Any other military wives out there?


I was just wondering if there are any other military wives out there and using Cathe? With a deployed DH, I am finding exercise to help me get through - namely keeping me busy, raising those endorphins and giving me a strong sense of accomplishment. I can't wait for Dh to get home and see the improvements I made while he was gone. I joke that he won't recognize me at the pier at homecoming.
I'm a Navy wife living in Virginia Beach. My DH is not deployed. I go to aerobics classes by the Armed Services YMCA and do Cathe tapes at home. Exercise is really terrific for keeping stress levels down!
Hi!! My husband is in the Air Force, but he's not deployed. He's been in almost 18 years and has seen his share of the world (including Saudi 3 times!). He has a bad, bad knee -- otherwise he WOULD be gone!

I know what it's like to have your husband gone. It can be very difficult at times. I'm happy to hear that you are working out and trying to stay busy, etc. :) Hang in there!!!

I am and I am not! My hubby works for a large contractor who then works for the Royal Saudi Air Force. I have been in Saudi 6 years! Although he doesn't get "deployed" he does have to do additional hours at the air base as his role is Chief Engineer and he has to maintaint the engineering side of things. I do feel for all those wives who's hubby's are deployed and wish them all the best!
Retired Air Force Wife reporting in. My husband was deployed for Gulf I (as they are now calling it). At the time, I hadn't found exercise videos but I purchased one of those nordic track knock off's. I lost 10 lbs while he was gone--we were fortunate, he was only gone 6 weeks.

If you need to vent, been there, done that. Feel free to e-mail!

I am an Army wife. My husband has been in for almost 21 years, and I have been with him for all of it. We are currently stationed in Germany. He is not deployed, however as all military wives know, this could change at any time.

I started working out with Cathe about 5 or 6 years ago while we were in Kansas. I think the workouts are fantastic, and definite stress busters.

Jamie :)
I am a Navy wife of almost 10 years. We are currently stationed overseas. I have just started using Cathe tapes in March. I really like her work outs, I combine her Intensity series with 3 days of running on the treadmill.

My dh is in the Coast Guard. He's not overseas but he is doing his part under the Homeland Security. I'm a fitness instructor so that keeps me exercising but at home I'm pretty much working out with Cathe exclusively. For strength, I do nothing but Cathe.
Prayers and good thoughts go out to the troops and their families. Stay strong and be safe.
Hello, I am the wife to a marine of 8 years. He has not been deployed. He just recently joined the reserves again after being retired form the military for a few years. My husband is in remission from cancer, and doing much better. They told him since his health was better, he had the option to go back in, so he did. I do not think he will be deployed for that reason. For those of you whose husbands did get sent, our thoughts go out to you. My workouts have kept me saine through everything. Thank God for Cathe!!! She is so motivating!!! Good luck to all of you!

Hi Navywifey and all others...I just want to take a second to thank you for you and your husbands. I know it must be so hard at times like this. I appreciate so much all they do for us. Glad to know you have Cathe to help you through the stressful times. God bless them and God BLESS America!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hubby's Air Force. Home for now. Had been in Kuwait when they were shooting military men over there in the fall. Said that was very scary being there during that time period.
He'll probably get to go back in the summer. Yiipie NOT!

I find the workouts really do help out with stress. And burn off anxiety.
Debbie I also second your thanking the military families. You are our heros! God blessyou all for protecting us!!!!!!


May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :):7 :7
Thank you everybody. With all the negativity regarding the events going on right now, I (and I can probably speak for all military wifes out there) really appreciate the support.
Amen to the comments about our military men, women and their families. EVERYONE in the military has my deepest gratitude, not just the fighting forces, but those behind them who make it all run smoothly! And not forgetting the brave and stoic families who send their loved ones off to war. Thank you!

Without them all our world would be a very dangerous and un-happy place. I'm sending constant prayers for everyone!

Nadine Happiness is an Attitude
When I was an Air Force wife, I would lose weight every time my husband was deployed. (I don't eat as much when he's not around.) I definitely used my tapes to get me through the deployments. It's a great, constructive thing to do, and it really helps get your mind off missing him.
Hi Kathy!

Here is a link to finding some neat icons! You will have to search for what you want. There are soo many! I KNEW there had to be a flag somewhere. I think it took me a 1/2 hour to find it!:eek: Again, we can never thank our military and their families for all they are doing for us. Praying for safety and a quick return!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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