Any South Jersey/Philly area users....

RE--GETTINGFIT--- tried to contact you

OOPS! I forgot to address your name! Have a great day!TGIF~~~Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Sounds like a plan!

Gettingfit - that sounds great. I'd love to meet all of you, I'm sure we'd have a great time. ;-)

DebbieH - if the Roadtrip falls through and you and Honeybunch decide to head out this way anyway, just give a holler!
RE: Sounds like a plan!

Thanks - I'll email my address now.
Hey, Francine

My FRIEND in Fitness!!! I would love to hear about your "Rock & Burn" workout you designed. Would you mind sharing it with me? You can either post it here or E-mail me personally. How nice that Deborah might be able to rock with us! Thanks, Francine.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Rockin' my life away!!!

I'm taking Franci up on her offer! We're going to get together Sunday! I can't wait to meet another Cathe devote' fact-to-face!

If Franci doesn't get the rock & burn rotation to you, I will! We'll all burn, baby, burn!

Let us know what you think, Deborah! It's a nice piece of equipment. I was very happy with the quality, especially since I got it for $89.00!! I even had the thought that this is something I coud take along on a vacation if we drive. Now, how sick is that?? Always thinking ahead! Have fun meeting Franci! Keep us posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Deb --

The last two VF roadtrips, I'm sad to say, I was a pitiful wait-lister. It happened to me because I only visit VF sporadically (I know, I know, I should just make it a habit). So I want to ask a favor of ya -- if you hear of a VF trip PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me! If I miss another one I will just have to commit some kind of hari-kari. :)

Do we have to wait for VF to put together a trip? Could we organize one on this site? I'm wondering if it might not be better to plan it for early winter so that Cathe and crew could get settled in (and hey, WHAT an incentive to go light on the holiday goodies!!!) [FONT C OLOR=Blue]Kathy S.[/FONT]
RE: Woo-Hoooo!

DebbieH...we could drive out together, I'm from Columbus! I'll bring along one of those pizzas from Trader Joe's!

Okay, Kath!

And likewise, if YOU hear anything, let us all know. Wouldn't it be sooo much FUN!? I guess Cathe's new place is going to be quite a bit bigger so it will accomodate more students/fans, whatever we are!! I'm not really sure what all goes into organizing a trip. Does anyone here have any experience???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Woo-Hoooo!

Ok, I'm telling you guys, if Cathe doesn't do a road trip--come anyway. My house isn't huge, but it's big enough for a grown-up girls slumber party! We can all go see Cathe together. Yeah, I'm 30 minutes or so from Cathe, but it's closer that 14 hours, isn't it?!

We'll do our own Cathe road trip!

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
RE: Hey, Francine

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-02 AT 07:35AM (Est)[/font][p] Hi Debbie!I tried to email you but it wouldn't come up!You can email me at [email protected] with your address! I wanted to let you know that I'm gonna copy and paste the workout here for the bun and thigh rocker that I'm giving to GETTINGFIT! It's not my "original" because I designed 3 workouts for Jake and I signed release papers not to disclose exact format--everything is still pending--but I can give you a hint--it's all about the HOLD and BREATH--that's where you feel the burn----I wanna come out with a ROCK~N~BURN video series to keep us fitness freaks on top of our games--wish me luck--send me your email cause this copy is horrible--and uneven-so sorry!

