Any preggos order new VHS or DVD's?


I preordered the DVD's. It sounds as if it's going to be a little while before they will be ready. I look forward to using them as a mechanism to getting back into shape when baby comes. Wouldn't that be awesome if I could keep them hidden until 6weeks post-natal? Trust me,I will not be able to leave them alone. I'll have to at least TRY them!

Anyway, I'm betting SOMEONE out there has the VHS's & I'm wondering what they think of them...from a pregnant ladies side of view.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Melanie,
I have been lurking here on this board for quite some time, but I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I ordered the VHS tapes yesterday, and I should be getting them soon. (I also have the DVD's preordered,but I just couldnt wait, my husband thinks I'm nuts, but I know I will be able to sell them once the DVDs come in)

I have been watching your workout log because your workouts have been very similar to mine, and I am due one week after you (Feb 1, 2004).
I am going to attempt the new videos, and I will let you know how I make out!

The only modification I have done so far is taking out some of the high impact, I still attempt light jumps and kicks, but no more plyo or power moves. Hopefully the new videos will be easy to modify.

I will let you know!
Anne, thank you so much for your input! You made my day, sometimes I feel like I"m not doing as much as I should. Have you considered posting your workout logs? Your right, our due dates are very close...we could deliver on the same day. I'm already planning on delivering in the beginning of Feb, so I won't be disappointed if the baby doesn't come in Jan.
That would be AWESOME if you'd share your experience with me when you get your new videos.
Do you have your baby's room ready? Are you still gathering things or are you all set? Is this your 1st? Okay, maybe I"m getting too carried's just I haven't run into anyone who is so close to my due date. :eek:)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hey know I ordered the DVD's and I can't wait to get them and yes I will try them, funny as it may turn out to be!!! I keep seeing that picture of Cathe laying on the ball with her arms out and thinking that it looks just like a pregnant lady laying on her immense stomach!! I can't wait!!

Please Anne, let us know how it goes with your VHS tapes and being pregnant....I'm extremely curious too!!

I ordered the DVD's before I got pregnant...
I still plan to use them as much as I can before the baby comes, and then even more after the baby is born.
Charlene (due 6/26/04)
Hi Melanie,
Well I just checked the ups tracking and my videos are due to arrive today! whoo hoo

As for your questions -
This is my first baby too.
The babies room is - coming along. The first coat of paint is on the walls and trim, (thanks to my wonderful father-in-law). He will probably do the 2nd coat next weekend. (my husband, well, lets just say he isnt the handy one in the family - LOL)

I bought my pattern from JC penney - its called "Hearts and Flowers" (its a girl BTW). I decided not to wait for the shower and just ordered all of it myself. There are plenty of other things on my registry list so I'm sure people will have lots to choose from.

Actually - I should say I HOPE its a girl - we did have two ultrasounds and the tech said girl both times - but I guess you can never be 100% sure.! I was concerned about painting the room lavender - but my FIL said "honey, if that baby turns out to be a boy - I will have that room painted blue before you even get out of the hospital...:7 "

Boy - for being a lurker for so long - I sure have written a lot. I guess this posting thing isnt too bad. I will probably join your checkin this week and post my workouts.

Talk to you soon! I will post my results with the new videos!
Today? Wow! Can't wait to hear about what you think of the videos. I think it's great that your FOL has the baby's room painted already. It sounds like your well on your way. I think the ultrasounds are pretty accurate--so I'd be confident to say it's a girl. Any names picked out?
BTW you'll find EVERYONE on this forum to be absolutely wonderful & friendly. Don't be timid with your postings, we love to hear from you.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I'm Back!
Well, I've done three of the body blast videos so far - here is my "pregnant" review Push-pull.

This one was nice and short, I cut and paste a list of the exercises:
(See my notes next to each one)
I am starting my 29th week today, so more and more I find myself lowering my weight.

