she's done preparing for the Daisy Duke role in the Dukes of Hazard. She currently does lunges and squats for TWO hours. Personally, I think 33 min. of LL does the trick.
Susan C.M.
Are you kidding? Agh! i had not heard about that, but i will definately NOT be purchasing that. she is too "dingy-space-cadetish" for me. i couldn't stand to watch her show either. She looks great though. i wouldn't mind looking like her, just can't watch her.x(

Nope, will not be buying that one! I bought one video by a celebrity (Cindy Crawford) and that was the very last time. Eversince, I stick only to the people who actually know what they are doing}(
LOL... Yeah, I heard about it too. Oh brother....

No thanks.... I'll have my Hardcore Series to play with! :p
There is better ways to spend my money. I don't like the celebrities's workouts. Jessica Simpson would be "death" after 5 minutes working out with Cathe beging mercy.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
I've never been more thrilled in my life! When is she going to release this workout? Perhaps I can preorder it! (Insert sarcastic look here)

Come on, she does lunges and squats for 2 hours?????? I don't think so!
Doesn't she make enough money? I actually don't mind her, for about five or ten minutes but I would not purchase a video from her. She seems like a sweet person. Why would anyone need to do lunges and squats for two hours, was that hyped up a bit to make it appear as though that's what someone would need to do to look like her? Now her husband, he looks like he's definitely got a steady workout plan.
Is that 2 hours a week? You know, I was never a Dukes of Hazzard fan, but I don't think Jessica can even BEGIN to compare with Catherine Bach. And who's the clown who thinks he can hold a candle to John Schneider? Have you all seen him on Smallville? prrrrrrrr.....That is one MAJOR hottie!
No, I will not be buying Jessica Simpson's workout.

[Insert your own "Chicken-of-the-Sea-Chicen-and-not-tuna" or "Buffalo-wings-made-from-buffalo-meat" joke here.]
Im with Mic on this one..............Id buy a workout vid starring Jessies husband..............major yum...........

Whats his name? Nick somebody. Im so shallow I cant remember his name but I remember once seeing him without his shirt on..........and that SOLD me

Does Jessica sing while she works out?

Does anyone know if Madonna has EVER made or STARRED in a exercise video?

Id proberly be more interested in HER workout secrets than Jessicas

I actually saw an interview w/Jessica and hubby (this was pre-Dukes and probbaly about 9 months - year ago). They were basicaly asked why they get their noses into everything these days. This was at the time when they were both touring, had a show, were writing a book (or soemthing like that) about having a wedding, had a christmas special, etc. The interviewer was like "don't you think it is overkill?" They simply answered that "when you are hot, you are hot and you better take advantage of fame while you are hot b/c it may not be there in two years." Her husband said something like "hey, you have to make your money while you are in the public eye. If that passes you by, you miss your opportunity." exercise video...from someone that just began working out this year and has no qualifications.:p
Next will be Paris Hilton. Her video will be called "How To Stay In Shape With Your Very Own Gym, Your Very Own Personal Trainer Slave, Your Very Own Chef, and Your Very Own Cosmetic Surgeon."
Great point about lack of qualifications. I saw her own a VHI special. The interviewer asked her if she works out, and she said she didn't, except for maybe once in a while I believe. She & Nick are everywhere now. Usually, I have the "if you don't like it, change the channel" attitude, but they are on far too many channels now!!!

And no, I won't be buying lol.
Ya know, maybe it's not for the advanced exerciser. I bet that she will inspire plenty of teenagers to grab up a copy and try to workout and lead a healthier lifestyle. So, I say kudos to her to be a possitive roll model vs Britney that smokes and parties it up to all hours of the night. Heck, she might just get women that haven't worked out before to get her workout videos and start up a helathier lifestyle as well!

The "Paris" thing was SOOOO funny; but, you're probably right!! But of course she won't mention the chef, surgeon, or personal trainer...she will have done it all on her own!
RE: Anyone going to purchase Jessica Simpsons workout v...

I plan on camping out overnight at my favorite video store so I can be one of the first to get this workout. Once I get it, I will do it every day so that I'll be in shape for the Hardcore series.

Rocky wants to know if any of the background exercisers will be squirrels. He's begged and begged SNM, but to no avail. Anybody know?

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