Anyone doing TLT's? What do you think?

>Can someone tell me the length of the workouts? I couln't
>find this in the description anywhere on the site. Thanks!

The run time for each DVD is:
1. Endurance For Movement - 59 min
2. Finding Your Core - 46 min
3. Strength In Movement - 59 min
4. Better Burn...Better Buns - 55 min

>Tracie decribes FYC as a Core with weights workout. I think
>all the moves makes you focus on your cardio. Even a move
>where you have one leg on the ball and while holding weights
>you roll the ball in and out.

:) I ordered this yesterday b/c it sounds like it will be a good core workout.

>BTW Tracie says: BBBB is Core with cardio,

This is "Core?" I thought it was lower body/buns type workout. Shoud I get this one if I am trying to grab some new core workouts?

:( Here's my negative comment...GOOD GOD they charge a lot for shipping! $7.50 for one DVD is ridiculous!

All of the TLT's work your core because they call upon it for stabilization while you work other body parts.

Oops, I meant to post this yesterday. Sorry that it is too late for you to use this Christine. You can get the TLTs at

Also, there is a code VFBirthday for the month of Feb that you can use to get $5 off your order. I think that for the 2 DVDs (not the TLTs) that I ordered the shipping was $7, but with the coupon it was almost free. :)


It's so funny that you said that! I just posted this morning about having to pay $9.27 for one dvd from Cathe. BUT, I went to UPS and found that Cathe does indeed charge only $1 more and for some wacky reason, if I have the dvd sent to an in-town address (as opposed to the military post that I live on--which is right next to the town...basically all one area) it costs $2.17 less. Whatever!

Will you please give an example of a P90X and TLT rotation and then a P90 Masters and TLT rotation?

I really want to do one of these and I'm terrible at making rotations.

>Will you please give an example of a P90X and TLT rotation and
>then a P90 Masters and TLT rotation?

I don't plan to combine them, but do them on alternate weeks (since Tony uses some FF techniques in his workouts, especially Core Synergistics).

For P90 Masters, I intend to do:
Day 1: Cardio intervals
Day 2: UML
Day 3: Sweat 5-6
Day 4: stretch/rest
Day 5: Plyo les
Day 6: Core Cardio
Day 7: Sculpt 5-6

(Actually, since I haven't tried the workouts yet, I'm not sure if it's the best sequence, but I'm basically just alternating cardio and weight workouts).

For P90X, I'd just follow the Classic rotation.

For TLT's, I just alternate them and stretch workouts (for now) but they could also be alternated with cardio. I don't do them back-to-back days like some people do.

To combine TLTs and either P90X or P90M workouts, you could substitute some P90.. workouts for the non-TLT workouts in the rotation I posted above (upper body, lower body, plyo X or cardio intervals instead of the Interval workout day 1).
So, I'm still a very intermediate exerciser (I modify a lot in Cathe workouts and can't lift nearly as much as she does). Do you think I would still be able to do these workouts and keep good form?

TIA, Lori
UUUUUUGGGHHH!!! Does the madness ever end? When will I be happy to just do the many workouts that I have? OK, JK. I am looking for something post P90X and these look good. Will think on it a bit.

Hi everyone,
I like what I'm hearing about these workouts. I've been on the fence about buying them. I've had a hard time finding workouts that I like that are non-Cathe. I do have a question though. Ever since I had my 3rd baby 16 months ago (and she was a very large baby) my core has been weak. Not only that but I look like I'm about 4 months pregnant and get asked frequently when my baby is due and that really bothers me. Do you think these workouts will make a difference? Thanks in advance.

I think these will work out for you!! Since I started doing these I can see a *BIG* difference in my core, and flatter abs. My Dh even commented!! The nice thing about these workouts is that is focus's on working the core throughout the workout!! There is a learning curve with them, but once you get it down. They keep getting better and better. They are a wonderful addition to Cathe. So different. GREAT way to shock the body!!

Good Luck!!
>So, I'm still a very intermediate exerciser (I modify a lot
>in Cathe workouts and can't lift nearly as much as she does).
>Do you think I would still be able to do these workouts and
>keep good form?
>TIA, Lori

Lori, I'm also an int/adv exerciser due to having 56 year-old knees that once supported a very obese body! I use the TLTs. My form is not perfect, but I see some of these advanced Cathe-ites saying the same. There is plenty of room for growth. The thing is, they are constantly talking form during the workout, so you just do the moves to the extent you can. They also have somebody showing easier versions of the moves as well as an advanced person (in my dreams!! lol) Most often, I go somewhere between the easy version and the instructor version.

So, yes, give TLTs a shot! They are wonderful. And you concentrate so much the time just flies by! Like Cathe's workouts, they are well worth what you spend.

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