Retin-A is absolutely worth the money! OTC compounds just aren't strong enough. My derm says that retinoids are the main course and everything else is dessert for skin care.
And forgive my impertinence, Ohio you will absolutely be safe from burning if you're religious with sunscreen, b/c *running in the sun* rarely happened when I lived in OH/MI
! It was more... *OMG! What is that big round thing in the sky and why is the sky that strange blue color!?!?!* 
I've actually been upgraded to Tazorac b/c Retin A wasn't strong enough for my thick Irish skin. I could use it twice a day and never flaked a single skin cell.
Thank God my derm wrote a letter to the insurance co. cuz this stuff is over $250 a tube!
As far as waxing, I've always heard to lay off those areas to be waxed for 3-5 days (depends how sensitive u r) before hand and it should be fine.
I can't believe how annoying it is to have acne AND wrinkles! Argh!
Good luck!
Retin-A is absolutely worth the money! OTC compounds just aren't strong enough. My derm says that retinoids are the main course and everything else is dessert for skin care.
And forgive my impertinence, Ohio you will absolutely be safe from burning if you're religious with sunscreen, b/c *running in the sun* rarely happened when I lived in OH/MI
I've actually been upgraded to Tazorac b/c Retin A wasn't strong enough for my thick Irish skin. I could use it twice a day and never flaked a single skin cell.
Thank God my derm wrote a letter to the insurance co. cuz this stuff is over $250 a tube!
As far as waxing, I've always heard to lay off those areas to be waxed for 3-5 days (depends how sensitive u r) before hand and it should be fine.
I can't believe how annoying it is to have acne AND wrinkles! Argh!
Good luck!