Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m.?


I really, really need to change my workout time to early a.m. I normally workout during naptime but this puts me taking a shower and getting ready well into 4:00. That doesn't work especially when we need to run errands or just get outside. How long did it take your body to adjust to the new workout time? I know the few times that I've worked out in the early a.m. (5:45/6:00) I felt very unenthused and lacked that "go get 'em" attitude that I have at midday.

Any input is greatly appreciated!

I did!

Hi Sue,

As someone who works in the school system I used to work out when I got home from work (around 4:00). However, on days where things were very stressful and hectic or on days where I knew I had to run errands after work, I would frequently skip my workout. It got to be a bad habit so this summer I switched to a.m. workouts. I now get up at 5:00 a.m., am typically starting my workout at 5:20 or so, and am done about an hour later. Then it's breakfast, showering etc, and I am at work between 8:30 and 9:00 (don't have true teacher hours:D ). The first couple of weeks were pretty rough and I had to use a certain amount of mental force to get out of bed. What made it worth it was knowing that I had done a great workout and I still had the whole rest of the day to get other stuff done. Working out in the a.m. has actually given me more energy for later in the day, it just took some time to adjust. I'm finding that I need to use some mental force again because it's so dark when the alarm sounds (not to mention my flannel sheets are so cozy). But once I get going, it's a piece of cake.

Maybe you can slowly move in the direction of a.m. workouts. Spend a week getting up at 6:30, then another week getting up at 6:20, etc. until you get to the time you want to get going. That might help take away some of the shock!

Good luck!
RE: I did!

Last year I worked out VERY early and felt the same way you did at first. BUT if you do it consitently for about 30 days it really does become a habit. I usually got up around 4:15 or 4:30 to get dressed, find my balance, and to drink a little bit of orange juice mixed with water before working out. The benefits are NOTHING gets in the way of your phones ringing, everyone else is sleeping and it is one big to do you can check right off your to do list. This year I have switched to after school and it has been a challenge with me sometimes having to work out much later than I want to. Good luck!
P.S. I work in the school system also but I have to be at work at 7:15. That is why I had to get up so early to exercise and give myself time to cool off, eat breakfast, and shower. Last year I was very stressed and had a really tough class so I was too pooped to workout when I got home hence the get up and do it early or forget it motto last year! This year is a lot less stressful so I am counting my blessings and working out when I get home instead.
Okay, so I realize it's going to take some serious efforts to get up and do a.m. workouts. What time did you go to bed in order to get up at such ungodly hours?

RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

Oh yea...I forgot that was an issue with me. For some STRANGE reason I remained a night owl even with this INSANE schedule. I think probably more due to stress then anything, but I had a lot of difficulty falling asleep so sometimes my workouts were compromised due to lack of adequate sleep. If you need 8 hours you will have to go to bed really early. You will just have to decide how much sleep your body needs to funtion at it's best and adjust your schedule accordingly. I think the idea of going gradual is a good one. Your body should eventually adjust to your new schedule. It is so hard sometimes to find what works for you but you will figure it out.

If I'm getting up at 5:00 a.m. I finish up watching television at 10 p.m. (I addicted to 24 and CSI) and am in bed 10 minutes later. I fall asleep pretty easily so I imagine that I'm out by 10:30. It isn't a full 8 hours and my body doesn't seem to mind. On weekends, I will wake up at 7:00 a.m. (I typically don't sleep much later than this anyhow) so that gives me some more Zzzzz's if I need it;-) .
I posted a poll wondering how much sleep people feel that they need on a regular/consistent basis to feel rested and at peak performance. The reason I wonder this and how it ties into this question is because I know that I am constantly sleep deprived (which would lend to extreme difficulty in getting up very early). Dh is in and out at odd hours due to work and is also a night owl to boot! My girls are up around 7/7:30. There is nothing consistent in my sleep schedule when dh is home. However, when dh is gone I can maintain some sort of normalcy...except I HATE going to bed without him here (go figure). I don't know quite what I'm saying except I suppose I wonder what it's like to get a consistent amount of sleep night after night. Does that make any sense?

Just thinking and pondering at this point.

RE: I did!

I also workout in the morning, getting up at 4:30 and beginning my workout by 5. I've been doing this for years (at least 10). It does take some getting used to but it's worth it.I agree with the other poster who wrote that nothing gets in the way. It is my own private time. I'm actually thinking of trying evening workouts, though, because I've been tired the last few weeks after waking. I think, maybe, I just haven given my body proper recovery time or enough sleep (I typically get about 6 hours). I've tried evening workouts and it just doesn't feel the same, though - my body doesn't feel as light, kids, dinner, etc.

I suggest you start slowly and give your body time to adjust, a good way to start might be with shorter workouts, this way you don't have to get up way, way, earlier than you are use to.

Good Luck!

RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

Sue- I usually workout after 1pm when the kids nap but I need to try to get up at 5am, workout, shower before everyone gets up. With the holidays I'm going to need my afternoons to get things done besides working out. My only fear is the 3pm lapse (when you feel your body begin to shut down). I've been setting my alarm but just can't manage to get out of bed- Sabine has been my inspiration to get up! I'm going to try to get up starting tomorrow...

I know what you mean- I feel as though the last few weeks my sleep schedule has been off and I'm starting to feel a need for consistancy (same time to bed, same time up) but so many factors like to change that.
RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

Sue, I wake up at 4:30 and work out at 5 am. I had to "just do it". There was a period of too many distractions, phone calls, or some other occurrence after work, I just basically said - that's it! Most days I'm fine, but every once in a while it's very tough. One time when I went to my exercise room I fell asleep again on the floor during the warm up.
Susan CM
RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

I KNOW exactly what you mean. I had it in my mind to get up this morning but a friend that I haven't spoken with in months called at 10:30 (she's an hour behind me and didn't realize the time) and we talked until 1:30!!!! I'm just pooped today! Sooo...I'm attempting a go at it tomorrow a.m.!

RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

I'll try to join you! Perfect example- my kids are supposed to be sleeping right now, but no one thought it was a good idea this afternoon so here I am typing and listening to Sesame Street instead of working out. ugh...

5 a.m. tomorrow, right?x(

RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

Geez! You slave driver!;) Okay, how about 5:30? I'll set my alarm.

RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

I'll try but I may have to aim for Thurs... my babysitter is coming and if I don't wake up I can excercise in the afternoon when she's here, although it is such a waste when I have so many errands to run!
I'll try-
let me know how you do!!:)

RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

ACK! Didn't get up this a.m. Sue, did you?
I'm trying for tomorrow!!!
RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

Did you get my message? No, didn't get up. Before dh left he blessed us all with his horrible flu/cold/whatever mess. I haven't slept well in two days and have this yuck. However, that said, I will do my level best to get up tomorrow 5:30.


RE: Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m....

Sue, I didn't get your message! hope you feel better... tomorrow is another morning. I'm going to try for 5:30 because I can take a shower later in the day on Thursdays. This is how I end up in the taking a shower at 3pm cycle, though!:)
Hi Guys,
Unfortunately, working out in the morning takes a bit of discipline. I know it's not easy. I love it, though. It gives me a ton more energy for the day. Also, if I work out in the afternoon, I always come up with some excuse not to do it. I also can't workout after I've eaten. If this is not working for you, though, and you can't get up in the morning, switch back to the afternoons. The key thing is to keep working out. Good luck!

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