>Debbie, since this is a regular class at the you
>think that the members wouldn't have a problem with RT's
>watching the class, snapping pictures, etc...?
For what it's worth, last year Cathe's regular class-takers were wonderful. They all thought we were nuts, but they were wonderful.

One of the women who was there to take Cathe's regular class looked at me while we were waiting for Cathe to arrive and said "who are you all here to see"? "what's going on?" It was incredibly neat to see how "regular" Cathe is to all her gym members. I said "we're actually here to see Cathe". The woman was shocked! She had no idea Cathe even made fitness videos!!!
From my experience, the regulars at that class were just great---totally patient and understanding. I'm sure they all had quite the chuckle at our craziness! All of us "early birds" took spots in the back to let the regulars have their normal spots in the class and kept the "whooping" and shouting to a minimum.
I don't think Cathe was expecting as many of us to show up as we did and she was pretty surprised when she walked into the class and we all started screaming!

I think this year she'll be expecting us to be there.
It's just really important that we all aren't obnoxious during this class and stay in the back of the room to allow the regulars to have the normal Friday morning class with her.
Oh, and there's one chick who's going on the roadtrip who cries every time Cathe's within 50 feet of her. Try and keep her in the back. She's the most obnoxious one of all....