Barbell Squats (legs with focus on quads) - only modification was lower weight.
Deadlifts (legs with focus on glutes/hamstrings) - only modification was lower weight.
Static lunge with heel lifted (legs with focus on quads) - for some reason I kept losing my balance on this one - had to keep my heel on the floor!
Leg Press (legs with focus on glutes/hamstrings) - only modification was lower weight.

Bench press on ball (chest) - These are bench presses, but Cathe lies on the ball rather than flat on her back. I tried them and they felt ok. I guess it was because I wasnt entirely on my back?
Deadrows (back) - only modification was lower weight.
flys on ball (chest) - same as bench press
Y's on ball (thats the Push Pull picture where we had our arms going back with thumbs up...for upper back) - didnt even attempt this one! wait till you see it. I just sat upright and did delt flys.
Inverted shoulder press on high step (top/mid delt) - again, didnt even attempt it! Cathe is completely upside down doing shoulder presses.
One arm row (back/lats which are beneath shoulders) - only modification was lower weight.
Front raise on ball (front shoulder) - only modification was lower weight.

Rear delt raise on ball (back shoulder) - Cathe lies on her stomach on the ball and does these, I sat upright.
Bicep curls with ball (biceps) - only modification was lower weight.
Slow Dips/immediately to kickbacks (tricep) - only modification was lower weight.

Outer thigh on ball - no modification
Inner thigh with ball - no modification
Superman on ball (low back) - I just got on my hands and knees and did lifted one arm/leg at a time
Crunches with ball (abdominals) - I have an incline bench that I have been using for abwork so I just used that and did the crunches on an incline.
Calve raises - no modification
Tibialis Anterior w/ball (shins) - no modification
Full Body Stretch


Basically - there are three exercises on the ball where you lie on your back that you may or may not want to do - the bench press,flys and ab crunches. If you have an incline bench or another exercise to sub, you might want to try that.

Then - there are two exercises that you dont even want to attempt (in my humble opinion) - and they are the inverted ones she does - Y's on ball and Inverted shoulder press.

Finally, there are another two exercises where Cathe lies on her stomach on the ball - the Rear Delt raise and the Superman. You can sit up for the delt raise and modify the superman by doing one arm/leg at a time on your hands and knees.

The other exercises I just modified by using a lower weight.

All in all - it is very do-able for preggos - all basic weight exercises with no impact or jarring!

Whew - that took longer than I thought.
I will review Supersets and "Kick Punch and Crunch" later.

Thanks for reading!

Anne - Thank you so much for all of that info!!! I am so excited to get my DVD's!! It will be nice to be able to right into the workout knowing which modifications need to be made!! Thanks again - I'm sure we all can't wait to hear your summaries of the other two workouts!!!! Have fun! :D
Anne thanks so much, what a thorough review. I can't wait to get the DVD's I'm just scared that I will be right around the corner from delivery and waiting is so very hard!!!! Can't wait to hear your other reviews as well!!

Anne, YOU ARE AWESOME! That helps so much. Have you had a chance to try any of the others yet? I can't wait to hear ALL your reviews. Take your time! Have you concered joining the workout log check in? Love to see you there, especially since we're so close with our due dates.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi again everyone,
and you're welcome for the review! Here is another one for SUPERSETS:

I copied the exercises from Cathe's description of the video - see my notes next to each one:

Round One, Group A, consists of the following body part and exercise:

Legs...........barbell squats - no modification, just lower weight.
Legs/Back...barbell deadlifts - no modification, just lower weight.
Chest..........barbell bench press - Did this on incline bench.
Shoulders....dumbbell front/side raise on stability ball - no modification, just lower weight.
Core............wood chops on the stability ball - this was another one where Cathe uses the ball as a bench, the "wood chops" are like dumbbell pullovers. Personally, the weight was a little too much for me, so I didnt use any weight at all, but I still did the exercise. Some people might want to skip this one.

