Anyone else disappointed?


Of course I completely empathise with Cathe and her situation it's clear this is very difficult for her... but is anyone else as disappointed as I am?

I will always be a loyal follower of Cathe, but I am one of those people that gets less motivated with the same library of workout DVD's. I suppose in some strange way, my body is ready for some new workouts. It's been a year since the Hardcore series.

Thank God for running outdoors and the spring but I am now looking into the P90X and Tracie Long Training.

Any recommendations?
Disappointed? A little bit....but I just ordered S&H instead to keep me entertained while I wait a bit more! LOL

Well, I don't understand why they just don't cancel the filming all together right now. I used to be a competitive runner and I know how a knee injury can just nag you and nag you. Knees and elbows are complicated joints and once injured they take a long time to 100%.

Cathe makes her living via fitness. She needs to keep her body in a healthy condition because it is her bread and butter. If it was me I would just postpone the new workouts until summer.

We all have a library of workouts. Having to wait a few months for new Cathe's is no big deal for me. There are plenty of rotation's I have yet to do.}(
I had all but forgotten about them. I can't imagine how much pressure Cathe must be under to complete these workouts. I'm confident that she is doing everything humanly possible to bring herself back up to fighting form. My prayers are with her.

Nope, Im not disappointed at all.I don't know why, cause normally I would be. Ive had the HC series every since it was released but for some reason it still seems new to me.
I can understand where you are comming from though.I use to get really motivated by new workouts and maybe I am not disappointed b/c I have my treadmill and I am on that fairly often.But this is not to say that I won't be excited the day that they finally arrive!
I recently purchased Get Ready, Step, Go by Kelly Coffey-Meyer. It is a step DVD and I really like it. It is very athletic and not dancey at all. It is alot of fun. I have some step workouts by Patrick Goudeau and Christi Taylor on my netflix queue, but haven't tried them yet. I guess this is just a time for us all to explore other things while Cathe gets better. Who knows, maybe we will find some great stuff.

While I am looking forward to them, I'm not too disappointed. I have plenty of other stuff to keep me busy.

Plus, if I had to be honest, I'm a little scared of Drill Max. :eek:
I'm more disappointed for poor Cathe, thinking she was recovered and now not even knowing for sure what is going on with her knee. I love the thought of getting those new workouts, but I'm willing to wait for them, knowing what a great final product Cathe puts out.
I have to say I am a little disappointed. This is my first preorder and I was all geeked to get the new DVDs.

But on the same token I can relate to her with being sidelined with a rebellious body. I'm still on restricted orders from my doctor to keep my heart rate at around 50% and "NO" weight training until the BP gets regulated.
Also, I'm gonna have to have surgery sometime in the next couple of months too to remove ovarian cysts found during ultrasounds of my kidneys and bladder...when it rains it pours. (BTW: Kidneys and and bladder are fine.)
Heck, I wouldn't even be take on the new DVDs anyway..."Curse the traitorous body of mine!!!!"

She needs to take as long as "her body dictates...not some production schedule." (Easier said than done.)

I can't even imagine the amount of pressure she must be under and that never helps when you are healing.

Oh yeah...ordered Turbo Jam Monday....but I still think this is gonna be a no-no right now.
I'm not really disappointed. I have all of Cathe's DVD's, which seems to keep me busy. And I mix it up enough so that I'm not bored at all. Also, with weather improving, I'm running more and I like to add the elliptical machine, recumbant bike and rowing machine into my rotations for variety. I just want Cathe to heal completely, for her sake and ours!

I get what you're saying. Yeah, it's frustrating, as I'm sure it is for poor Cathe. It's kind of grrr all the way around. I'm kind of like others in that I've recently acquired more stuff so I'm busy playing!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

The longer the wait for the Cathe DVD's, the less interest I have in them. I'm pretty 'ho-hum' about them right now, and I actually haven't done a Cathe workout for over two months (yes, heresy on this forum, I know! LOL!).

I'm actually discovering some fun and effective non-Cathe workouts that are new (TLT's; a new DVD version of some older Mindy workouts, with three workouts coming in March; Cardio Coach). I also have some 'virgin' workouts that I haven't even tried yet.

By the time the new Cathe workouts come out, I may be ready to get back into Cathe.
I heard someone say (not on this forum) that maybe Cathe should just work through the injury and film anyway, as that is what that particular person would do. Interesting.
Try the TLT's! I am loving them and doing a Cathe/TLT rotation right now. I must sound like a broken record at this point. Sure, a little disappointed in that I love getting a new Cathe in my hand, but this is out of her control and I have plenty to do to keep me busy. Try the TLT's....
>I heard someone say (not on this forum) that maybe Cathe
>should just work through the injury and film anyway, as that
>is what that particular person would do. Interesting.

Actually, (though the post was a bit unclear)she said "if" she were Cathe she'd work through the injury and get them done, not that Cathe should do it , and that it was probably a bad idea, but that's what she would do (and I know there are not a small number of people who tend to push themselves too much and work through pain).

It must be so aggravating to Cathe to have this happening. I'm sure she'd feel less pressure if she'd waited to start the presale until the workouts were filmed (giving about a 2 or 3 week window in which to order). Maybe they'll consider that next time?
"...just work through the injury..."

Interesting theory this person has. Maybe they should run that one by some professional athlete that tried to play though the pain and ended up with a career ending injury.
Disappointed - Yes;
Will I cancel my preorder? - NO!
Do I think Cathe should "work through the injury" NO!

Cathe really can't help that she was injured. That is life. I am patient, I will wait and it was only what? - 50 bucks! Really, it is so little it doesn't make a difference.

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