Anyone doing TLT's? What do you think?


I'm currently at the end of my first week of what was going to be a week (or so) "prehab" rotation (seems more appropriate than just "recovery") alternating TLT workouts with stretch workouts.

I think I'll keep it up for a while longer, because I like what I feel and see! And I want to become a bit more proficient at the workouts as well.

These are workouts where I have to "leave my ego at the door" : 15# lat rows? How wimpy when I'm used to 25# at least and up to 40# with P90X. 3# and 5# weights? :eek: Moves that make me feel like an uncoordinated klutz?

I decided to put all those negative reactions aside and just do the workouts.

And, as I said, I like the results I'm starting to see and feel.

My shoulder that has been troublesome for a long time feels great!

My legs feel firmer. (All that 1-legged work, no doubt!)

I can feel some deep-down muscles in my core turning on when I do rotational moves, like reaching for something on the kitchen counter.

Even though I don't go over 8# in biceps on these workouts (yet), my biceps feel firmer and look more cut.

I really feel these are working some deep, invisible muscles that aren't as apparent, but are essential to a healthy body and to avoiding injury.

Can you tell it's a love fest?

Who knew you could love a workout that makes you feel like a klutz at times?
I couldn't have said it better Kathyrn.;-) It is amazing how heavy that tiny, baby rattler of 3 pounds can be! Holding the ball in those arm extensions is quite challenging as well as those floor hamstring moves. I am very much impressed with these workouts. One must really master these moves, especially the lunges. Yet, once you are secure with the moves, I feel these exercises to be beneficial, even necessary.

I have some shoulder and hip issues that I asked Susan about. She suggested I do the Firm/TLT rotation first and then we will fine-tune a rotation.
But in thinking ahead for future rotations, I am glad you posted because I wanted to ask you what you think about a TLP/TLT and P90X rotation? I am at a loss at how to set one up. I could alternate weight, circuit, and cardio, but it may not be in the correct order.

I have all four but so far I've only done EFM, and man oh man, was I ever sore! I had full body DOMS for a few days. I'm really new to this type of w/o, although my PT used FF exercises with me a few years ago when I had to have about 8 weeks of therapy for a herniated disc.

I really liked EFM. It will be awhile before I master the TLT's but once I have, I'd like to find some other FF type w/o's. I definitely see a place for these w/o's my regimen.

As usual, you said it all and I don't have anything intelligent to add, just that you summed it up well and I agree with you!

Wow, these are great comments about these workouts. I have been sitting on the fence about them, but I am leaning slightly towards getting them. I think that there are 4 of them, is that right? I don't think that I have the funds right now to get them all, so would someone mind ranking them by how they like them and why???


Is there a posted (recommended) rotation on the TLT site? I am horrible at coming up with my own rotations.

Thanks for posting this review. I too was waffling in getting them...I'll make it a priority now!
I've been wondering since I first saw them mentioned on this forum where you purchase them from. I get nothing when I google TLT.
Karin, I wish I could recommend just one but I can't. I have them all but have only done one of them. Maybe Kathryn will check back in here and provide some guidance. I really like Endurance for Movement, which is a full body workout, but I thought it was really hard. Kathryn's statement about feeling like a klutz is dead on. These are workouts that you need to grow into, which is largely why I like them. I don't see myself getting bored anytime soon, a problem I tend to have with traditional workouts.

Sue, yes, they have posted a rotation for the TLT's on

>But in thinking ahead for future rotations, I am glad you
>posted because I wanted to ask you what you think about a
>TLP/TLT and P90X rotation? I am at a loss at how to set one
>up. I could alternate weight, circuit, and cardio, but it may
>not be in the correct order.

I was planning to do a P90 Masters rotation (a step or two down from P90X) after my TLT "prehab" rotation, because Tony does incorporate some functional fitness ideas into his workouts. I don't know if I'm ready to go back to traditional gym-style lifting right now, and Tony is a nice in-between.

Do you want to do TLT's at the same time as P90X? Another option would be to do a week of TLT's, then 2 weeks of P90X, etc.

Or use a TLT instead of Core Synergistics.