Round One, Group B, repeates the body parts but uses different exercises:

Legs...........barbell plie' squats - no modification, just lower weight.
Back...........dumbbell pullovers on the stability ball - see above description of the "wood chops". You might have no problem with these, but these just didnt feel right, my stomach muscles felt too "stretched".
Chest..........dumbbell incline fly on stability ball - I did this like Cathe(she lies on her back on the ball), but you could also use an incline bench
Shoulders....dumbbell rotator cuff side raises on stability ball - no modification, just lower weight.
Core...........roll outs on the stability ball (no weight) - I just did crunches on an incline.

Round Two, Group A, consists of the following body parts and exercises:

Legs..........dumbell one leg squat - these are where Cathe puts one leg back on a bench and the other one lunges forward. She then does squats in that position. Even non-pregnant I have trouble with these! But I kept losing my balance and did them on the floor.
Shoulders...dumbbell seated overhead press - no modification, just lower weight.
Biceps........barbell preacher curls on the stability ball - Cathe leans on her stomach on the ball and does curls with the barbell - I just stood and did them.
Triceps.......dumbbell extensions on the stability ball - no modification, just lower weight. maneuver - I sat on my bench and did crunches - lifting one leg at a time towards me (saw this exercise in a pregnancy fitness book)

Round Two, Group B, repeats the body parts but uses different exercises:

Legs..........explosive lunges (no equipment) - these were very high impact - I just did regular lunges.
Shoulders...dumbbell rear and front delt raises prone on stability ball - cathe lies on here stomach on the ball for these - I did them sitting up
Biceps........dumbbell concentration curls on the stability ball - no modification, just lower weight.
Triceps.......seesaw tricep push ups (no weights) - um - no. hehe..just wait till you see them. I just did triceps dips.
Core...........side oblique crunches on the stability ball - This might have been do-able, but I didnt take a chance and did oblique crunches on the incline bench.

All - in - all this one required more modifications than push-pull, especially for the core work.

I cant wait to try it non-pregnant! But if you know ahead of time the mods you are going to do - it is do-able when pregnant.

Have fun,
I will review Kick punch and crunch next!

Anne, can't wait to hear about the cardio workouts (by far my favorite). It sounds as if Kick punch & crunch is supposed to be pretty tough.
Really appreciate all your time doing this for us.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Anne - You are so awesome for doing this!!! It will really help, like you said, to know ahead of time the modifications that need to be made!!! I am so anxious for these workouts! The time that you put into doing this for us is truly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
I'm irritated that my printer is broke, I want to print off your modifications when I do PP and SS. Oh well, thanks so much. Great advice!!! Keep the reviews coming!!

Can't wait to hear about cardio (yeah right) I only want to hear about it if Cathe's sits on the step frequently and takes potty breaks and sips of perrier every 5 minutes. (oh yes....these might fall in the pregnancy modification catagory). :D :D :D

Ok, Here is my Kick Punch and Crunch Review:

First of all - pregnant or non pregnant - my one complaint is that the two guys in cardio kicks are NOT in this video = (They were my favorite part in Cardio Kicks..hehe ;) )

This video is different then Cardio Kicks in that there is not a lot of the hi-low type cardio in it. It is mostly pure kickboxing moves.

Cathe starts out with about 14 minutes of low-impact warmup. This was great, no need to modify much here. But then she does go on with some kicking drills that do have jumps. I had to march in place a few times. This goes on for about 20 more min.

Then she moves on to do 3 kickboxing combos. These all consist of a few punches and then some kicks. She teaches the combo in two parts, the punches, then the kicks. Then she turns the kicks into Jump-kicks, I just left them low. That was the only modification I had to make for the combos. (Well, I should point out I'm not very coordinated, even non-pregnant, so a few times I did just stop and watch...heehee)

You might be able to keep some of the jumps. Up until a couple weeks ago (I am 28 and half weeks now) - I was still doing higher impact. But lately I can feel my belly "bounce" and I don't like it! (first time mom, slightly paranoid).

