Anybody With Hereditarily High Cholesterol


Is there anyone that has this problem? No matter what I try to lower my cholesterol without medicine it will hardly budge. I went to the Internist yesterday and had it checked. I was REALLY hoping that all the things that I have been trying would work. I started eating oatmeal, I exercise above and beyond the norm, I've lost weight, etc. Well, they called today, and want me to go on meds. I will do it, but it is SO discouraging. I'd hate for anybody to be in this predicament, but if you're out there, do you have ANY words of wisdom?????


P.S. If I didn't do all the things that I do for my health, my cholesterol would be off the charts, and I would probably have heart problems (like my father and grandfather), so I AM helping myself in that respect; however, it would be nice to be "normal."
My mother has that problem and she tried everything including bran muffins for breakfast and lunch and nothing worked. She is on medication now and will be forever. I have high triglycerides and until I went low carb all they did was climb even after losing 80 pounds, UGH!! I think it must be genetic too. I guess we just have to live with it. Since low carbing my trig. are down to under 200 but the new rule of thumb is to get them below 150 so I may need to start taking the med. again and see if I can lower them more. I had gone off it when I started low carbing (since that is what the doctor wanted me to do in the first place but at the time I was stubborn and said I can't do that) so my last bloodwork was without the meds. My choleserol is up but they say that is normal when trying to reduce your trig.

Sorry I can't be of any more help

It runs in my family. My brothers and I all have it. My oldest brother has been working out since age 13 (now age 51) virtually every day - he's still a competitive body builder - and he eats well. My other two brothers are thin, exercise almost every day and eat well. I've lost 30 lbs, eat well, exercise almost daily, and my cholesteral didn't budge (low HDL, high LDL). So we are all on Lipitor and blood pressure meds. My doctor says it is not too uncommon and is clearly genetic. The Lipitor has cut my LDL by more than half, my triglycerides have dropped by about 2/3, but my low HDL just won't budge.

No words of wisdom here, just that the meds do what our bodies can't.
I was somewhat upset after the doctor called yesterday, but I have come to the realization that the work that I have been doing to try and lower my cholesterol (and lose weight) was not for naught after all I'm certain. If I didn't make these healthy choices there is no TELLING what my cholesterol would be!!! Thanks for the posts! I know there are people out there like me. I just haven't "met" any of them (until now kind of!).
HI there,

I have high cholesterol (269) and it runs in my family. It seems to be creeping up over the years, even though I exercise and have lost weight. True, my diet could be better. My HDL/LDL ratios are good, so I guess that's good. I suppose I should go talk to the doctor about it (I was tested as we were applying for life insurance, so I have not talked to a doc about it yet), but I hate going to the doctor, and I'm not sure what he could do for me anyway, except put me on medication, which I don't want....Okay run on sentence....Anyway, you are not alone.

Hi Teresa,
Although high cholesterol doesn't really run in my family, my cholesterol levels were not great until I met with a nutritionist one year ago. I more or less followed her suggestions, and this year the doctor said my cholesterol levels are excellent. I was trying to eat TOO low fat for many years. Now that I've added more olive oil and fish oils to my diet, my cholesterol levels are much better. I also eat a lot of oatmeal, beans and other complex carbohydrates instead of simple carbs.

It is my understanding that, unfortunately, high cholesterol doesn't seem to respond to increasing physical activity or losing weight the way high blood pressure does, and they say that for many people even diet won't make enough of a difference. But if you're eating the wrong kind of fat or not enough fat, adding fish oils and olive oils really helped me a lot! I would recommend taking fish oil capsules everyday and see if it helps.
Count me in with hereditary high cholesterol. Actually, mine is higher than my parents. Last August, after years of working out and the last year of Cathe and the Firm, and eating very clean, my cholesterol was 315!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was 131 and my doctor was amazed how lean I was. I went on Zetia, works differently than statins - better for women of childbearing age, just in case!
Anyway, six months later my cholesterol dropped to 209.
It will be interesting to see what it will be in August.:)
I don't have high cholesterol either, but it does run in my husbands family along with high blood pressure. Most of his family is on meds for both and started on them in their late 40's. My husband is the exception. I thought maybe what works for him might help you or anyone else as well. I agree wholeheartedly with the previous post regarding the dietary changes (ie oatmeal, fish,olive oil etc.). It's amazing how your body will respond to a change in nutrients. I was wondering if you take any vitamin supplements? I've read that niacin (not niacinamide) as part of a B complex is excellent for reducing cholesterol. Vitamin C is also good. A very helpful reference is the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing. It is full of ways to try to lower your cholesterol through nutrition and dietary change before going on meds.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that although it is hereditary in my husbands family he is the only one without a problem. We attribute it directly to his taking of B and C vitamins everyday and a good diet. For what it's worth, even his fathers doctor has now prescribed niacin for his dad to help with his cholesterol. two cents. :)
I was vegetarian, worked out 6 days a week, ate plenty of legumes/beans and my cholesterol was right around 200. They told me it was all in my genes since I was already doing everything I should be. (I was at a good weight too).

Since then, I went vegan and my total dropped to around 150 or so. My good cholesterol, last checked, was like 54.

I'm certain that cutting out all animal products produced the results for me...

good luck!
Thanks for all the posts with advice and information! I have tried some of the recommendations here like fish oils, olive oil, various supplements, etc., but it didn't make enough of a difference. BTW, my particular problem is with my LDL (bad cholesterol, right?) which is way too high. The other numbers and my blood pressure are all good.

For dsa3: Do you know if you can be trying to get pregnant and take Zetia? The doctor wants me to try Crestor, but she says I would have to stop taking it 2 months before "trying." Looks like you and I have everyone beat with our "number" maybe!

Thanks again everyone!
I'm just going to add that my Dh and his family have high cholesterol. His father had high LDL like you, but a normal range for cholesterol overall so he never changed his diet, felt he didn't have to. He also had high blood pressure and was on meds for that. He had a massive HA at age 67. That sort of woke up my H and he went and had his checked and all of his numbers are bad and I struggle to get him to eat better...he eats his lunches in restaurants and doesn't make very good choices I'm afraid. I have gotten him to stop eating fast food if something else is available but he still goes for the greasy/high fat stuff on the menu.

But he too is supposed to be on meds for lowering his cholesterol but he won't go back to the doctor. Has too much of his father in him I guess. Also a good friend of ours has been on cholesterol lowering meds for several years now and his cholesterol is still is genetic in his family as well and he really watches his diet too and walks everyday. So, you are not alone in this struggle.

Swimnfit...thanks for the book recommendation. I am always on the lookout for information to lower cholesterol and help Dh change his eating habits.
Just wanted to second what another post said: sometimes vegan is the only way to go to get stubborn cholesterol down. I have a friend who was opposed to taking medication for his high cholesterol, and eating vegan most of the time worked for him.

Although he is considered on the "fringe" because his recommendations seem extreme to most Americans, check out Dr. John McDougall's books. He and Dr. Dean Ornish seem to have had very good results in getting cholesterol down using diet. Another source is Dr. Neil Barnard.

Good luck!

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