5 MIN WARM UP ( side twists,quad stretch(hold for 15 secs each leg)
hamstring stretch,plies, plies w/alternating calf raise- w/arms extended doing lil
circles,runners lunge-side
to side motion, good mornings,deadlifts-then reach
and hold ankles)
2 MIN CARDIO(blue bands at all times)feet straight til next cardio set
1 MIN slow &steady w/10lbs dumbbells(3count down HOLD and 1 up)
2 MIN CARDIO feet shifted right til next cardio set
1MIN slow & steady w/10lbs" " 3 count down HOLD and 1 up)
2 MIN CARDIO feet shifted left til next cardio set
1 MIN slow& steady w 10 lbs- 3 count down HOLD and 1 up)
2 MIN CARDIO plie position
1 MIN slow & steady w 10lbs-3 count down HOLD and 1 up)

15 CALF RAISES( toes at bottom of stand-push up-HOLD and lower
heels slightly under stand)(1 MIN)
15 LEG EXTENSIONS w/5 sec hold(when knees are at a 90o angle
extend and hold) now other leg
15 LEG EXTENSIONS w/5 sec hold

15 ALTERNATING OUTTER THIGH LIFTS (squat,lift extend to side-
slow& steady 30 total)
15-1 LEGGED SQUAT W/SIDE SWEEP(when extending up sweep
leg to side w/ a pointed
toe,when descending bring
same knee in and up(like a
reverse crunch-then go up
sweep out and bring in etc)
15-1 LEGGED EXTENSIONS(other leg)
15 LEG CIRCLES(each direction--hold bars steady and go left to right
pointed toe-down ,around and up15x and reverse)
15 LEG CIRCLES(other leg-down around and up 15 x and reverse)
Rock steady for 1 min and final 30 seconds tap knees 3 x between final squats-to shake it up)
ROLL ON FLOOR (facing down do 1 legged hamstring curls 15x slow then 15 pulses up--then do other leg-15x slow then pulses up-
Back stretch, supermans,swimming maneuver,hamstrings,quads,
calves,stretch legs out good and hold for 15 secs

Approx 40 MINS
Optional equipment for intensity
bodybar(for warm up of good mornings,deadlifts,and side twists)
ankle weights
handweights,wrist weights
weighted vest
extra resistance bands Your friend in fitness~~Francine

I'm such an idiot when it comes to this computer!I can't even get the copy paste thing down!It skips some things and then when I paste it it goes lower then where I wanted it! Can anyone help me? When I'm writing an email and want to copy and paste-how can I get it at the beginning of the paragraph?The lines write where I want it but then when I click paste it goes an inch down! HMMM-- well I printed out the workout for GETTINGFIT and noticed that I didn't have certain foot placements in my previous post-so I had to update it!It was easier when my nephew was videoing me when I was making my workouts--I just flowed through the motions and everything comes to me--writing the format is tricky to get the point across--I hope you all have a safe,fun workout and oh yeah-burn,baby burn!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-02 AT 08:17AM (Est)[/font][p]Thank you so much for taking all the time to post this to me. I appreciate it. Oh boy, does it look like a killer! My rocker did not come with the "blue" bands?? I called and the lady said the bands are all black. I'm assuming the blue bands are lighter resistance for cardio??? Does anyone know where I can get the blue ones? Again, Francine~THANKS!!!!

Francine, how did you get involved with Jake? That is sooo cool. Have you met him in person? Nosey, aren't I?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Lizzie, I go to Kinetix on rt. 363 just for spinning and weights. I've never taken a step class that's even remotely as intense as Cathe so it seems like a waste to take classes.
RE: Francine!

Hi Debbie!You need them blue bands girl!I'm gonna email you on some info!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

Hi Deborah!It was soo nice meeting you!Thanks for the homemade ice tea-it was delicious!I wish we had more time to chat!I'll be looking forward to our Cathe day and then lunch at Olive Garden!Enjoy your rocker and keep up the great work! I can't believe you only did 2 weeks of the tank top rotation--you have great definition already!Looking good girl~~I'll check back with you after I tackle Rythmic step~kiss the poochies for me~~Your friend in fitness~~Francine

Hey Francine!!!! It was awesome to spend time with someone who understands the "addiction!" And by the way, My butt is killing me today!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Can't wait to see you again!

Let me tell, you others checking in here--Francine is in AWESOME SHAPE! Great arms & a six pack to die for! And to make it even better, She's a great lady!

Take care, Deborah

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