Any South Jersey/Philly area users....


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-02 AT 04:17PM (Est)[/font][p]Ok, this is a silly question & a little star struck to boot but here goes...Any of you from S. Jersey or Philly ever gone to Cathe's gym? I'm trying to get the nerve up to go & take a class with her & am curious about your experiences.

I guess what I man is, was Cathe harder to keep up with in person? I know she must have been incredibly nice, but tell me about her workouts!
Sorry, can't help you there! But someday soon I plan to go... when I get back up to a really good fitness level (I have been slacking off BIGTIME lately) and when the new facility is finished. I am just outside Philly to the west... are you from around here Gettingfit?
I live in Conshohocken and work in Plymouth Meeting. Hey, you just let me know when you're ready to go and we'll be starstruck together. ;-)
It's a little trickier only because you don't have that rewind button! ;-) I've never taken a live Cathe cardio class that wasn't part of a VF Road Trip, but I did take Cathe's BodyPump class once with her regular gym crowd and a few other VFers, and had no problem following along/keeping up. A step class may be a completely different story, though! I would think if you're pretty used to her choreography it wouldn't be too hard to follow along since you're already used to her cueing style. Oh, and on the road trips, I definitely modified! (But that was mostly because I didn't want to completely wipe myself out -- 3 intense workouts in two days was quite a lot! If you're only taking one class, you might not have to modify as much or at all.) One thing for sure, if you do go, you won't regret it. :)
I live in Blackwood Nj and would "love" to go with you to see Cathe!I'm available on Sat,Sun, and Monday--email me and we'll go from there---Your friend in fitness~~Francine
I live in Sicklerville just 1 or 2 towns over from Cathe. I would love to get the nerve up to go over there and take a class but......YIKES...could I keep up as I am still an "in-training" Cathe-ite!
me too

Hey, I work in Plymouth Meeting too! Small world, isn't it?? Do you belong to a gym in the area?
WOW! It sounds like there are enough of us to plan a "Cathe Get Together!" Would you all be interested in setting a date in mid-October? I'm in school on the weekends in September, so October is the best I can do!

I'm thinking a body pump class on Saturday morning. Let me know what you all think!
Gettingfit - I've never done Body pump... what's that all about? Sounds interesting.

I have time in October for a get together but I need to find out what week my parents are coming for a visit... then I can plan more easily.

Lis1 - small world indeed! Nope, I don't belong to a gym in the area because I mostly work out at home or outside if it's not too hot. I used to be a member of Lady Of America Fitness, just down Germantown Pike. The full class sizes started getting to me though so that's when I got into the video madness. ;-) Do you go to a gym nearby?
Hi Lizzie,

Body Pump is a fast paced weighted workout. If you go to you can see a poor quality streaming video of what it looks like. I think it's basically a workout along the lines of LL back to back different body part exercises, active recovery.
COUNT ME IN!"Sat am bodypump"--just give me the date---and if you want to go anytime sooner--I'm there too--email me at [email protected]---I'll work around your schedule!Remember-If your feeling spontaneous email me and we'll get the heebie jeebies out of our system together~ Your friend in fitness~~Francine
For those of you that responded that you would be interested...I put your e-mail addresses in my contacts list at work. I will definitely let you know when I've figured out a good date.

RE: Waaaaah!!!

Deborah~What a nice offer! Thank you so much. I live in the Akron/Canton, Ohio area and I don't think I would attempt the drive. (At least, not on my own!) HoneyBunch and I have talked about flying to Jersey to meet Cathe and hopefully lots of the great people here after they get into the new building. We are hoping to get picked for a roadtrip. I'm hoping one gets put together later this year. If not, maybe can make it out for a weekend class or two. Thanks again for your generous offer. I'll definitely look you up if we get over your way. Have FUN!!! "Plyo jump" a few for me if you get to go!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
tried to contact you

I emailed you yesterday and I'm not sure if it went through!I believe you were looking for a bun and thigh rocker back in June and I made a post to you stating that I have an extra one--if you're still interested let me know! I can deliver it to you this weekend!It's a wonderful addition to your leg routines-it also has the upper body workout--I'll also give you my rock and burn workout that I designed--let me know -if not maybe someone from jersey or philly would be interested--I let my friends and sis in law use it but they are not dedicated like us and I don't want it collecting dust--it's a powerful piece of equipment and very effective when used on atleast 2xs a week!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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