Finally, the last section of abs, I really just watched and did my own thing on my trusty incline bench. Cathe has some great new core moves with the ball that I can't wait to try after the baby.

I hope that helps, I have only done the video once and that was last week, so I hope I'm not forgetting anything. I might do it again later this week so I will update if necessary.

Still have yet to try the other three - will let you know!
Due 2/1/04
You are awesome Anne!

Yeah Anne. YOu are doing so great! Thanks so much for the update. HOpefully the DVD's will be released soon. I'm even more excited to try them after your reviews.
I haven't felt the baby 'bounce' as you have...or maybe I haven't paid any attention to it. I know there are maternity belts that some women choose to wear during physical training to 'keep things in place". Motherhood has them for around $10 --they offer great back support too.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Step Jump and Pump

Well - this morning I did Step, Jump and Pump for the first time..I really liked it!

Here is a breakdown:

Step: 23 minutes
The first step portion is awesome - I didnt have to modify at all. Cathe does a warmup first, then 4 step combos all on the step. There is almost no jumping, and the little jumping that there is, I was able to modify easily.

Hi-low: 5 minutes
Oh boy - so much for no impact, this first section is all high and jumping. I did all of it low impact. Running in place, I marched. Kicking and high-knees I did all grounded. I had my heart-rate monitor on and believe my I was still getting a great workout even doing the low-impact versions of all the moves.

Squats, deadlifts and rows:
These don't need any modifications. Except of course, where Cathe used 45 lbs, I used 20! She does a series of squats (lots of low-ends too...ughh) and then deadlifts and barbell rows.

Hi-Low: 5 minutes.
Another very high impact section. I modified all to low. For the plyos - I just squatted from side to side in the same rhythm that Cathe was jumping. It worked out well with the music.

Biceps and Shoulders: Cathe uses the barbell for biceps, then switched to dumbells for shoulder delt flys and front raises. This is all done standing so I didnt have to modify at all.

Hi-Low: 5 minutes.
Still very high impact! Once again, I did low.

Cathe does lunges with the barbell. This again needed no modifying, except lowering the weight. I actually used no weight at all for the low ends at the end of each set.

Hi-Low: 5 minutes
FINALLY - a low impact section that I didnt have to modify. This 5 minutes was all low, lots of salsa and grapevines, very fun.

Chest & Triceps: Cathe does these on the floor on her back. First she does presses, then flys with dumbbells for chest, then she does tricep presses with the barbell. I did both of these on my incline bench.

Abs: Cathe starts out on her back and does crunches, lower ab work and bicycles. I did the crunches on an incline, but instead of lower abs and bicycles, I sat in a chair and lifted one leg at a time (another move I saw in a preg. fitness book).

She finished up with planks, which I did. They were tough! I didn't do all the leg raises that she did along with the planks, I was happy enough to hold myself up.

Well - two more to go. Will probably do legs & glutes and step blast sometime this week.

Can't wait for the DVD's!

RE: You are awesome Anne!

Hi Melanie,
I actually wasnt feeling the baby "bounce" - but my belly was just moving a little too much than I liked. I think I just need some better maternity workout clothes!! These old stretched out shorts I have been wearing don't offer much support. LOL

But I do have one of those belts! I havent really worn it yet. Knock on wood, I havent had any back pain. I'm hoping it has to do with the workouts I have been doing. BUT I still have 11 weeks to go, so I still might not be out of the woods yet.

How are you feeling? I still feel pretty good. I keep holding my breath - waiting for things to get worse, but so far so good.

Due 2-1-04
RE: You are awesome Anne!

Thank you thank you thank you Anne!!!! I can't wait.....which will come first the DVD or the baby...hmmmm. Cathe's gonna give me all of a few days to enjoy these if she can get it here in 2-3 weeks!!!!


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