How I was using the TLT's before this rotation was 1-2 times a week, in the following rotation:
Day 1: interval cardio (planned some Imaxes, but got enamored of cardio Coach, so just did those)
Day 2: full body weight workout (this is where I put in SIM or EFM or BBBB)
Day 3: kickboxing (my "steady state cardio")
Day 4: short cardio workout + upper body weight workout
Day 5: stretch
Day 6: Short cardio workout + lower body weight workout
Day 7: core and stretch (my day to use TLT FYC)

(I was doing an "every day in January" challenge at the time, so worked out every day, so made sure to vary intensities and types of workouts).
>I don't think that I have the funds
>right now to get them all, so would someone mind ranking them
>by how they like them and why???
When I did them the first time through, this is my order of ranking, from prefered to least favorite:

FYC (I really felt the workout in the glutes/hams and triceps as well as the inner, upper back)

SIM (great posture stuff and shoulder work for the rotator cuff)


I didn't like these as well at first, because they made me feel the most klutzy, with more balance work. BUT, now, I've changed my attitude and think that maybe they will be the most beneficial in the long run, BECAUSE the moves have a longer learning curve for me.

Now, I pretty much rank them equally, because they work together so well. (I'm lots of help, aren't I!?)
Hi everyone,

I just went to Traci Long Site and read up on her new workouts. I have always been a BIG fan of Tracie from The Firm.

I watched BBBB and it seems like a great workout; a must have workout. Have anyone tried BBBB workout or others?

Thank you Kathryn, I bought these workouts and then broke my foot (Murphy's Law). I have watched them and thoughted they looked too easy but now I am really interested. This darn foot. I just keep telling myself three more weeks, three more weeks.

I have been doing the TLT for about five weeks or so - I really love these workouts. Like you said, I had a harder time really getting into BBBB as first - I always wanted to quit after about 20 minutes I couldn't figure out why.

I hung in there and I really enjoy it now - I have been doing one of the workouts at last four times a week - and I have found many DOMS in my obliques and the backside of my core muscles and sometimes into the lat area I guess I would say.

I do Finding your Core more I think - Susan has a way of incorporating many muscle groups into one exercise. The functional workouts are of course different than Cathe's intensity workouts, but they seem to work you at a lower intensity - but possibly in a deeper way.

I will continue to do these workouts and I would love to do some rotations with them, too.

>Thank you Kathryn, I bought these workouts and then broke my
>foot (Murphy's Law).

LOL (Not on the foot breaking!) Seeing this all in one sentence, I thought you might be thanking me (sarcastically) for contributing to your foot breaking!;-)

They do look easier than they are, especially if you pay attention to form, like keeping hips straight.

And they will bring out any imbalances or weaknesses in your body. My left "bad" knee had a much harder time with the "stand on one foot and roll ball in and out with other" move in FYC than my right leg. Which points to a strength imbalance, IMO, but also means, I feel, that the workout will help correct it.

Heal soon!
I have been eyeing these for a while and wondering if I should give them a whirl. So....maybe I will try one out and see how it goes. I don't think I can afford them all right now but if they are worth it, I will get them one by one.

Question: Is the "Finding your Core" workout dedicated to mainly "core?" I see what seems like a total body workout in there but it's hard to tell when you only see two minutes.
No, I am blaming you for breaking my foot, I blame the person who left the concrete slab in a place where one could knock it over. A broken foot is s drag, but now I will have all these new workouts when I am better and it will be great!!
Hey Kathryn,
I am into 3 weeks of the TLT/Firm rotation, and I can tell a *big* difference in my core. And hey my abs are starting to look flatter:p Now that I know the dvds I can concentrate on the moves and they really are becoming harder for me to do:eek:

I am like you!! I could not choose a favorite!! I like them all:D They really compliment each other well!!

I really enjoy how these really work the core throughout the workout.

Hey I like your rotation!!

Happy to see that you are enjoying these as well!!:D

Thanks for taking the time to write up a rotation. This really helps.

Question: Is the "Finding your Core" workout dedicated to mainly "core?" I see what seems like a total body workout in there but it's hard to tell when you only see two minutes" Unquote.

Tracie decribes FYC as a Core with weights workout. I think all the moves makes you focus on your cardio. Even a move where you have one leg on the ball and while holding weights you roll the ball in and out.
BTW Tracie says: BBBB is Core with cardio, EFM is Interval with weights, and SIM is Interval with weights. Hope this helps. These workouts fit perfectly with the TLPs as well.;-)
I have been eyeing these as well, hoping one of them would really stand out as a favorite or "must have". I'm just going into the final two weeks of a P90X rotation and thought a FF rotation would fit the bill for a change of pace when I'm done. I was looking to pick up just 1 or 2 of them but every comment I've read praises the entire series!

What is a girl (and her credit card) to do?

Can someone tell me the length of the workouts? I couln't find this in the description anywhere on the site. Thanks!

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