anyone from ohio? Another Ohioan!

We live between Akron & Canton in Green! We really DO need to get another GTG planned soon. I would love to do the walk with you guys. Lorrie, as you know now, TWO RT's are planned and that was one of the reasons I couldn't commit. Wasn't for sure when they would be scheduled. Also, I am just coming back from a knee injury. (BUT, I started jogging a week or so ago and so far, good!) I could possibly meet some of you if you are in town on Friday early up til 3:00 for coffee partway? If it weren't for my knee and not being able to train for it, I would have loved to do this. Have a wownderful time and hope to see you ALL on the RT!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
I don't post too often, but am an avid reader of these forums.

Although I have lived in North Carolina for almost 3 years now, I am originally from Chardon. I lived there for 20 years, in Pittsburgh for 8 years and was born in Fremont, Ohio.

I miss Ohio and it will always be home to me.
Do you still have family in Chardon? I was wondering because there has been so much growth here and it's probably changed so much since you lived here. I grew up in Florida and have lived in Ohio for almost 23 years (moved here for college and met my DH). I love it here and wouldn't want to move. I've posted more on this Ohio thread than I think I have posted in the past year!:p

Becca - I have three sons and a daughter, too. Are your little boys twins? I have fraternal twin boys.

Hi Erica,

My youngest boys are *almost* Irish twins! They are 12.5 months apart. My dd is the youngest and she is 3 months younger than her next oldest brother. She is adopted. How old are your twin boys?
Becca - my twin boys are 13 years old. I think having kids close together like you did would be harder than twins when they are very little because you have two babies at such different stages. Wow - your kids are all so close in age! My dd is the youngest also, but by a lot - she's 8 years younger than my twins. How old was your daughter when you adopted her? Your family is just beautiful! :)

Erica, dd was 6 weeks old when we adopted her. We met her when she was one day old, but couldn't get her until she was 6 weeks. We have the three really close together but oldest DS is 6 years older than the next one. I bet your dd is quite the little princess being that much younger than her brothers! It sounds like you have a busy household: one getting ready for college, 2 13 YO's and a 5 YO. The carpooling alone would make me need a nap!;)

Thanks again for the compliment on my family. I'm glad you came out of your posting hiatus to join your fellow Ohioans! :D
Hi Laura,

Yep, I'm on the east side of Cleveland, in South Euclid. I've been away from this site for so long, I looked at my profile and it says I live on the west side and I'm 39. Sure, three years ago...

It's good to be back with all the positive, motivating people on here. I really need that right now!

Hi Kickie -- welcome back! I lived in South Euclid --- what a GREAT location!!!! Adorable neighborhoods as well -- we lived over by Notre Dame and Regina. Do you want to join us as we walk the Cleveland half in a few weeks?

Hi Laura,

Yes, and hour and a half is not far, but with gas prices if it isn't around the corner it is too far. lol

Are you going on the roadtrip? July?


Seneca Caverns is a very cool place to go. My son wants to go there again and my daughter also. Vargo's has been around for ever and Yes they do have some awesome milkshakes!

Hi Lorrie,

How fun that you used to live in South Euclid! I really love it, I have SUCH great neighbors. Thanks for the invite, but I think I'll pass on the walk. I've just started working out again and I don't think I'd be able to make it. But I'm gonna get back in shape if it's the last thing I do! :)

Hi Kickie,
We moved to Ohio last summer and live on S. Green in Univ. Heights/Beachwood. I've also been away from Cathe for some time (still blaming it on the ordeal of moving and getting settled), but am trying use the positive change in weather to improve my outlook on life and get back into the groove! I just started back with Cathe this week after taking a break for almost a year. I definitely feel WAY out of shape, but the funny thing is that once you know Cathe's style, you can get right back into things with her.

LSASS- I think you're the one I bought P90X from. I made it most of the way through my 12 week rotation, and it was fantastic for getting back in shape after my son was born (he'll be 2 in October). It was a really great investment for me, and if I remember correctly, you bought Fluidity around the same time. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I liked P90X.

I would love to join all of you in May, but DH works a lot of weekends and that happens to be one of them. We have 3.5yo DD and 18mo. DS, so it's always a challenge to find time for myself with DH's busy work schedule. Maybe I can join in on the next get-together;)

I am going to be moving to OH. The Columbus area.


I currently live in Louisiana and have lived in many areas and am looking forward to the Ohio area. I welcome any info regarding the Westerville area as far as where to live or not live.

Hi Rebecca,

I'm right down the street from you, off S. Green on Anderson!

How do you compare Cathe's rotations to P90X? I keep looking at it, but I'm not sure that I'm ready to make the investement.

Hi Erica,

What a small world! I grew up in Lyndhurst and graduated from Brush. I moved away for about 18 years and just came back last year to be closer to my aging parents.

What year did he graduate? I was in '84.

Kickie - my DH graduated from Brush in '82 - you were there at the same time! :)


ETA - he worked at Alesci's for a long time during high school and college.

Funny - we know someone on Anderson - she watches our dog at her home when we go out of town.

I really enjoyed my 'time with Tony' when I did the P90x rotation. It was probably the first time I felt like I was working as hard as I do with Cathe. I followed it rotation fairly closely, but did tend to skip the yoga w/o, bringing me down to 5 days per week vs. 6. I definitely felt like I was in great shape at the end, but I think a big part of that was the fact that I was very consistent.

Sounds crazy, but it was a lot easier to stick to my exercise routine when I had a newborn and a 2yo, than it is now with an 18month old and a 3.5yo - it's harder to find time for myself. ?or maybe I've just gotten lazier... Anyway, no regrets on my end for making the P90x rotation. Maybe check the ya ya board for someone re-selling, to save some $$.

I grew up in Upper Arlington, near Columbus. Went to OSU for undergrad! Moved to Cleveland Heights, then to Chicago, now back to CLEVELAND!! YEAH!!!! Go Tribe, Cavs, Browns, and Buckeyes! Nice to meet everyone.

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